Honglou: This bastard is too persuasive.

Chapter 361 Jia Zheng was tamed, but some people were dissatisfied

Chapter 361 Jia Zheng was tamed, but some people were dissatisfied

When he returned to the dock, most outsiders had already gotten off the boat, but there were still one or two hundred people in front of the 10,000 people. They all had arrogant looks on their faces and looked at him coming, not taking him seriously.

It's as if they don't even take it seriously.

The one or two hundred people were divided into three teams, one team had over a hundred people, and the other two teams had thirty to fifty people each.

Jia Zheng: I can see that most of the 100 people are our own people, and one of the other two teams is our own people, and the other is not.

In this way, he felt relieved, because the team of 100 people was obviously the leader of his new people.

Among the other two teams, there are leaders who are also ready to take over their own teams.

And in the last team, the ones without any of their own were the sons of noble families.

It is impossible that he is the only one of noble birth in the Northeast region. There are many other noble children who have previously confronted Ningyuan City on the battlefield.

It's just that after such a long time, they still haven't had the opportunity to make meritorious service. Instead, the guerrillas have been making meritorious service one by one, so they were excited. So they organized themselves together, found Wang Zitong, and then were assigned here.

Since they are here, everything will be easy. It just so happens that some of my subordinates still don't listen to me. And among the 10,000 new arrivals, according to the intelligence I have received, there are also several thousand people who are unwilling to listen to me. So let those who are unwilling to listen to me act alone.

Jia Zheng thought of this and walked forward and said with a smile.

"First of all, on behalf of the Pi Island Army, I welcome everyone here. As you know, the current situation on our Pi Island is not optimistic, and everyone is in a difficult situation. If we want to have a good life, we need to start from several aspects."

"The first one is naturally the question of merit. I assure you here that no matter who gets the credit, I will never take a penny of it. You can also write a letter to the general yourself."

"But in large-scale operations, I hope you can all follow my command. If someone doesn't listen and causes bad results, then all the blame will be borne by them. I will write this in our Pidaojun's rules. If someone doesn't follow it and makes a mistake, don't blame me for being ruthless."

"But for small-scale combat, all of you can act freely. As long as you have independent leadership, you can lead your own team to the coastal area to see if you can earn some credit for yourself."

"But there is one thing I hope you all remember. You are here to defend your country and to recover lost territory. So even if I give you the opportunity to lead a team alone in the future, whether you are on land or at sea, if you encounter the people of the Great Zhou Empire, I hope you will show mercy. Otherwise, you can take their heads back and we can determine whether they are Tartars or not."

"I also want to explain to you here that if you kill innocent people to take credit, then no matter how many people you kill, the only thing I can do when you come back is to break your legs and lock you up until the general and the emperor deal with you."

"We are soldiers of the Great Zhou Empire, and we should protect the people of the Great Zhou Empire. So if you want to make merit, then find a way to kill the enemies. If you kill the people, then not only will you not get any merit, but you will also have faults." "But please rest assured. Killing the enemies will earn you merit, and rescuing the people will also earn you merit. If you kill the people you rescued, you will be in danger. So I advise you that the best way is to never kill ordinary people, but bring them back. This way, you will get the best result."

"I just said that I will not take any of the credit that belongs to you, so I will not withhold it from you."

"It's just that we haven't gotten used to each other yet, so we won't be taking action for a while. I hope you can understand."

"Now, there are more than 10,000 people on our island. The supplies on the island are obviously insufficient. The food and grass given by the general are not much. It's good enough to sustain us for half a month. If we don't have food replenishment after half a month, I'm afraid no one will survive. So I hope everyone can think about it carefully."

"See if you can find any way to bring enough food to our Pidao Army so that everyone can eat and drink well."

"Of course, as the general of this army, I can't just watch everyone starve to death, so I have thought of a few ways. The first way is that every captain of a thousand households should assign a centurion to lead 100 people, and everyone should work together to catch fish in the surrounding area. Fish is also a kind of meat, and eating it can make everyone healthier."

"But eating fish alone is obviously not enough, so if you want to have a good life here, you need to do another thing. Go to the northeast to hunt and attack the Tartars and rob them of their food."

"Our army is isolated overseas. If we cannot solve the problem of food on our own, we may be in danger in the future. So everyone should be prepared. I have arranged for people to gather intelligence on land."

"If I had the relevant intelligence, if I knew where the enemy's food was stored, or if I knew their food routes, I would lead you to bring the food back."

"So, although your arrival will cause some uncontrollable factors on the island, everything is within a reasonable range. Please stay here with peace of mind."

“I hope everyone can cooperate with each other and integrate into the Pidao Army as soon as possible.”

"Once we have merged with each other, I will lead you to take action. I also know that you came here mainly for the opportunity to make meritorious deeds, and I will give it to you, so please rest assured."

The implicit meaning of his words was that they would not be allowed to act alone before they had fully coordinated with each other. This made those among them who were eager to make achievements a little unbearable.

Sure enough, when he stopped here, the pair of descendants of nobles couldn't help but stand up.

"General, I think it's unreasonable for you to do this. With so many of us on Pi Island, it will take too much time to get used to each other. You also said that there is not enough food in the morning. In my opinion, it is better to let some people go fishing, some stay to get used to each other, and the rest can be sent to harass the enemy on land directly. In the process of harassment, we can get more materials and develop steadily."

(End of this chapter)

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