Honglou: This bastard is too persuasive.

Chapter 368: The Nobles Flee

Chapter 368: The Nobles Flee

However, after General Wan received news that people had landed in the northeastern coastal area from different places, he immediately arranged for his men to take action.

During this period, many people have come to the northeastern border because of the Emperor's order, and have recruited 20,000 to 30,000 soldiers. If another 20,000 to 30,000 are recruited, the task will be completely completed. But even if it is not completely completed, these people will be enough.

He already knew the number of people coming this time through his subordinates' reports. There were only a few thousand people, no more than 5000 at most, and these people had to be dispersed to more than ten places to log in, which means that each team had only a few hundred people. Facing such a few hundred people, if they couldn't deal with him, General Wan would have lived in vain.

"According to the intelligence from our subordinates, these people can be roughly divided into 13 to 15 teams, and each team has only to people. With such a small number of people, they actually want to come to our coastal area to perform meritorious deeds. They really don't know how to live or die!"

"Pass the message to me immediately. Haven't those newcomers recruited a lot of people? It's a good opportunity to capture these people's hunters. At the same time, we should not let go of the three teams nearby. It's a good opportunity for our people to make some contributions. Otherwise, His Majesty will think we are useless."

While General Wan was taking action, the noble children were still unaware of the coming danger. However, after they entered the interior, they discovered some unexpected things. Because there were basically no ordinary people here, if they wanted to make meritorious deeds they had to rescue the people or kill the enemy. The fact that the enemy did not appear and the people did not appear had a significant impact on their meritorious deeds.

Originally they thought that if they went deeper, they would be able to find someone. However, they did not expect that as they went deeper, not only did they fail to find anyone, but they were also in danger. If it were not for the personalities between them, then by the time the first team was destroyed, the others might have been too late.

Fortunately, they have prepared a lot of personalities for mutual communication, and they also know the dangers of the northeast region, so no matter which team the leader's children and noble personnel are, they are hidden in the middle of the team and do not wear conspicuous clothes on purpose, so they are not so easy to be discovered.

They were lucky as they were the leaders of a team. Because he didn't want to be too tired, he didn't let his men go ahead to explore the way. Instead, he went with a few people behind him to stroll around and appreciate the scenery of the Northeast. And just in case, they all wore ordinary people's clothes.

Moreover, he was very thin, and there was an immature child among his followers. When they were in a group, they looked like an old man with two sons. He put on makeup deliberately, and those who didn't know him would think he was an ordinary farmer from the Northeast. However, they were discovered by a group of Da Zi while they were marching.

When the three were surrounded, they were a little depressed.

But when they heard that these people were trying to catch up with the team in front, they realized that they must have hit the jackpot, so they hurriedly explained to these people that they didn't see anyone, they were just selling pigeons, and they even pulled open the black cloth on their cages to let people see the dozens of pigeons in the cages.

Although the Tartar general also knew the existence of personality, he did not think much about it when he saw that these dozen pigeons were no different from personality. Moreover, he would not think that these ordinary people had any connection with any intelligence organization, let alone that these people were actually soldiers of the Great Zhou Empire. Therefore, he did not pay attention to them. Seeing that these people dared to hang around here, he released their pigeons. "Don't do business in this coastal area. The war will start in this area soon. You can't do business. And with these pigeons, you may not be able to survive. So, if you listen to me now, leave quickly and find a place to hide first. If possible, go to the central city first. It's too dangerous here."

After saying that, a group of people rode their horses quickly and caught up with the team in front. After these people rode away, the three were so scared that they turned around and left without even stopping.

At the same time they left, the characters that had been released also flew into the hands of their owners. These new songs could connect with all the noble children and even all the teams. When the noble children in these teams found out about the new songs, they had a bad feeling in their hearts. When they saw that there was no message from the new pigeons, they thought of the secret code they had agreed upon with each other before.

No matter what the information is, it must be delivered by character to ensure everyone's safety. If there is no information in the character, it means two things, one is that they have encountered a great danger, and the other is that everyone is in danger, so as soon as they see the carrier pigeon, they find their own followers and leave the team for various reasons, leaving in the woods, mountains, and waters, anyway, everything that can be hidden is hidden.

At the same time, after they left, the team began to break up into small groups, dispersing throughout the Northeast region. Those who could hide hid, and those who could escape escaped. In any case, they hid first. Then they decided on a way to leave, which was to leave by water.

However, they had just dispersed and were soon caught up by Da Zi.

Although many people escaped from the dozen or so teams, more were captured. The noble children all evacuated because they received the news first, thus saving their lives. Moreover, because they evacuated early, they followed the planned route and arrived at the coastal area, where there were ships waiting, so they boarded the ships at the first time and left quickly.

When they returned to Pi Island, they were all very grateful. After surviving the disaster, they finally realized that not only did they fail to achieve any merit, but they also lost all their own manpower. It can be said that they lost both the wife and the army, and without manpower, they would be useless in this exhausting situation.

It will be impossible for them to make any more contributions in the future. Thinking of this, they feel very uncomfortable.

As a result, at this moment, Wang Ren turned over and saw them for the first time. He smiled bitterly and said.

"I'm so sorry, brothers. I didn't expect things to develop to this point. If I had known that the enemy was already prepared, I would never have let you go ashore. Fortunately, you all came back safely, otherwise I would not be able to explain to you."

(End of this chapter)

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