Honglou: This bastard is too persuasive.

Chapter 399: Rescue Wuzhiqi, the Jade Emperor takes a fancy to him

Chapter 399: Rescue Wuzhiqi, the Jade Emperor takes a fancy to him

The Demon King Jiao curled his lips speechlessly at this time. What Sun Wukong? He had never heard of this title. Moreover, he dared to call himself the Great Sage. He didn't even know his own weight.

To have such a title in the world of earthly immortals is to seek death. Everyone knows that there are a few saints in this world, and the rest are the masters of the world, who are half-invincible. Only these people can be called saints. As a result, you, who are not even a Daluo Jinxian, dare to call yourself a great saint. Isn't this seeking death?
But what does it have to do with me if you seek death? It would be great if you were killed one day. So he said very flatteringly.

"So you are the Monkey King, my king. I am so ignorant. I never thought I could become a Monkey King one day. It is my greatest honor to be your brother."

"Brother, go and rescue the third brother. I'll be waiting for you in the distance."

After the Dragon Demon King finished speaking, he quickly retreated. It was estimated that the Great Sage would not be killed by others in the future. This time, he flew towards the monkey, and most likely he would lose his life.

He had seen the monkey's strength when he caused chaos in the waters. Not to mention the power, he was even at the peak of the ordinary Taiyi period. Even if a Daluo Jinxian came, he would not be his match. So, if such a person was released, no matter who released him, most of them would become his sacrifice.

He was just waiting for his new big brother to be killed by the monkey after he came out, so that he could just run away. Wouldn't he be free then?

It's not like he hadn't thought about escaping when he had a chance in the future, but the bottom line world is so small, and his strength is limited in the ground line world. If he keeps his identity secret in the future, it would be fine. If he doesn't keep his identity secret, and is found by this big brother one day, he might be beaten to death. He doesn't want to be beaten to death because of this, so the best way is to kill the big brother, and then he will be free.

"My dear brother, please don't blame me. It's your own fault that you didn't have a good brain. You actually wanted to save this monkey. If you die, you can't blame me. You asked for it."

While he was talking to himself, he had already seen Sun Wukong in front of him taking action. Since Sun Wukong had taken action, he naturally had to stay away from him and wait until Sun Wukong was killed so that he could escape as soon as possible. However, just as he took a few steps back, Sun Wukong used his strongest attack and broke the seal in front of him with one punch.

Although it is extremely difficult to break the letter from the inside, even the peak Daluo Golden Immortal may not be able to break it, but if you want to break it from the outside, an ordinary Taiyi Golden Immortal may be able to break it with one strike. And now, with one strike from Sun Wukong, the seal was broken directly.

When the Demon King Jiaojiao saw this moment, excitement flashed in his eyes. The monkey was extremely evil. If he was released, endless night power would descend. No matter how strong Sun Wukong was, he would not retain much after the night power deepened. He would definitely become a level below Taiyi Golden Immortal. So he didn't have to worry. At the same time, if the monkey came out, it was very likely that he would kill Sun Wukong. Wouldn't he be free? As he was thinking this, a yellow light suddenly flashed in the sky.

Then, in his astonished eyes, he discovered that what appeared above his head was not a clean cloud or night, but a large cloud of merit and auspiciousness.

Just as he was wondering, a huge cloud of merit and auspiciousness suddenly fell from the sky and landed directly on the head of Sun Wukong. The cloud was absorbed into Sun Wukong's body as he turned around.

Then, one could see with the naked eye a circle of golden wheels of merit appearing behind Sun Wukong's head, and the magnitude of this merit was definitely comparable to saving hundreds of billions of lives.

When he saw this scene, he was stunned. He didn't expect that saving this monkey would not give him a night sign, but a lot of merit. So this monkey has made contributions to the world? But how is this possible?
Everyone knows that this monkey has stirred up chaos in heaven and earth, and everyone knows that this monkey has caused countless human lives to die. But the Demon King Jiao couldn't understand why saving him would bring him so many merits.

It's not just the Demon King Jiao. Many powerful people couldn't understand why they felt that it was basically impossible to gain merit in this Dharma Ending Age, but they didn't expect that merit would be bestowed upon them today, and the magnitude of this merit was beyond their imagination.

When they counted on their fingers, they found that this merit was actually obtained because someone rescued the monkey. It felt even more incredible. Everyone knew what the monkey had done and what contribution he had made to the world, but the person who saved him actually got the merit. This was simply unreasonable.

Even the Western Buddha Tathagata and the Jade Emperor of Heaven had to stop what they were doing when they reached this moment. The Jade Emperor who was holding a meeting in Heaven suddenly fell silent. The people below saw the Jade Emperor's silence and realized that something had happened, so they started counting with their fingers, and everyone was stunned.

Nezha was still young at heart, and after calculating the result, he couldn't help but exclaimed.

"It turns out that the monkey was not only not at fault, but actually did a great service to the world. Saving him actually brought such great merit. If I had known this, I would have rescued the monkey. I actually lost an opportunity to gain merit."

After he said this, everyone else reacted and became so depressed that they were about to cry.

If these merits can be used on oneself, then one's strength can be further improved. Even those who are on the List of Conferred Gods are thinking that if they have these merits, even if they are deep in the List of Conferred Gods, they will not have to worry about being killed.

Although they can be resurrected from the List of Gods after being killed, the resurrection consumes a lot of energy. Because of their merits, few people dare to attack them, and the consequences of attacking them are also serious.

Even the Jade Emperor above is thinking about giving this merit to himself, as it would be good enough if it could help him improve his cultivation a little bit.

Unfortunately, although they had all good thoughts, the reality was that the people had been rescued, the monkey was fine, the merit had already been bestowed, and the rest had nothing to do with them.

But since the monkey can bring such great merit, he must be a blessed person, so the Jade Emperor had an idea and looked at Taibai Jinxing next to him, and Taibai Jinxing immediately understood and said quickly.

"Your Majesty, in my opinion, that monkey and the monkey who rescued him are both rare creatures in this world, and both of them have great merits and can be said to have great blessings. It is better to recruit them to heaven."

(End of this chapter)

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