Honglou: This bastard is too persuasive.

Chapter 401: Gifts from all parties: Stone and water

Chapter 401: Gifts from all parties: Stone and water

It’s a pity that Taibai Jinxing’s words were very generous, but no one gave him face. After he finished speaking, Guanyin Bodhisattva smiled and spoke.

"Taibai Jinxing, what you said is a bit too much. The Jade Emperor invited him, so why would he go? Our Tathagata Buddha also wanted to find him for something, so he sent me here, and the Buddha said that as long as he is willing to come to our West, we will give him generous gifts."

The young man from the Yao ethnic group riding on the white tiger sneered disdainfully when he heard what they said, and took out two stones from his body and threw them out.

"You said you had a generous gift, so you should take it out. But our demon clan is different. We invited the two demon kings to Beiji Luzhou and brought gifts directly."

"These two stones were left by the goddess Nuwa when she was mending the sky. I give them to you two as a gift. Whether you are willing to go to Luzhou with us or not, these are for you. I just hope that we can have a good relationship."

From this, we can see that the demon clan is indeed more generous. However, just after he took out two pieces of sky-repairing stones, the people from the underworld also threw two stones over.

"The Bu Tian Stone is indeed good, but we in the underworld also have a welcome gift for you. This is a fragment from our Three Lives Stone. Although it sounds inferior to the Bu Tian Stone, it is the basis of the innate spiritual treasure. If you use it to refine, you can refine an acquired spiritual treasure."

"Moreover, this Three-Life Stone has the power of time and space. If it is made well, it can allow people to experience the time, rules and space rules. It can be said to be a rare treasure. I will give it to you two as a meeting gift. If you are willing in the future, our underworld will welcome you at any time."

Seeing that both sides took out stones, the Blood Sea's Blood God's clone did not hesitate and took out two blood-red stones.

"Since everyone is giving away stones today, I happen to have two here. Theirs is a spiritual treasure, and mine is also a spiritual treasure. This is our Netherworld Blood Sea special. Some of the Netherworld Blood Stones are not special things, but they are innate items. Many people want to use these innate enlightenments to make clones, because they all have the blood of ancient demon gods, or even 3000 demon gods in them. If they can be activated for a while, they can also make the clones have powerful talents."

Sun Wukong never thought that he would receive three such gifts. Although in the eyes of others these three gifts were just six stones, these three different kinds of stones could allow him to refine six new clones.

If I had enough clones, it would be much easier for me to set up my plans in the world of Journey to the West.

Originally, he really had no intention of joining any faction, but now he suddenly changed his mind. Since he could have six more clones, why not join a faction?

He could completely let his clone come out again, and in this way, he could do whatever he wanted. He could let his clone go to other forces and become a high-ranking official of other forces. Then, he would know the situation between the various forces, and everything between him and his clone was just a thought, and he would know it in an instant.

If I have my clones in every force, would I still be afraid of them?

So he looked at the two people who didn't take out gifts without hesitation.

Taibai Jinxing and Guanyin Bodhisattva did not expect that the three parties would be so shameless, and the two monkeys were even more shameless. The three parties had all given gifts, and they were the only ones left. If they did not give gifts, people would definitely not choose them. The key point was that if they did not choose them, then they would not be chosen. When they go back, the Jade Emperor and Buddha would know that they missed this opportunity because they were unwilling to give gifts. What would they think then?
Guanyin Bodhisattva knows Tathagata Buddha the best. He was originally a friend of Duobao. If he gets the chance, he will make things difficult for himself. Duobao is not a good person. He is the Tathagata Buddha who hit that person. In fact, he is not a good person in his heart. If he is really given the chance, he will definitely make trouble for himself. Therefore, Guanyin Bodhisattva will not make such a low-level mistake. Therefore, he directly poured two drops of water from the Zhongzhi Jade Bottle and gave one to the two people.

"Originally, everyone gave me stones. I wanted to give two stones too, but I don't have such a good innate gift. That kind of innate gift is hard to come by, so I can't give it to you. But I know I have two drops of Tiantian Enlightenment. These are two drops of Three Lights Divine Water."

"You two may not know that my mountain light and deep water, just a drop can bring back the dead, even if there is a problem with the innate spiritual treasure or innate spiritual root, it can be repaired instantly."

"At the same time, it is also very effective in curing illnesses and saving lives. Even if a person is seriously injured, as long as he is not dead, the Golden Immortal can save him."

"Of course, this is only the Mountain Light Divine Water, which is used to save lives and for healing purposes. If the three lights in the Three Lights Divine Water are separated, then no matter which light it is, it will be a deadly poison, so how you use it is up to you."

"Consider this as my Buddhist sect's greeting gift. If you are willing to join Buddhism, there will naturally be more benefits for you."

Having said that, he looked at Taibai Jinxing again and said with a smile.

"We came to invite you two to join us, and we all brought gifts. Could it be that you, Taibai Jinxing, didn't bring any gifts? You were the first one to ask, and I wanted to give you a gift, but when I thought about how you were the first one to ask and didn't bring any, I didn't feel comfortable taking it."

"Now the four of us have all brought out our gifts. You are the representative from the Heavenly Palace, but can't the Jade Emperor even bring out a piece of stone? If so, it would be very disappointing."

When Taibai Jinxing saw this, he realized that he had to take something out, and he was so depressed that he wanted to vomit blood.

But if he didn't take the things this time, His Majesty would definitely see through him, which he couldn't accept. He was the most capable minister beside His Majesty. If he made His Majesty feel resentful, he would suffer a great loss. So he could only grit his teeth and took out two stones, handed them to Sun Wukong and said.

"How could we in Heaven not have a gift for meeting them? I was afraid that they would feel ashamed when they saw my gift, so I didn't take it out. Now that they have taken it out, I should give my gift as well."

"Please look at my gift. It is two Chaos Stones."

“Although this is not an innate gift or a spiritual treasure, it is a chaos-level stone. Even if it is just an ordinary chaos stone, it is no worse than an innate spiritual treasure.”

"This is the gift that His Majesty deliberately asked me to bring to you. Since everyone has given it, I will give it to you directly. I hope you two like it."

(End of this chapter)

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