Chapter 12 So what if you look down on it?
  Sensing Qi and blood, transporting Qi and blood, and promoting circulation of Qi and blood throughout the body.

After practicing martial arts for nearly four months, I finally reached the second stage.

Jiang Shu punched out, and blood surged all over his body. The moment the horse stance was completed, he could clearly feel the changes in his body.

Strength, speed, and coordination are all improved in an instant.

A martial artist who reaches the Qi and Blood Transport Level has a single-arm strength of six hundred kilograms and a speed of more than ten meters per second.

If he returns to Earth now and participates in sports events, he can directly dominate the world and become the devil in the world of weightlifting and track and field.

No wonder the day after the Xia Kingdom issued a decree to transfer high school students to martial arts students and Xi Mabu Zhuang, they unilaterally announced that they would no longer participate in any sports events on Xuanxing.

At that time, Jiang Shu was just coming into contact with Mabu Zhuang for the first time, and he didn't understand why.

Now I suddenly realize that martial arts will be revived.

Sportsmanship has no meaning anymore.

However, the mere transportation of Qi and blood is already approaching the limit of human beings.

What if Qi and blood circulate throughout the body, or even directly become a formal warrior?

"With Dacheng's Mabu Zhuang, there should be no point in removing the liver. Just set aside half an hour every day to stand on the Zhuang Zhuang to transfer Qi and blood. The next energy should be focused on the Hungry Tiger Sitting Hole Zhuang and the breathing method. Strive for early success and achieve great circulation of Qi and blood throughout the body."

Jiang Shu was thinking in his mind.

"Jiang Shu. My classmate said she was bored staying at home and planned to practice martial arts. She wanted to sign up for a martial arts class. She has already made an appointment. She said she wanted me to take a look at it, but I don't understand. Come back quickly! I'm telling you, my classmate , so pretty!”

In my trouser pocket, my phone vibrated.

Looking at Chang Cao Yan Tuanzi's profile picture, Jiang Shu was speechless: "Jiang Yan Tuan, your brother has been practicing martial arts for a long time and has no women in his heart."

"Bah. You really think I can introduce you! I'm just testing you out to prevent you from having any evil intentions later! Now that you have passed the test, come back quickly!"

"By the way, take a look for yourself. If the martial arts training class is really good, you should also sign up for one. Even if you can't keep up with one floor, it's so cold in winter now. How can practicing martial arts outside compare to a training class with a venue? "

"We're practicing martial arts, just go and do it. If you can't handle it anymore, you can call me and I'll get there in time."

Jiang Shu typed and replied quickly.

After practicing martial arts, although his heart is like crystal, after all, he came from time travel, and with his strong Qi and blood, his basic needs are better than those of ordinary high school students.

It can only be said that he is more controllable now than those young people.

Because of my past life experience, I know how difficult women can be. Once you get entangled, not only will there not be any extra help, but it will also affect your martial arts progress.

As for martial arts training classes? It's not like he hasn't seen it. When Ma Buzhuang was a success, he went to three training courses in Jicheng.

But without exception, every training class is in name only.

They talk about teaching people Zhan Zhuang, but in fact, the Zhan Zhuang taught by these coaches is just an introduction.

The best one is just as accomplished as he is.

Also, at that time, it had been less than two months since Xia Guo announced the Mabu Zhuang.

Unless you start practicing Zhuang early, no ordinary person can achieve small or even great success so quickly.

It's not like everyone is his front-runner.

Jiang Shu closed his eyes and imagined the scene of Old Man Li pouring chamber pots and sweeping the floor at the entrance of the Green Snake Gang's Venomous Fang Hall over and over again. He imagined the scene of his identity being discovered and being chased by a group of gang members and several big bosses. He was brewing a murderous aura like a tiger's. Squat and breathe like a tiger.

Ma Buzhuang's qi and blood transfer only allowed him to understand what qi and blood transfer was.

If you really want to possess the combat power of this realm, you still have to wait until the Hungry Tiger Sitting on the Hole Stake and the Hungry Tiger Breathing Technique have both reached Xiaocheng!


Qingjiang Garden.

"Yanyan, do you still want to wait for your brother?"

Sang Zhirou sat on the sofa, pushed her hair behind her ears, and whispered.

She has a soft temper and blushes easily when chatting with others. Socializing in school basically relies on her best friend Jiang Yanyue. Now, like Jiang Yanyue, she has passed the early examination of Jicheng No. 1 High School and is ushering in the most leisurely time in her life.

Then I thought about whether I could strengthen my heart through martial arts practice.

"What should I say? If you don't sign up for a class on such a day, you have to practice martial arts outside and suffer in the cold wind, you are a lunatic. Don't wait for him, sister will take you! He has only been practicing martial arts for a few months, so let With his palm eyes, I’m afraid I’m going to trick you. Let’s go to that martial arts training class you mentioned before!”

"Well, it is definitely better to sign up for a class to practice martial arts. On the one hand, there are coaches and teachers, and on the other hand, it is more atmosphere. Just like when we study, the better the school, the better the class, everyone is there Study hard and the atmosphere will be good..."

Sang Zhirou's voice became softer and softer. She suddenly thought that she had heard her best friend say that her brother's academic performance was not very good. She unconsciously changed the subject: "But it depends on the person. Some people may have stronger self-learning ability." , suitable for one person to study.”

"Yes. He is the most suitable, the most suitable for practicing martial arts alone in the cold wind. Why don't he freeze to death!" Jiang Yanyue said through gritted teeth, thinking about the eight hundred yuan that she would never get back. While talking, he also sent the address of a martial arts training class to Jiang Shu's mobile phone.

"Little Mulberry, let's go!"

Turn off the air conditioner, pick up the scarf, and wrap it around Sang Zhirou.

I also put on my down jacket and my beloved fur hat, and my whole body was wrapped up tightly.

It’s already March, why hasn’t spring come yet?

Jiang Yanyue felt desperate, opened the door, and faced the north wind.

A true warrior dares to face the bleak life and dares to go out and take the bus in such weather!

Downtown Jicheng, Twin Towers.

Famous martial arts training class!
  Today happens to be the weekend, and there are already about twenty students like them in the venue, standing and studying under the guidance of the coach.

The stocking-wearing receptionist in work clothes came to the two of them immediately and said: "Hello, Yangming Martial Arts Training Class, are you high school students? Do you need to register for the class? We have basic classes and advanced classes here. You can take a look. .”

"Now the training time is all on weekends. The basic class mainly teaches horse steps and physical fitness. The training time is on Saturday and Sunday mornings. If you sign up for the advanced class, some fighting styles will also be taught. It is very effective. Especially you girls, you should sign up for advanced classes and learn how to fight, so that no pervert will dare to harass you again."

The person at the front desk chatted endlessly and his tongue was as bright as a lotus flower.

"Yanyan, please help me take a look. I feel like they have practiced well."

Sang Zhirou looked at the students who were already standing on the horse stance on the field, pulled Jiang Yanyue, who was a little numb from the cold, and whispered.

"Wait a minute."

After several minutes of warm air blowing under the air conditioner, Jiang Yanyue finally came to life with her whole body refreshed. She cleared her throat and said to the front desk: "How do you teach the horse stance?"

She didn't know how to practice martial arts, but Jiang Shu taught her a few days ago, how to rise and fall while squatting like a galloping horse, and to lift up and down like a flying horse. But now, the students on the field are simply standing still, motionless!
  Nothing else!

"Ah, I don't understand this very well. You can find a coach."

The receptionist looked apologetic, trotted over to the coach in white practice uniform, and whispered. After a while, the coach came over.

The coach is only about 1.7 meters tall. He posed in a few poses, standing next to him with strong muscles, and then the front desk said:

"The two classmates may not know about our training class. The boss of our training class used to study in Bang Country. He is a real Taekwondo master in Bang Country. He has won many awards! Now I heard that our Xia Country has started to promote martial arts again. , rejected various offers from Bangguo Taekwondo teachers to stay, and resolutely returned to China. Just to establish a martial arts training class and improve the morale of our Xiaguo's sons and daughters."

"This coach was his senior brother in Bang Country at that time. Although he is from Bang Country, he has been to Xia Country since he was a child and has a good understanding of Xia Country culture. He also has amazing martial arts skills and can easily split several wooden boards!"

After the receptionist said this, the coach in white training uniform looked proud, as if he could hear the girl's exclamation the next moment.

"Pfft, let me tell you, the postures of these horse stances are all weird. It turns out that the coaches are not from our Xia country. Little Sangpai, where did you read the advertisement? Why are you so unreliable?"

Jiang Yanyue looked disgusted and complained, and pulled Sang Zhirou to leave.

I originally felt that the stance of these students was wrong, but now a coach came out and said that they wanted to learn Taekwondo from Bangkok.

Taekwondo is just Taekwondo, no matter what the pretense is, no matter how popular it is.

Who are you lying to?

"You are not allowed to leave."

Just when Jiang Yanyue and Sang Zhirou turned around to walk out. The coach in white training uniform frowned, and stopped in front of them with a few quick steps.

"Registration is all about willingness. Why, you are still planning to force the sale. This is the Xia Kingdom!"

Jiang Yanyue was worthy of him. Even though the coach had muscles, what could he do in public.

"Hmph, this is the Xia Kingdom, but I am a citizen of the Bang Kingdom! You are not qualified to say that the horse stance I taught is unqualified. Apologize! Otherwise, you are just looking down on the Taekwondo and martial arts of our Bang Country. study!"

The coach in white practice uniform blocked the door. In the venue, many students stopped their horses and gathered around. They had been training for a long time, so naturally they were standing on the side of the training class. Many of them even pointed at Jiang Yanyue and Sang Zhirou.

Sang Zhirou's face turned red all of a sudden. She couldn't bear this, and she froze in place for a moment.

In contrast, Jiang Yanyue was much calmer.

This small number of students is not as good as one-tenth of the number of classmates when she spoke under the national flag on the playground.

As for this Taekwondo coach who seemed to be very powerful, she really didn't believe that this coach dared to attack two underage girls in Xia Kingdom.

Unless, this man weighs more than 100 kilograms, and not even a gram is in his brain.

Pouring her lips, Jiang Yanyue was about to organize her words to speak, but at this moment, a very familiar voice to her sounded from outside:

"So what if you look down on it?"

(End of this chapter)

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