Chapter 16 Warrior! Raise martial arts!
  I travel between two worlds in one day.

One time was at Zhanzhuang.

Another time, it was also Zhan Zhuang.

It was already past six o'clock in the morning when we returned from the world of Dajing Dynasty. The biting cold wind passed through the cracks in the window and hit Jiang Shu directly.

"I even saved money on down jackets by transporting Qi and blood. Rounding up, it's equivalent to making a few thousand yuan."

"Today, there is a senior brother in the Hungry Tiger Martial Arts Hall who has achieved a breakthrough in the circulation of Qi and blood throughout his body, but because he is too old, he cannot become a formal disciple. He can only quit the martial arts hall and accept the recruitment of a big family to become a high-level nursing school."

"It seems that the faster you practice martial arts, the better. Once it's too late, you won't be able to find a way up, and you will become a guardian of a big family, and you will be trapped in a small county town for the rest of your life."

"A world where classes are solidified and resources are distributed by the upper class. Ordinary people without talent really have no way to get ahead. Fortunately, I have a golden finger."

"Teacher Yan said there will be a special lecture on martial arts today, and I don't know what new information the senior management will reveal."

Jiang Shu casually relaxed his muscles and bones, glanced at the panel, and jumped down from the bed. Wearing underwear and school uniform, she pushed out the door.

Xuan celestial calendar, 2027, March 3. on Monday.

The morning sun shines on every piece of land in Jicheng.

Jicheng No.5 High School.

It was exactly eight o'clock when Jiang Shu arrived. Soothing music was playing on the campus radio, and the voices of school leaders came from it. The class teacher is required to organize the students in the class and come to the playground in an orderly manner.

"Huh, it would be great if there were big lectures like this every day. They would last for one or two hours. Like today, I would skip the math class and the English class."

"Young man, you are still too young. You don't know that all the gifts given by fate have already been marked in secret. You can avoid math class today and English class tomorrow. Your college entrance examination score will also be affected by the difference of one or two points. , but can’t get into the ideal university.”

"Go away, damn, you can shake my head off on my upper bunk at night, and you can play tricks on me during the day. And it's a gift from fate, an ideal university. What kind of university can you go to? I think the X Academy of Sciences in a certain review is quite suitable for you. Yes. The gate of Department X faces west, and no phoenix light comes out."

"Hey, is there such a good college? Okay, I'll volunteer here!"


Students had already lined up at the entrance of each class in the teaching building. Jiang Shu walked to the back door of his class, naturally stood at the end, and followed the large group downstairs, heading towards the playground.

After a while, students from three grades of high school gathered on the playground.

After the flag-raising ceremony was held as usual, the school leader walked up to the podium, patted the microphone, and said in a serious voice:

"Dear teachers, dear students. Good morning, everyone! After a whole winter vacation and after a few days of adjusting to school life, everyone must be energetic and have more state to devote to learning. Here, I wish all the students can make further progress in their achievements."

"Our Xia Kingdom has said since ancient times that literature can bring peace to the world with pens, and martial arts can mount horses to determine the world. It has been more than three months since Xia Kingdom has been practicing the martial art of horse-stepping. Our school specially invited students from Shengjing Mr. Zheng, let him tell us the true secret of martial arts."

"Now, let us give the warmest applause to Mr. Zheng!"

On the playground, applause surged like waves.

A middle-aged man wearing a black jacket walked up to the flag-raising platform in front of thousands of students.

"Hello, fellow students, my name is Zheng Yanbo. Today, I am honored to come to Jicheng No. 5 High School to teach you about Xia Guo's martial arts. Students who are well-informed must know that today, not only Jicheng No. 5 High School and several other high schools have also organized special lectures on martial arts." "Our Xia Kingdom officially incorporated martial arts into the college entrance examination system in November last year. Ma Buzhuang is a small success, and Qi and Blood Induction. Entering the undergraduate university without taking the exam! Mastering the horse-stepping pile, transporting qi and blood. Entering the heavy-duty university without taking the exam! As for the perfect horse-stepping pile. Great circulation of qi and blood throughout the body. Directly enter the school! From this place, it is enough to see our Xia Kingdom, An emphasis on martial arts.”

"I know that right now, there are still many students who are hesitating and thinking about what major they can choose if they rely on martial arts to get into university, and whether society will recognize their academic qualifications after graduation. In the era of network information and hot weapons, What is the meaning of martial arts?"

"Then, I will tell you today."

Zheng Yanbo paused and scanned the audience.

As he expected, there were not many students who really listened carefully on the playground.

With his eyesight, he could clearly see the status of all the students below.

Some were looking around and talking to each other, some were dazed with their heads down and their hair raised, and there were even several people in the front row resting with their eyes closed.

Perhaps, only many years later, they will suddenly realize that on this seemingly ordinary morning, the gears of fate have begun to turn.

"Martial arts will surpass all majors in universities! Martial arts is completely different from any other discipline. Now, graduates from ordinary universities are already struggling to submit resumes and find jobs. They are looking forward to getting a job worth several thousand I work from 9 to 5 and live a life that seems like I can see the end at a glance.”

"Liberal arts, science, and engineering are all very difficult to change their destiny. Only martial arts! A leap of faith! It's true!"

"The induction of Qi and blood has a power of three hundred kilograms. The transportation of Qi and blood has a power of six hundred kilograms. The great circulation of Qi and blood throughout the body has a power of nine hundred kilograms. After the great circulation, one becomes a true warrior. The strength in the body flourishes. The punch explodes into the air, and the force lifts up to a thousand pounds!"

"Ming Jin! Dark Jin! Transform Jin!"

"This is the latest three realms of martial arts promulgated by our Xia Kingdom. You don't need to know the differences between these three realms. You just need to know that even the Mingjin warriors in the first realm will have a better status than ordinary civil servants! When it comes to travel, , whether it’s high-speed rail or airplane, it’s all free! You can enter and exit any tourist attractions at will!”

"In terms of work, as long as they have the idea of ​​​​working, they can apply to any high school in Xia Kingdom and they will definitely be martial arts teachers!"

Zheng Yanbo didn't speak quickly. In fact, these news have not been announced to the public.

So as soon as he said it, there was an uproar below.

Fortunately for the students, they have never entered the society and do not find it difficult to become a staff teacher. The most amazing things are basically in terms of status and treatment. Travel and travel are free, which is a perfect hit to their restless hearts.

The teachers, on the other hand, think more. Martial arts are included in the college entrance examination, martial arts status is better than that of civil servants, they can enter any high school as martial arts teachers at will, and today martial arts is promoted with great fanfare.

All of this shows that the top brass of the Xia Kingdom attach much more importance to martial arts than they imagined!
  Martial arts is definitely not something promoted by high-level officials on a whim!

One leaf falls and the world knows autumn.

Yan Dehou pushed up his glasses and couldn't help but look at Jiang Shu, who was at the end of the team.

At this time, on the flag-raising platform, Zheng Yanbo's voice did not stop, he spoke every word.

The last news was like a bomb, exploding violently on the water:
  "But these! It's far from enough! It's far from proving that our Xia Kingdom attaches great importance to martial arts!"

"From now on, Mingjin warriors will officially enjoy the national martial arts fund."

"No need to work, 10,000 a month!"

(End of this chapter)

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