Two Realms: A giant of immortal martial arts emerges from low Wu Gan

Chapter 260: I don't know that the Martial Saint is in front of me, and I kowtow like pounding

Chapter 260: I don't know that the Martial Saint is in front of me, and I kowtow like pounding garlic
The jade furnace is made of ice and mandarin duck brocade, and the powder melts incense and sweats the mountain pillow.

There was the sound of a windlass outside the curtain, and I raised my eyebrows and smiled in surprise.

The willow shade is light and indifferent, and the cicada hairpin falls from the temples.

I have to work hard all my life to make you happy today.

There was still some heat in Jicheng in September. The dazzling sunlight shone through the floor-to-ceiling windows onto Ye Zhenzhen's face as she lay in the office chair.

The black windbreaker lightly covers her body, concealing her graceful figure.

The corners of her lips were slightly raised, as if she was still recalling the sweet chirping sounds in her erotic dream last night.

"It seems that after returning this time, I may be able to try to cultivate a dual cultivation magical power."

For cultivators, they have passed the stage of hair removal and marrow cleansing early, and the Yuan force enters the body to nourish the cells all over the body. This feeling is directly superior to human ethics.

Therefore, the intimacy between monks often led to the practice of dual cultivation, which not only increased the enjoyment a hundredfold, but also enabled them to practice while enjoying it. Sometimes, the effect was even better than practicing alone.

Of course, if there is the main way of dual cultivation, there is also the unorthodox way of taking yin to replenish yang, or taking yang to replenish yin.

The difference lies in that the former points directly to the great way of heaven and earth, and can thereby be promoted to the realm of all things and master the laws.

The latter can only be confined to the realm of Nirvana.

"Are you awake?"

Looking at the eyelashes fluttering like butterflies in the air, Jiang Shu spoke.

Ye Zhenzhen's state has reached the state of Tongqiao, and even if she doesn't sleep for a few days, it won't have the slightest effect. So even though she was a little tired last night, she can slowly recover after a little rest.

"Spiritual practice actually places more emphasis on talent than the original martial arts of our Xia country. Your talent does not lie here."

Touching Ye Zhenzhen's head, Jiang Shu's eyes showed a rare tenderness: "You practice first, and when you reach the sixth level, I will teach you a set of exercises that will allow you to practice to my current level."


Just like a young wife in the old times, Ye Zhenzhen nodded, her voice very soft.

Her martial arts advancement had always been very fast, but when she reached the Tongqiao realm, her speed suddenly slowed down. That's why she thought about whether she could take another spiritual practice system, but it was obvious that this path was more difficult than martial arts.

"We can actually put aside the group's affairs. Promote some people and don't spend our energy on these mundane matters. Other groups may be afraid of being sidelined, but this will never happen to our group. Even if we don't care about anything, Xiaguo will help us keep an eye on it all the time."

"Promote some people and let the group enter a state of no leader, everyone is like a dragon, and rule by doing nothing."

"I won't be in seclusion again for a while. During this time, you just follow me."

Although they didn't spend much time together, Jiang Shu knew that as his realm improved and his status was infinitely elevated, in the eyes of many people, he was like a majestic god.

Even the people with whom you have a close relationship will lose some of their closeness to you.

Even his parents and sister have such tendencies, not to mention Ye Zhenzhen.

In this case, the only thing I can do is to spend more time with them.

"My parents are on their honeymoon. Have they ever told you which city is developing well?"

The secret realm of heaven and earth was integrated into Xuanxing, and the famous mountains and rivers of Xuanxing had undergone tremendous changes. Some cities also gave birth to new tourism industries, attracting countless tourists.

Take advantage of your free time now and go out for a walk.

On the one hand, it makes up for the companionship that Ye Zhenzhen has always lacked.

On the one hand, it also announces his return.

"Quite a few. In the past, the coastal cities of Xia Kingdom were the most developed. But now, the central plains in the center of the country have also undergone great changes. For example, Tianshu Province has not only seen the rise of many famous mountains, but also a new recipe that cooks the meat of exotic beasts to perfection."

"Well, let's go to Tianshu and have a look."


"Ah what? The God of War can't travel with a woman?"

Sitting in the Maybach, Jiang Shu looked at Ye Zhenzhen in front of him, who was shaking as she gripped the steering wheel, and couldn't help but smile.

In the next few days, Jiang Shu basically gave up his cultivation and traveled around famous mountains and rivers like an ordinary person.

Xuanxing is now at the stage of full recovery of his vitality. Jiang Shu can clearly feel that the vitality of heaven and earth in these famous mountains and rivers is so rich that it is almost comparable to that of the inner sect of Zhenwu Sect.

Given time, there will surely be spiritual grade elixir of heaven and earth.

The future limit of Xuanxing is even expected to be comparable to the vast domain.

In the vast domain, he was just a small outer sect disciple in the sect, and it was extremely difficult to obtain resources. But in Xuanxing, he could completely dominate and develop Xuanxing thoroughly, and he would have a smooth journey before reaching the Nirvana realm.

"Tsk, shopping with you really makes me hate you. You don't even know how many men secretly glanced at you and then gave me a fierce look when you were trying on that outfit just now. Their eyes were full of envy, jealousy and hatred."

After returning from his travels, Jiang Shu, who had slightly changed his appearance, looked at Ye Zhenzhen, who was wearing a light pink dress, and spoke softly in the mall.

"That's because they don't know who you are. If they knew you were our Xia Country's Martial God, they would be looking at me with envy and jealousy."

She rolled her eyes at Jiang Shu. After a few days of traveling together, she and Jiang Shu became closer again. Her already stunning face became even more beautiful under the rain and dew, like a peony that can only make a country beautiful.

In an instant, countless male tourists were attracted. Some of them pretended to look at the clothes and took several very unnatural glances.

Some pretended to reply to messages on their phones, but actually turned on the camera and secretly recorded videos.

"Hello, I'm Wang Ziyi. This mall is my family's property. If you like this dress, I'll give it to you. It just so happens that our mall needs to expand the market and we need to shoot a promotional video. Are you interested in being an actress?"

"The price is negotiable. If you can maintain long-term cooperation with our mall, you can even start at seven figures a year."

Just as Ye Zhenzhen was scanning the code to pay for the goods, a handsome young man in a well-tailored suit suddenly walked over quickly. Behind him, several tall and muscular men wearing sunglasses followed closely.

Every big man was silent, and their whole bodies exuded extremely obvious energy and blood power. Even the air around them suddenly became a little warmer.

Wang Ziyi looked deeply at Ye Zhenzhen. His family's assets had long exceeded 1 billion yuan. They not only had shopping malls, but also an entertainment company. As the chairman of an entertainment company, he had seen countless beauties.

The internet celebrity with millions of fans who is out of reach for ordinary people only needs a hook from him and she will obediently prepare all kinds of clothes at night and say very obediently: Master, today is the safe period.

He is somewhat tired of these female internet celebrities, and even actresses. Therefore, over the past six months, he has been basically immersed in the expansion of his business and the improvement of his own martial arts.

With the accumulation of a large amount of resources, his martial arts realm successfully reached the third level of martial arts set by Jiang Wushen, and his strength entered the internal organs.

Not only has he become a rising star in the business circle of Tianshu Province at the age of only 30.

He also participated in some grandmaster conferences in the Tianshu martial arts circle, drank and chatted with many former grandmasters, and his fame grew.

A rising star in the business circle, a martial arts genius, these titles were given to him one after another.

The third realm of martial arts, while strengthening his internal organs and improving his abilities, also allowed his eyes to see some tiny pores that were invisible before.

Internet celebrities and actors, who do not practice martial arts, are ultimately acquired beings and it is difficult for them to have a truly natural and sculpted look.

But today, he saw it!

The lady in the light pink dress was definitely the most stunning person he had ever seen in the past six months.

Ordinary people might think she was just prettier than the Internet celebrity actresses. But in his opinion, there was a huge difference between heaven and earth, between immortals and mortals. Ye Zhenzhen just stood there, as if there was no flaw on her body, like a piece of pure white and clean jade. I really don't know if she was born like this, or if she took some precious medicine after birth.

As for practicing martial arts, he had never thought about it. He practiced martial arts himself, and he knew that he had spent a lot of money to cultivate to the Grandmaster level.

Ordinary people simply cannot afford such expenses.

If this woman really came from such a family, she would definitely not look for such an ordinary man as her companion.

You know, women are naturally attracted to strong men.

His eyes swept across Jiang Shu, and Wang Ziyi raised the corners of his lips, his eyes sharp.

He believed that few people would refuse his invitation.

After all, the invitation he was talking about now was like a big pie falling from the sky.

There doesn't seem to be any danger.

It's just a promotional video shoot. An annual salary of one million is something that an ordinary person cannot refuse.

As for this man, he can't hinder his "girlfriend's" future just because of his own narrow-mindedness.

Wang Ziyi was smiling and graceful, and his identity was recognized by some customers, who whispered:
"I didn't expect that the eldest son of the Wang family would actually come to the mall to shop. This woman is so lucky. She can earn a million dollars a year in no time. I want to ask the eldest son of the Wang family if he can be so rigid about gender."

"If someone else said they could make a million a year, I would definitely scoff, but when Master Wang said that, I would only think that a million is just the minimum! Master Wang's multi-millionaire anchor Xiao Susu is under his management, and the offer for just one advertisement is 800,000."

"Although we are in the era of martial arts now, we have to say that there is always a market for beautiful women. And this young lady in a light red dress is very pretty. I have also seen some Internet celebrities, but they are not as pretty as them in real life. They simply have a 360-degree charm without dead ends."

"More importantly, I heard that Master Wang seemed to have attended the Tianshu Martial Arts Festival recently and has been promoted to a martial arts master."

"One hand holds wealth, the other hand holds a fist. I really don't know which woman will be able to officially marry into the Wang family in the future."

Listening to the discussions of people around him, Wang Ziyi became more and more confident.

He believed that once Ye Zhenzhen heard these words, it would definitely add more points to his reputation.

In an era when vitality has not yet recovered, ordinary people and the powerful are already two different classes.

After the full recovery and the rise of martial arts, the gap between classes will only become wider.

The powerful and wealthy can purchase more martial arts resources than ordinary people, enter a deep sleep in the warrior sleeping cabin, and eat a diet consisting of exotic lean meat and precious medicines from heaven and earth.

There are only two ways for ordinary people to achieve class transition.

Amniotic fluid.


As for martial arts? It is true that there are common people who are proficient in martial arts, but how many of them can have the talent of Jiang Wushen?

In such a huge country like Xia, the only one who can truly surpass the powerful and wealthy is Jiang Wushen!

Even Wang Yan and Wang Tianren are also powerful people.

"How about this? Consider it? Give this lady one of my business cards."

He turned around and spoke to a bodyguard behind him. The bodyguard took out a gold-plated business card from his arms with a respectful look on his face, and handed it over carefully with both hands as if it were a treasure.

However, just when everyone thought Ye Zhenzhen would accept the business card.

The bodyguard's body suddenly stiffened. In front of him, there seemed to be a resistance of tens of millions of pounds. Even with his Ming Jin strength, he was unable to move forward even a millimeter.

He looked up in horror and saw the coldness in Ye Zhenzhen's eyes.

Then the invisible wall of air suddenly exploded, and the bodyguard, who was tall, strong, muscular, and weighed more than 200 pounds, was flung several meters away and fell directly into the aisle.

“No need for business cards.”

Ye Zhenzhen took a step forward and hummed softly, and the vitality of heaven and earth fluctuated like the wind, blowing the corners of the clothes of the surrounding customers.

The bodyguards behind Wang Ziyi were surrounded by strong energy, and their neat suits looked as if they were cut by a knife at this moment.


The suit split open, revealing the white shirt underneath.

Ming Jin's bodyguard was sweating coldly and didn't move at all, fearing that he would be attacked by the strong energy.

This is... practicing Qi to form Gang!
This is the symbol of the Martial Saint Gangjin!
The great era of martial arts has arrived, and now even an ordinary person knows the difference between the six realms of martial arts.

Not to mention Wang Ziyi, even the old man of the Wang family, upon seeing the Martial Saint Gangjin, would be respectful and welcome him to the seat of honor.

A powerful Martial Saint is already able to fight against small armies and take people's heads single-handedly amidst thousands of enemies.

At this level, one cannot be restrained by mere power.

All we can do is win them over.

“Martial…Martial Saint!”

Ye Zhenzhen's voice was very soft, but it was like thunder, bombarding Wang Ziyi's ears.

He swallowed his saliva. He still didn't understand that he had gotten into big trouble.

Wu Sheng.

Such a young martial saint.

Who is this? Why have I never heard of him?

Wang Ziyi's body trembled, his eyes were filled with horror. In the martial arts circle in the past, there was a saying that the master should not be insulted.

If even the Grand Master is like this, what about the Martial Saint?

The Wang family is a behemoth in the eyes of ordinary people, but in front of a martial saint, life and death is just a matter of thought.

If I can't get the forgiveness of the Martial Saint today.

At the very least, the Wang family’s market value would evaporate by billions.

In serious cases, one will lose everything and move away from Tianshu.


Wang Ziyi's legs went weak, and he, who was very famous in Tianshu Province, suddenly knelt down.

In front of all the internet celebrities, the head that was once so arrogant and capable of pointing fingers at others now drooped deeply to the ground.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

In the silent crowd, he kowtowed repeatedly, his voice trembling with fear:
"I, the villain Wang Ziyi, do not know that the Martial Saint is in front of me. I deserve to die..."

(End of this chapter)

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