Two Realms: A giant of immortal martial arts emerges from low Wu Gan

Chapter 37 I am a martial arts genius, I show my cards

Chapter 37 I am a martial arts genius, I show my cards

"Xiao Shu...that can't all be true."

Xu Lizhi looked worried. Her heart was focused on business and family, and she had never thought about this situation. But the more she thought about it now, the more she felt that what the girl said made sense. Xia's various political decrees seem to be on the eve of a big change.

She looked at Jiang Shu and couldn't help but ask.

Through her son's increasing appetite, she also guessed that her son had good martial arts talent.

It shouldn't be a problem to get an undergraduate degree.

But now, she just hopes that Jiang Shu is safe and well, and that he can go to a junior college, just in Jicheng, close to home.

"Mom, it's okay. If there really is a monster invasion, Xia Kingdom should recruit troops on a large scale."

On the bus, Jiang Shu smiled and comforted his mother.

Martial arts is by no means a quick fix.

If the situation is really urgent, Xia State will definitely adopt genetic modification like the Free State.

Being able to broadcast this kind of movie and slowly reforming the college entrance examination itself shows that everything is still under control.

It's still early to see the sky.

Jiang Shu followed Xu Lizhi to buy some vegetables at the vegetable market. When he returned home, Jiang Yongyi and Jiang Yanyue also happened to arrive home.

"I was deceived by the movie marketing account again. It said the appearance lasted for a few minutes. It was just over a minute! Mom, the movie today was good."

"I don't understand these, ask your brother. Lao Jiang, you can take a break today while I cook." As she spoke, Xu Lizhi walked towards the kitchen carrying the vegetables.

"Rare, rare, amazing, high quality."

Giving a thumbs up to Jiang Yanyue, Jiang Shu also walked into the kitchen, washed rice, washed vegetables, and helped his mother.

After a while, he brought out four dishes and one soup.

The aroma of food lingers on the dining table. The family of four was sitting, but what was different from usual was that Jiang Shu did not go to serve the rice first, but sat on a chair and said seriously: "Mom, Dad, let me tell you something."

"Your son has great blood circulation throughout his body and can enter the school without taking the exam."

"Shengjing Academy, Donghai Academy, Jiangnan Academy, Tianshu Academy."

"Dad, Mom, you choose one."

After saying that, Jiang Shu went to fill a bowl of rice. When he came back, there was silence on the dining table.

Jiang Yongyi, Xu Lizhi, and Jiang Yanyue all had their eyes widened.

If Jiang Shu hadn't said it himself, they wouldn't have believed it.

"Jiang...Jiang Shu, are you kidding?"

"Well, study hard in high school, and you can still be my junior schoolmate, Jiang Shu, in the future."

Seeing Jiang Shu's serious nod, Jiang Yanyue felt numb. More than two months ago, she had guessed that her brother might have transferred his energy and blood, and that he might be able to break out of the small universe and enter the heavy school during the college entrance examination.

But the school...

She hadn't even thought about it.

Even if she is a genius in learning like herself, she cannot guarantee that she will be admitted to the college during the college entrance examination.

Jiang Shu has only been practicing martial arts for six months.

From the strength of undergraduate courses, directly to heavy undergraduates?
  It’s really just practicing martial arts that changes your destiny.

Could it be that he is really a genius?
  "Xiao Shu... do you think which of the four schools is more suitable for you?" Jiang Yongyi had the most experience after all. He took a few deep breaths and quickly adjusted.

Apply for college.

It is definitely the most important first event in a child's life in an ordinary family. The university you apply for and the major you choose may even determine your child’s future job and life.

"Each has its own merits."

After explaining his analysis of the four major universities, Jiang Shu ate and gave his parents enough time to think.

"Xiao Shu, how about... Shengjing Academy or Jiangnan Academy, you can choose for yourself."

After a while, Jiang Yongyi gritted his teeth and said.

He didn't dare to make any decision on such a major life matter. If a child can reach this point, his horizons may be broader than his.

As a father, all he can do is support.

Shengjing Academy is the best academy in Xia Kingdom, bar none. The top existence, Jiang Shu can enter this school, everyone who listens to it in the future will give a thumbs up.

As for Jiangnan Academy, it was his selfish motives. Yan Yan's academic performance is good. If she performs exceptionally in the college entrance examination, she might be able to go to a higher education institution.

After all, girls and boys are different. Parents can rest assured that the university is closer.

If Jiang Shu was at Jiangnan Academy, he might be able to take care of Yan Yan.

"Then let's tentatively decide on Jiangnan University. Then I'll see what the terms offered by the four major universities are. My parents will eat first, as the food is getting cold."

"Xiao Shu..."


"Would you like to talk to your grandparents and uncle about your ability to enter the school without taking the exam? It's better to wait until the results come in..."

"Dad, martial arts is different from academic performance. In the college entrance examination of arts and sciences, there will be mistakes in performance. Our martial arts does not distinguish this, unless the government order is changed in the last month. As for whether to say it or not, you can make arrangements. I will make these arrangements anyway. The sky is free.”

Jiang Shu responded immediately. He naturally knew that what his father said was not just a simple phone call.

The custom in his family is that when there is an important event in the family, they all get together and have a meal.

Just like my younger sister enrolled in Jicheng No. 1 High School in advance, their family also held a banquet in the hotel to simply celebrate.

"Brother, are you free recently? Nothing happens. Xiao Shu is about to take the college entrance examination. Now I'm a little sure. Let's get together as a family to celebrate. I'll call my sister-in-law and nephew here too. My parents are here. I'll go over there and tell you tomorrow. Okay, okay, I'm free tomorrow and the next two nights. Okay, okay, I'm hanging up."


Jiang Yongyi was the second eldest son. After calling the eldest son and the third eldest son, Jiang Yongyi set the date for the day after tomorrow.

"Hey, where is Xiao Shu?"

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Yongyi put the phone aside and couldn't help but ask.

"I don't know, he went out when you called." Jiang Yanyue replied in a muffled voice as she wished she could bury her head in the bowl.

It's over.

How come Jiang Shu, that bastard, suddenly had great energy and blood circulation all over his body, and was able to enter the school without taking the exam?

Not only can't he make jokes in the future, but he can't be treated as a driver or a bodyguard.

I'm afraid that if it wasn't me, I would have to be his secretary, responsible for handling all kinds of phone calls from him.

Is this so... ridiculous!

Jiang Yanyue felt extremely uncomfortable. At this time, Jiang Shu came back with a box of wine in his hand. He opened it and poured it directly into Jiang Yongyi's bowl: "I saw you were very happy, dad, so I went down and bought a bottle of wine." , our little family should celebrate in advance."

"Dad, don't run Didi anymore. This industry is all about algorithms now, and it's too complicated. No matter how much you run, it will be controlled within a certain amount. It's better to have a good rest and take good care of your body."

"Mom, it's the same for you. Since the rent has increased, it's difficult to open a store. Otherwise, you can stay at home. You really don't have to worry about money in the future."

"I believe your son, the efficiency of warriors in making money is far beyond your imagination."

(End of this chapter)

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