Chapter 39 Uncle Zheng, what a coincidence (please collect it)
  Came from above!

Is it the leaders of the city, the province, or...

Seeing Section Chief Guo and his team packing themselves up, they hurriedly went downstairs to greet them at the entrance of the hall.

Jiang Hongfei was holding a wine glass in his hand and breathing rapidly. His whole body felt as if he had been hit by a gold nugget. He did not expect that good luck would come twice in a row today.

I thought I was simply attending a family gathering, but I met Mr. Guo by chance.

I had only been celebrating my birthday in the box for less than ten minutes when another big leader came.

It seems that today is my lucky day.

After enduring this for so long, it’s time to take off!

Jiang Hongfei paced back and forth, giving a bottle of Maotai to Section Chief Guo, which would leave a good impression in front of Section Chief Guo.

But in front of a leader who is bigger than Section Chief Guo, is a bottle of Maotai enough?
  not enough!

Far from enough!

Gritting his teeth, as if he had made a decision, Jiang Hongfei looked at Jiang Shu, who had not yet left, and said: "Xiao Shu, you are in the box. The Maotai wine will be delivered later. Just take it and wait for me. news."

After saying that, Jiang Hongfei walked towards the hotel manager's office. He has met the manager several times. If he can get through the relationship and prepare good red wine and tea in advance, he will definitely be very proud in front of the boss later!

As for the Jiang family gathering?

It doesn’t matter whether you go or not!
  There is nothing more important than his career!

About half an hour.

Hotel Lobby.

A government car slowly stopped at the door.

Section Chief Guo and others, who had been waiting at the door, immediately came forward and opened the car door. Section Chief Guo bent very low and said, "Hello, Director Zheng, I am Xiao Guo from the Bureau of Culture and Tourism..."

"The director just made arrangements and asked me to entertain you well."

"There's no need for such fanfare. Just keep it simple."

The middle-aged man who got out of the car frowned. When he saw the people at the door, he said: "The guests will be more important later. Section Chief Guo, just find two or three people to sit with you."

"Yes Yes Yes."

Section Chief Guo's face turned red nervously, and he quickly waved his hand to signal everyone in the department to disperse. Only two close aides were left behind, and everyone followed Director Zheng and walked towards the box.

After a while, several people came to the box, and Section Chief Zheng pushed the door open and entered. Section Chief Guo glanced at the box number outside, took a picture and sent it to Jiang Hongfei: "Come quickly."

"Sit down, you're welcome."

Director Zheng was sitting at the main seat. He randomly selected a few signature dishes from the menu handed over by the waiter, put it down, and said to Section Chief Guo who was sitting on the chair with only half his buttocks:
  "The burden of the Cultural Tourism Bureau will be increased this year. Section Chief Guo, you have to bear it well." Director Zheng spoke in a calm voice, but Section Chief Guo's whole body felt like he was floating when he heard it.

Last month, the director revealed this meaning to him. Now that Director Zheng has said this again, it seems that the Culture and Tourism Bureau will take off in the future. The heavier the burden of the Cultural Tourism Bureau, the higher his status as Section Chief Guo.

Fortieth birthday, another happy event.

It really matches what Jiang Hongfei said: "Keep yourself young forever and rise higher step by step."

This kid was ignorant before.

Looking at it now, he must be one of his lucky generals.

Section Chief Guo was secretly proud.

Ten minutes later, a capable woman with short hair wearing formal work clothes opened the box door. Behind her is a girl wearing sunglasses.

The girl has long hair that reaches her waist. She wears a large dark green cloak that covers her whole body, not showing off her figure.

She walked straight to Director Zheng, took off her sunglasses, and revealed a stunning and familiar face: "Hello, Director Zheng."

"Ms. Ye, take care of yourself."

Director Zheng stood up, shook hands with the girl, and said, "Thank you, Miss Ye, for supporting us in Jicheng. I believe that after the success of this martial arts promotional video, it will definitely bring about a new trend."

"It's all in line with the general trend."

Ye Zhenzhen smiled.

As a celebrity, although she is not considered a high-class person, she has been exposed to a lot of news. Therefore, after receiving invitations from some cities, she first chose the city where her grandfather was located to shoot promotional videos. The two sat down to talk, and Section Chief Guo on the side also interjected a few words from time to time. The atmosphere at the entire wine table was harmonious.

"Dong dong dong."

There was a knock on the door, and Jiang Hongfei's face popped out. On the plate in his hand was a complete set of tea sets.

"Hello, Director Zheng, hello Section Chief Guo."

Seeing Ye Zhenzhen on the seat, Jiang Hongfei was shocked. But he recovered quickly, so what if he is a star? In the face of power, no matter how big a star he is, he has to put down his figure!
  Without squinting his eyes, he poured the tea from the teapot into the teacups one by one. The fragrance of tea overflowed on every seat.

"Director Zheng, this is Xiao Jiang from our department." Section Chief Guo explained, and when Jiang Hongfei walked next to him, he kicked Jiang Hongfei slightly.

Tea is good.

But there is no better way to bring people closer together than with Maotai wine.

"It should be coming soon."

Jiang Hongfei understood Section Chief Guo's hint and replied in a low voice. He was also in a hurry. After preparing the tea set, he rushed over immediately, fearing that he would be late and not be able to integrate into the atmosphere of the wine table immediately.

I thought that for such a simple matter as sending a bottle of Maotai wine, Jiang Shu and the waiter would have been waiting at the door.

Unexpectedly, there has been no movement at all until now!
  What’s the point of serving Maotai wine after all the dishes have been served!
  Jiang Hongfei couldn't help but open WeChat and sent a message to Jiang Shu's account: "Why haven't you come yet? Hurry, hurry! Send it in directly!"

The message fell silent, and there was no response.

Amidst the chatter and laughter of people at the table, Jiang Hongfei became more and more anxious as he waited, and his scalp began to itch all over.

"Dong dong dong."

Finally, there was a knock on the door.

Jiang Hongfei, who had been paying attention to the door, stood up immediately and caught up.

The waiter pushed open the door and walked in. On the plate he was holding was a bottle of Maotai wine.

Jiang Hongfei breathed a long sigh of relief, and took the Maotai wine from the waiter with a happy face. Regardless of his cousin still standing at the door, he turned around and walked to the dining table, ready to pour Director Zheng the first glass of wine.

At the door, Jiang Shu's lowered eyes were calm.

My cousin is really becoming more and more utilitarian.

If his grandparents hadn't been here tonight and wanted to meet Jiang Hongfei, his eldest grandson, how could he have followed him all the way until now.

But, that's the end of the matter.

"Go back early, grandparents are waiting."

Looking at Jiang Hongfei's back, he gave a final notice. Jiang Shu didn't want to see who the so-called big leader was, so he turned around and left.

He shouldn't be called such a cousin.

If grandparents really want to see each other, let Jiang Yongren come.

"This Jiang Hongfei's cousin is so ignorant!"

Section Chief Guo, who was drinking tea, almost lost his grip on the cup when a thought suddenly flashed through his mind.

This is not a banquet for ordinary friends to get together!

No matter how low-status Jiang Hongfei is, he still has to accompany Director Zheng now!

No matter how important family members are, are they more important than Director Zheng?
  Absolutely outrageous!

He quickly stood up and wanted to scold the boy.

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded from beside him: "Classmate Jiang Shu?"

The voice was very familiar, and passed directly to Jiang Shu's ears through the small box, who turned around.

Jiang Shu turned around and saw the middle-aged man on the main seat with a smile on his face.

Suddenly, a look of embarrassment appeared on his face:
  "Uncle Zheng, what a coincidence."

(End of this chapter)

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