Chapter 4 Hungry Tiger Martial Arts School
  Crooked Snake Lane.

The alley has nine twists and turns and is crowded with hundreds of households.

Every morning, there are old men pushing night scented carts, and the remaining smell permeates the entire alley and lingers for a long time.

Jiang Shu has lived here for more than two months and has long been accustomed to all this. He looked as usual and walked out quickly with a little breath.

This place is located in the southernmost part of the outer city of Pingling County and is under the jurisdiction of the Green Snake Gang. Anyone who walks out of the alley and wants to go to the county town to set up a stall to work must pay fifty cents to the Green Snake Gang every month.

For the people at the lowest level, whose monthly salary is only about one or two hundred cents, handing over fifty cents is like being cut with a blunt knife. Although it is not fatal, the blood will not stop.

However, no one dared to resist.

Because the leader of the Green Snake Gang is a true warrior!
  A skin-grinding warrior!
  "Old man Li, this time I'd better go to the escort agency to sweep the floor. The salary is only eighty cents a month. I think you should come to our Green Snake Gang to sweep the floor. We'll give you fifty cents a month, and you don't have to pay. For example, I can earn an extra twenty cash a month. What, you don’t agree? Do you think we won’t even give you fifty cash? Say it!”

At the entrance of Crooked Snake Alley, the Green Snake Gang members who came here every month to collect the money were cursing.

The leader's name is Zhao Tai. Two months ago, his sister fell into the eyes of the gang leader and became his concubine, so he got such a lucrative position.

Old Man Li's legs were trembling and he was hesitating, but he didn't dare to say anything.

Jiang Shu frowned, walked forward quickly, and threw half a coin into the bamboo basket containing the coins. The sound of the silver colliding with the coins was loud and clear, successfully attracting the attention of the Green Snake Gang.

"Hey, isn't this Master Qin's disciple? Why don't you read those few volumes of shabby books carefully and want to stand out? You bookworm, I'm afraid you don't even know that Master Qin has fallen into the eyes of the Gao family in the inner city. Next month I want to be a private tutor in the Gao family. Now, I guess I have no intention of teaching and am packing my luggage every day."

"Look at you, why don't you come to our Green Snake to help fill the chamber pot and be a companion for Old Man Li. Filling the chamber pot more often can also make you a man. Studying? Reading is useless. Those kiln sisters are illiterate and are very She's six or seven, so she's still a baby, hahaha."

"Master Qin is going to go, that will happen later."

Jiang Shu spoke coldly, but inadvertently kicked Old Man Li, indicating that he should pay the money and leave immediately. When he first came here, Jiang Shuke got all the news from Old Man Li. This love must be remembered.

Others are afraid of Zhao Tai, but he is not.

He is greedy for wine and lust, and his steps are vain.

For Jiang Shu, who could sense qi and blood and had a strength of over 300 kilograms, such a person could not withstand a punch from him.

"Reading? Hahahaha..." Zhao Tai laughed wildly. His original name was Zhao Da. After he became powerful, he found an old scholar and changed his name. Is reading useful? Reading is useful, so why did the old scholar who changed his name at that time tremble, for fear that he would be dissatisfied!

"What's wrong with being able to write? Our hall master doesn't know a word of Chinese characters, but who dares to say that he's not a man! I think you kid, you might as well get into my crotch and feel the real manliness, come on, crawl over!"

Zhao Tai spread his legs and looked at Jiang Shu with eyes like a jackal teasing a rabbit in the jungle.

He had been staring at Jiang Shu for a long time, and his skin was white and tender. Although he doesn't have that kind of hobby, Hall Master Zheng is good at this. If you prepare the tender skin and send it out, and get a reward from Hall Master Zheng, then you shouldn’t walk sideways in this area!
  Previously, this rabbit was a student of Master Qin, and he wore a good tiger skin, so he didn't dare to go too far.

But now, Master Qin is leaving the outer city.

This white and tender rabbit who has lost his power can play whatever he wants!
  "Master Zhao, Master Zhao, Brother Jiang is young and ignorant. I will go to the Green Snake Gang tomorrow. I will sweep the floor and let him pour the chamber pot."

Old Li, who had not left, immediately felt something bad when he heard Zhao Tai's words. His rough, calloused hands wrapped around Jiang Shu's palm that was about to be held, and turned around to beg for mercy: "Everyone is still waiting to go to work. Mr. Zhao, you have a large number of people, you have a huge number of people, we will go to the hall to report tomorrow, and we will make your face shine, Mr. Zhao."

"Bah, who the hell are you..."

"Master Zhao, Master Zhao, we are nothing, just let us go. Everyone is in a hurry to work, we can't delay, we really can't delay."

"Damn it, I'll take the boy to report tomorrow. You don't need me to teach you how to do things. Get out!"

Seeing more and more people in the alley of Crooked Snake Alley and Old Man Li begging for mercy, Zhao Tai suppressed his anger and kicked him out. The work really cannot be delayed. The monthly payment is already cutting flesh with a dull knife. If people can't even do the work and the crowd is excited, he may not be able to suppress it.

The hall master and the others are martial arts practitioners with a great circulation of Qi and blood. One can fight against thousands.

He, Zhao Tai, is not.

As for drilling the crotch. I just said to let them go today.

See you tomorrow, that's tomorrow.

"Master Zhao has a huge amount."

Old Man Li didn't dare to rub the place where he was kicked. He dragged Jiang Shu out of the crowd quickly with a grateful look.

"Scholar, just read. After reading, you are a waste that can be bullied by anyone. If it weren't for Old Man Li, I would have let him get under your crotch today, and you would be in a place like Crooked Snake Alley. Do you still want to be a scholar? Bah!" He spat on the ground, Zhao Tai kicked the bamboo basket, sat on the stool, and said: "Put the coins one by one, who dares to put one less, hum."

One of the gang members with sharp eyes and quick hands gathered around and pressed Zhao Tai's shoulders, saying flatteringly: "Brother Zhao thinks highly of him too much. It's his blessing to get into your crotch. Your crotch is something that ordinary people can get into." ? A few days ago, I met the Yao Sister in Yunquefang. Her style is suitable for getting into your crotch, Brother Zhao."

"Damn it. You don't believe me when I tell you to read more books. That's the kiln sister in Yunque Square. That's the gold selling cave! I don't have a few taels of real silver in my hand, and I can't even drink tea when I go in." Looking at the group of people around him For ordinary members of the gang who had no experience, Zhao Tai was in a good mood, his confidence suddenly increased, and he said proudly: "Of course, I have been to this gold-selling cave once."

"Hey, Brother Zhao is indeed wise and powerful, but my younger brother is not as capable as Brother Zhao. He is still a young boy. He just wants to save money and go have fun in the alley. Which kiln sister is the best? Please give me some advice from Brother Zhao. .”

"Tsk, we are all brothers, what advice can we give? There is a kiln girl in Bicao Alley that I know well, but I have become a little tired of it after a long time. You can go with me later and take your little bird to try what Erlong is. Playing with beads.”

"Brother Zhao is so generous. It's my turn to be on duty at the gambling house this afternoon. It will be a long time before I get there."

"Damn it, go to the gambling house and go to the gambling house. You are still on duty. Do you think you are eating official meals? I know, I will go there later too. It is in the third room from the bottom on Bicao Lane. I will leave it for you. Door."

The Green Snake Gang members laughed and didn't notice what was behind them at all.

Jiang Shu, who was dragged out of the crowd by Old Man Li, stood sideways and stayed for a while until he listened carefully to all the conversations.

"Brother Jiang, don't hold a grudge today for what Mr. Zhao said. Don't show it on your face if you hold a grudge. Tomorrow you and the old man will go to the hall to sweep the floor and pour out the chamber pot. The old man knows that you are a good scholar and cannot do such a despicable thing. Work. The old man can do this work, you just go over there, and when Mr. Zhao talks about it, just say that you poured the chamber pot."

Pulling Jiang Shu's sleeve, Old Man Li lowered his voice and rubbed his calf.

He came from another county to escape famine, but he took a nap on the way, and when he woke up, the girl was gone.

As for the son, long before the famine started...

If my son is still alive, will my grandson be like Mr. Jiang, who knows etiquette and loves studying...

Old Man Li couldn't help but shed tears from the corners of his eyes. He clearly remembered the first time he met Jiang Shu.

That time, he got up early as usual, and the door of the unoccupied earthen house opposite him actually opened, and a young man who clearly looked like a scholar walked out and called him: "Old man."

For a refugee like him, a little bit of respect can make him unforgettable.

"Old man Li, you should just leave today. You shouldn't stop me."

Jiang Shu sighed. Zhao Tai's various difficulties were, in his opinion, nothing more than a punch. Beat Zhao Tai to death and leave in an instant. Even if the Green Snake Gang mobilizes the entire gang to search, as long as he goes to the inner city, he can return to Xuanxing safely in just twelve hours.

But when Old Man Li turned around, he couldn't punch this punch.

If he can leave, Old Man Li may be risking his life here.

"Baby, if I don't stop you and you don't dig into your crotch, then Mr. Zhao really knows how to beat people. They beat people with leather strips soaked in salt water. You don't know. You've never seen it. You're so tender. Meat, how can it withstand such a severe beating?"

Having lived in Crooked Snake Lane for so many years, he knew very well what the Green Snake Gang was like.

When this happens to others, he just pretends not to notice it. The world is like this. What can he, an old refugee, do?

But Brother Jiang... his kindness to him in the past two months has been genuine.

There is no trace of dislike, and he even brings himself some wine and food in the outer city from time to time.

Such a young brother Jiang, how could I bear to ask him to fill the chamber pot for those pickled fish?

Just go there yourself.

Anyway, I am not from a good background. I have done this kind of thing countless times.

Feeling the concern in Old Man Li's voice.

Jiang Shu stood, unable to say many words after all.

"Son, if you don't want to go to the Green Snake Gang, don't go. Just go and read. At Master Qin's place, every day you study will be lost. You have to cherish it."

"it is good."

Old Man Li did not go to the escort agency.

Jiang Shu, on the other hand, watched Old Man Li leave, took a deep look back at the entrance of Crooked Snake Lane, and then walked towards the inner city.

Pingling County is divided into inner city and outer city.

In the outer city, the slums of Pingling County are mostly populated by civilians from the county and refugees from outside. Neither the county government nor the wealthy households looked down upon this bit of mosquito meat, so they directly handed over the outer cities to gangs.

The inner city is the real Pingling County.

The thick city wall, which is entirely paved with a single piece of blue brick, stands high, like a crawling beast. Outside the city wall, there is a ten-meter-wide moat, which is clearly separated from the outer city.

At this time, it was already Chen time.

Jiang Shu walked very quickly, passing by the suspension bridge and entering the inner city.

Unlike the narrow and dirty alleys of the outer city, the streets of the inner city are paved with stone bricks and are spacious and clean. On both sides of the long street, there are some small vendors who set up early, selling various daily necessities and rare items that are difficult to see in the outer city.

Looking far into the distance, there is a huge square at the end. In the middle of the square, there is a huge stone wall, on which are engraved all the major events that have happened in Pingling County from its founding to the present.

Stopping, Jiang Shu did not look at the important events in the county, but looked at the corner of the stone wall, where a simple map of the inner city was carved.

After identifying the direction, he walked towards the east.

Jiang Shu could find out about seven martial arts schools in the inner city. Every martial arts school has its own specialty.

The White Crane Martial Arts School teaches the White Crane Breathing Technique and the White Crane Cloud Stake. After practicing for a long time, the body becomes light and ethereal like a crane.

The Spinner Turtle Martial Arts School teaches the Spinner Turtle Breathing Technique and the Spinner Turtle Back Mountain Stump. After long-term practice, the breath will last longer and have a health-preserving effect.

Antelope Martial Arts School teaches antelope breathing techniques and antelope leaping over stream piles. After long practice, the speed is fast and the jumping ability is amazing.

Different from Xuan Xing's martial arts, the pile skills here will be combined with breathing techniques, which can help you develop strength faster and step into the real martial arts.

White cranes, spinner turtles, and antelopes are all excellent martial arts.

The breathing techniques and pile skills taught should be better than the horse stance he is learning now.

Especially the white crane and the whirling turtle, one has an ethereal and fairy spirit, and the other may extend one's life by several years.

However, no matter how good the image is, no matter how long the life span is.

How can it be compared to real killing methods!

In his mind, the staggering gait of Old Man Li as he walked today flashed through his mind, and the image of Old Man Li almost kneeling under Zhao Tai begging for mercy flashed across his mind. Jiang Shu narrowed his eyes and walked very fast.

Passing through three streets and alleys, there is a small square.

At the easternmost end, a large bungalow courtyard came into view.

There are still more than twenty steps away, and the whistling sounds of practicing are already ringing out.

"Enter the martial arts hall and get ten taels of silver."

At the door, there was a boy about ten years old standing.

There are eight words written on the white cloth on the erected black pole.

On the other side, there is a steelyard, ready to weigh the weight of the money brought by the visitor.

Jiang Shu glanced at the four characters on the plaque in the courtyard. After confirming that they were correct, he pieced together and took out some bits and pieces of silver from his coat.

The boy took it, weighed the ten taels of broken silver on a scale, and took out a voucher from the side, waiting for Jiang Shu's signature and signature.

Jiang Shu took over the pen and polished it, and signed his signature skillfully.

One step into the martial arts gym.

Hungry Tiger Martial Arts School.

Taught the hungry tiger breathing method and the hungry tiger sitting on the hole pile. After practicing for a long time, the breath surges and the fists and kicks are fierce.

(End of this chapter)

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