Two Realms: A giant of immortal martial arts emerges from low Wu Gan

Chapter 45 Notice: The title of the book has been changed, let’s chat a few words

Chapter 45 Notice: The title of the book has been changed, let’s chat a few words

Let’s talk about the important points first: Because the title of the book did not attract readers, the original title was changed to "Two Realms: A Immortal Martial Giant Emerged from Low Martial Gan". I hope that the subsequent data will be slightly better.

Let’s talk about the unimportant things:

In terms of performance: During the same period, collections increased very slowly. Let’s talk about a piece of data: the average reading conversion rate brought by recommendations during the same period was nine thousandths, while my book title only brought about five thousandths, which is only half of the average.

but! but! The retention rate of our book is still very good (the author thinks so)!
  Two thousand collections, Zhenzhui is four hundred and three.

What is the concept?
  Among the five collections, there is a paying reader who is reading it!

Just focus on this.

The author kowtows to everyone and thanks everyone for their support.

In terms of plot: There are indeed some settings in the early stage that are not good enough. For example, some readers pointed out that the purity of modern silver is too high. The author did not think of this at the time, but since it did not affect the overall reading, he did not make any changes.

There's also the school scene, which a lot of people are criticizing. At that time, I was struggling for several days, and I was still thinking about whether to modify it. Later it was invalidated.

The main reason is that the entire plot serves as a link between the past and the following. If it is changed rashly, the subsequent plots will not be connected.

Some readers continue to criticize this paragraph as watery, but actually it can be viewed from another angle. As a book in which Goldfinger is a panel, the entire book has 100,000 words so far, and the number of panels appearing is probably very small. Sometimes, the author just mentions the protagonist's breakthrough in one stroke, without taking out a panel to describe it in a hundred or two words.

If it were really water, I wouldn't be able to be water in the plot, right?

Or is it a plot that might just be a show-off to create a bit of fun, right?
  This plot is badly written (I don’t know if any readers find it good), and the main reason is that my writing skills are not strong enough. The atmosphere created in the early stage is okay, but the force of clenching the fist and swinging it out is not enough. This makes the plot very constipated, just like in bed, the foreplay is good, but the process only lasts three seconds. This really sucks.

I have thought about a change, which is to delete two chapters and solve it quickly. But if this is the case, I will mention it in later chapters, which will also affect the readers' reading.

If two evils are similar, choose the lesser.

If there are readers who think this plot is embarrassing, but still insist on reading it.

The author is here to kowtow, thank you for your support. Because of this plot, I actually changed some of the details at the end. For example, when I wrote about the Luo Family Pharmacy, in the original setting, there would be a small role for a wealthy concubine. But I felt that I couldn’t handle this aspect for the time being, so I put it aside and changed the writing method. The plot in the school was good, so I promoted the plot in Pingling County and sped up some progress.

Now, the whole book is 100,000 words long.

The first realm, the skin-grinding realm, Ming Jin, the protagonist has not yet reached.

From a realm perspective, this speed is undoubtedly extremely slow.

But from a plot perspective, I think my content is quite fulfilling.

The shaping of characters and the shaping of the world view are all in steady progress.

From the beginning, the author wanted to make this book as long as possible. Write down the differences between each realm. The faster the improvement, the more enjoyable it is, but the more it will collapse. Readers should all know this truth.

These words were originally planned to be said in the acceptance speech.

But today the atmosphere is here, so I’ll just talk about it.

Before I knew it, it was already a thousand words long.

If any readers can see this.

The author, kowtow.

Ask for collection.

Please read.

(End of this chapter)

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