Chapter 58: Hungry Tiger’s Claws

"This is...Jiang Shu..."

Among the crowd, some students could not help but speak.

If Wang Han came in a BMW, it would arouse the envy of everyone.

Then, when Jiang Shu got off the government Magotan, he was shocked!

Is this the charm of martial arts?

From an ordinary student.

He was admitted to Jiangnan University and filmed a martial arts promotional video with A-list star Ye Zhenzhen.

Now, we use government cars to pick us up.

Just six months.

They are just high school graduates who have just graduated.

Jiang Shu's status has already undergone a qualitative change!
  Wang Han, who was originally waiting to see a joke, couldn't say a word. He stood blankly, and the car keys he had been turning in his hand suddenly fell to the ground.



Maybe it was because of the special way Jiang Shu appeared in front of the hotel.

In the private room, Wang Han and his small group were sitting at the wine table on the other side, without all the noise in the past.

The entire teacher appreciation banquet was extremely harmonious.

Yan Dehou, who arrived too late and didn't know the truth, thought it was Wang Han who had changed his temper and grown a bit after passing the college entrance examination. I couldn't help but feel so happy that I even drank two more drinks.

"Jiang Shu, do you have any preparations for your summer vacation?"

Before leaving, Xu Shuhui couldn't help but asked in a low voice: "I plan to learn how to drive, but I might be bored alone..."

"I practice martial arts."

As if he didn't understand the hint, Jiang Shu spoke concisely and to the point.

What summer vacation?
  Does he have such a thing?
  Traveling between the two worlds, he wished he had forty-eight hours a day.

In the past few days, I stayed at Jiangnan University for more than twelve hours every day, and basically had no time to go to Pingling County.

Even the warrior who had broken through to the skin-grinding realm did not report to Mr. Qiu.

"Okay, okay."

"Well, I wish you good luck in learning to drive. It's not difficult as long as you don't think too much."

Jiang Shu stood up. Although he had never touched a vehicle in this life, in his last life, he drove on the highway smoothly. Of course, there is no need to spend time going to a driving school to get your driver's license.

When it's time to buy a car, just go to the vehicle management office and get a certificate.

Anyway, my mentor Xie Feichen also said that all secular matters should be borne by the government.

After walking out of Fengchun Hotel, Jiang Shu's phone number was dialed, and the Magotan car drove slowly. He opened the car door and got in, waving goodbye to the classmates who had just walked out.

Jiang Shu returned all the way to Qingjiang Community.

At this time, a long banner was hung outside Qingjiang Community. There seems to be still the smell of firecrackers in the air.

Ever since the news came out that he was recommended to Jiangnan University, the entire residents of Qingjiang Community were filled with pride.

In the community, several families took advantage of this opportunity to get married one after another.

Housing prices have soared even higher.

Jiang Shu opened the door and walked in: "Mom, I'll buy a smart lock online and change my fingerprints later. It's too troublesome to always carry the key."

"That's it."

On the sofa, Jiang Yanyue, who was eating and drinking like crazy, stuffed snacks into her mouth and echoed: "Brother, buy one with a video function. It can also be used for face unlocking and monitoring. It is more convenient!"

"You talk a lot and want to change everything. Why don't you say you want to change to another apartment?"

Xu Lizhi on the side rolled her eyes at her daughter. She turned down the sound of the TV and said, "Xiao Shu, how much does it cost? Mom will forward it to you via WeChat."

"No, your son is rich now."

"No matter how rich you are, it's still the pocket money your parents gave you. You don't need money to practice martial arts. It must have cost a lot to go to Jiangnan University this time. Even if the school provides subsidies, will you fall in love in the future? "My parents must have paid for the daily necessities you bought for your family."

As she spoke, Xu Lizhi picked up her mobile phone from the coffee table in front of her. Just when she was about to open WeChat, her son's voice slowly came:
  "Mom, I have become a warrior, and I have a fixed monthly training fund of 10,000 yuan."

“It may be a little difficult to buy a house, but it’s easy to buy a smart lock.”


Half a month later.

Pingling County.

Jiang Shu turned sharply and avoided the punch.

After reporting his own realm to Mr. Qiu, he devoted himself to cultivation.

In addition to studying "Hungry Tiger Roaring Mountain Power" by myself every day, he also fights with Qi Yuan.

After swallowing red-armored tiger meat for half a month, his blood and qi became thicker and richer, already far superior to that of an average cowhide realm warrior.

His aura was not weak at all.

The moves he made became smoother and smoother.

The three tiger-shaped postures at the perfect level were mixed with changes in the thirty-six postures of innate guidance in his hands.

From various angles, he punched Qi Yuan with great skill.

There was an explosion of force, and the powerful equipment on his body swayed with the increase in power.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The more Qi Yuan fought, the more frightened he became.

In the past half month, he had personally seen his junior brother, who had just arrived in the skin-grinding realm and was not familiar with the battle of strength.

So far, not weaker than him.

If it weren't for the second tempering of his skin membrane and reaching the realm of stone skin, he would be able to block most of Jiang Shu's attacks.

I'm afraid that he was defeated in succession under Jiang Shu's repeated attacks!

What a gift!
  Fortunately, this is his junior brother.

Qi Yuan let out a long roar, and all the strength in his body couldn't help but explode. After arriving in the Stone Skin Realm, he learned a lot of moves from his master and said while fighting:
  "Junior brother! The master told me to capture first with punches and then with legs. The three tiger postures in our Hungry Tiger Martial Arts School include punches for punches and legs for scissors. Now, he taught me the technique of capture."

"A hungry tiger will destroy its claws."

"Just take a look!"

"it is good!"

Jiang Shu's momentum increased and he advanced instead of retreating. He was also about to see what was the difference between himself and the Stone Skin Realm warriors?
  "The claws of a hungry tiger can be divided into twelve postures. If you take someone's waist and eyes, you will destroy your yin and destroy your heir!"

Qi Yuan shouted loudly, but it reminded Jiang Shu to pay attention. A claw stretched out, extremely vicious.

Jiang Shu waved his arms, hitting and blocking several times.

Finally, on the fourth time, his body collapsed, and a thin layer of sweat rolled down his forehead. It turned out that the part of his pants near the crotch was torn, and a small piece of black cloth was held in Qi Yuan's hand!

"Huh... Senior brother, you are so vicious and vicious!"

Jiang Shu took a cold breath and couldn't help but speak.

If Qi Yuan hadn't warned him early, if he hadn't shown mercy.

Even if he reacted quickly, he could still take a piece of meat from his thigh in one move!

"As the saying goes, if you practice boxing without practicing kung fu, you will be in vain. But practicing kung fu without boxing, in my opinion, is also in vain. You have all your strength and blood, but you can't achieve the strength you should have."

"It's okay to be in a safe place, but what if we encounter an enemy?"

Qi Yuan smiled and stood up with his fists closed, and said: "However, little junior brother, you are already very strong. If not for the vicious claws of the master, I may not be able to force you to such a situation."

"Remember what I told you last time. When you become a warrior, I will invite my friends and hold a party for everyone to learn from each other."

"At the beginning, I was worried that you were not strong enough and would accidentally get injured during the sparring session. Now it seems that I was overly worried."

"Do you have any ideas? Set a time?"

(End of this chapter)

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