Chapter 72 is full of energy!

who am I?
  Where am i?

What did I just say?
  Looking at Jiang Shu who nodded, Shou Junming felt like the world was spinning.

No, man.

You're already on the rookie list, why are you sitting in the back corner with me?

Don’t you know this is the throne of the bastard?

Shou Junming looked resentful.

At this time, a student in the front row had already stood up and asked:

"That's natural. Otherwise, why would Xia Kingdom hold any competitions? Everyone can just rank according to the rookie list. We are warriors at the first level. But in the same realm, combat power is naturally the most important thing."

"We are both Ming Jin. It is Ming Jin who makes the air explode with one punch. It is also Ming Jin who trains his strength to his fingers and shatters wood and stone with one flick!"

Xie Feichen took a step forward, put his index finger and middle finger together, bent them slightly, and flicked them.

His fingers hit an unoccupied desk.

There was only a "pop" sound.

The entire desk was motionless.

But at the edge of the desk, there is a gap of one finger.

Xie Feichen raised the desk and signaled to everyone.

For a moment, the whole place was silent.

The fingers can exert great force, this kind of skill is simply astonishing!
  Students who are still in the stage of great circulation of Qi and blood throughout their body are not aware of anything yet.

The students in the front row who had entered Mingjin all had their pupils trembling.

They have entered Mingjin, and their own family members know their own affairs. The so-called "making a sound" is actually a result of a long period of preparation. The shoulders and hips are combined, the elbows and knees are combined, the hands and feet are combined, and a punch is exploded to make a crisp sound.

This sound was made with full concentration and full body strength.

And Xie Feichen stood on the podium.

But his body remained motionless.

Snap your fingers to generate energy.

Although the one played is still Ming Jin.

But this difference.

Like cloud mud!

"Classmate Yang Kai's idea just now is too simple. The first half of the sentence is correct, but the second half is incorrect. At this stage, there are only a few people who can become martial artists who are not sincere in martial arts. Playing for fun? For martial arts practitioners , maybe there is a glimmer of possibility.”

"But Mingjin warriors, especially Mingjin warriors who have mastered the innate guidance technique and the first thirty-six moves to a certain level. Their actions, sitting, and lying are all based on the Daoyin technique, so how can they be slacking off in martial arts? .”

"Jiang Shu."

Hearing Xie Feichen's roll call, Jiang Shu stood up helplessly.

He is still somewhat interested in the university's martial arts talent competition.

Firstly, the geniuses at the top of the list really made him feel that there are many outstanding people in the Xia Kingdom.

Especially Shangjibei, which ranks first, entered Mingjin in April.

At that time, even if I had the panel, I could only transfer energy and blood.

This shows how talented he is.

Communicate with them and verify it to know where your current strength is among the martial arts geniuses of Xuan Xing.

Second, and most important. If Xia State can hold such a grand event, it will definitely give a lot of rewards.

In addition to the rewards from the competition, once you get ranked, the school will definitely give you a lot of credits.

No matter how you look at it, it is a business with no capital and huge profits.

"In our Jiangnan Academy, there are only three students ranked on the rookie list. Jiang Shu, ranked 19th. The other two students, Zhao Su from Class 2, ranked 27th. Xia Ke'er from Class 3, ranked 3rd fifteen."

"Unlike Zhao Su and Xia Ker, Jiang Shu has not been to the school throughout the summer. If any of you are interested, you can go to the free training classroom next to it and practice with Jiang Shu."

"Thank you, teacher, I'll do it."

After Xie Feichen finished speaking, Yang Kai, who was the first to ask the question, was eager to give it a try. He just entered Mingjin a few days ago, and he hasn't even gotten the certification as a warrior.

I have never played against a classmate of the same level, and now I see a figure on the rookie list, and I am naturally ready to make a move.


Xie Feichen walked to the empty practice classroom next to him.

A group of students also followed.

Spacious classroom.

Yang Kai didn't care about everyone's gaze. In the center, he performed the thirty-six postures of the innate guidance technique first. His body was between loose and tight, and from time to time there was a strong sound in the air.

Jiang Shu, on the other hand, gave Yang Kai enough space and only stood firmly in the corner without making any unnecessary movements.

"Jiang Shu, are you sure?" Seeing that the two of them hadn't started fighting yet, Shou Junming beside him couldn't help but speak.

He came to the school much earlier than Jiang Shu.

It can be said that all the students in the class have fought against each other.

Although Yang Kai understands Ming Jin, he is not the best in his class.

But when the qi and blood circulate throughout the body, it can always stabilize everyone.

Even though he is tall, he will suffer a hidden loss when fighting against Yang Kai.

I don't know where Yang Kai learned his fighting skills.

The weak can defeat the strong every time.

It was obvious that at that time, my own strength was stronger than his.

Couldn't help but let out a long sigh. In his opinion, Jiang Shu may not necessarily be Yang Kai's opponent.

After all, where is Yang Kai's combat power?

Jiang Shu was new to the academy and was competing with him for the gangster throne. Maybe he really slacked off in martial arts.

"Try it."

Jiang Shu answered easily.


Patting Jiang Shu's shoulder, Shou Junming leaned his head over and whispered in his ear: "Yang Kai is as difficult to deal with as an ape. When you hit someone with your arm, you must be more careful. Once you are hit, it will hurt. .”

"And he dodges very quickly. You must not punch with all your strength at once, otherwise you will not be able to take it back, and your whole body will lean forward, and he will find your weakness."

"I haven't fought him since he entered Ming Jin, but he is definitely more powerful. I feel that you can deceive him, such as punching and pretending to be very powerful, but in fact, you can twist and turn to be more powerful."

Shou Junming wanted to say more.

But at this time.

Yang Kai had taken two deep breaths, his whole body was in an extremely relaxed state, and he was obviously ready.

"bring it on."

He jumped twice on the spot and stood in a posture completely different from the horse stance.

"I heard people say that this seems to be some kind of three-body posture. I don't know much about it, so I can only sign up for you."

After saying the last words to Jiang Shu, Shou Junming also took several steps back.


In the Xia Kingdom, there must be other martial arts being passed down.

Ma Buzhuang is just a martial arts Zhuang skill passed down to common people and ordinary students from the Xia Kingdom.

Some martial arts families naturally have their own skills.

Perhaps the same is true for Shang Jibei.

Taking a step forward, Jiang Shu's face was calm and calm.

"Jiang Shu, please pay attention!"

As soon as Yang Kai finished speaking, he took the lead.

Different from the previous battles with classmates, I had rich fighting experience at that time and was better than my classmates by an unknown amount. I was able to strike from behind.

But now, facing Jiang Shu, who entered Mingjin two months earlier.

How dare he backtrack!

You must go first!

Caught off guard.

The limbs and large spine are like a fully drawn bow.

Yang Kai punched out and Ming Jin exploded!

And at this time.

In Jiang Shu's mind, he recalled the scene that Xie Feichen showed during class.

It was as if he wanted to recreate the scene.

Fingers curled.

Give it a flick.

A crisp sound that slightly stirs the air.


In Yang Kai's shocked eyes.

Jiang Shu's fingers suddenly collided with his fist.

(End of this chapter)

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