Chapter 77 True strength, punch to the flesh

"This classmate is very strong."

Shang Jibei's short six words shocked the audience in the live broadcast room.

You know, there are reviews along the way.

There were only two people who were truly said to be powerful by Shang Jibei.

Zhu Qingyun.

Wu Zhiming.

But at this moment, this long-haired boy can actually receive such evaluation.

Which school is this new student from?
  So brave!

The power of netizens is powerful, but in just a few seconds, barrages began to spread across Jiang Shu in the live broadcast room.

People from Jicheng.

Recommended to Jiangnan University.

Filmed a martial arts promotional video with Ye Zhenzhen.

Currently ranked 19th on the rookie list.

"Shang Jibei has been praised like this when he was only nineteen. It seems that he is a dark horse."

"I thought nineteen was already very strong, but now it seems that this is the qualification for the top ten."

"Have you forgotten what I said before? This is the third stage. No matter how strong this boy is, he will meet Wu Zhiming in the final match."

"If you can't beat him, just wait for the resurrection match. This talent competition is still very fair. In the resurrection match, players can challenge the champion at will. Wu Zhiming can't beat him, but if the rest of the strength is an ordinary champion, he may not be as good as Where is Jiang Shu?"

"I don't know what Shang Jibei thinks. I saw that Jiang Shu stretched out his hand to push people away. How did he see that he was very strong..."

"This is the difference between laymen and experts. If we all understand clearly, we will be the ones in the ring. What we can see is who is still standing on the stage in the end."

There were a lot of barrages in the live broadcast room.

Shang Jibei didn't explain too much. He walked back to his seat and continued to stand.

What others saw might just be Jiang Shu's simple move.

But what he saw was that Jiang Shu's figure was relaxed, trying to tighten inside and loosen outside. He had reached the stage of understanding one firmness and one softness, each movement and one stillness.

This alone is enough to prove that Jiang Shu's strength can definitely break into the top ten!
  As for which number it is.

Then it depends on whether the other players have any trump cards.

As the number one rookie.

He is not afraid of being surpassed.

I even hope that Zhu Qingyun, Wu Zhiming, Jiang Shu and others will become stronger and stronger.

Because only they are stronger.

Only then can he gain true invincibility after winning the battle!

If in this talent competition, there are really players who can put pressure on themselves.

Dark strength.

It should be soon!

Shang Jibei is looking forward to it.

At this time, Jiang Shu became famous because of his comment.

The number of spectators in the third arena soared to over one million.

"Hurry up in the ring. Please fast forward to the match between Jiang Shu and Wu Zhiming."

"By the way, aren't you curious as to why Jiang Shu has long hair? When I saw the martial arts promotional video before, I thought it was a wig. Now it seems like it might be true?"

"Isn't it normal for a warrior to have some weird hobbies?"

"It's just that I'm a normal person and I like to smell car exhaust."

"It turns out that there are people who like to smell special smells just like me. I finally stopped feeling inferior and placed an order today."

"No, what are you ordering for? You should make it clear beforehand."

Unconsciously, there are fewer and fewer contestants in the third ring.

Finally it was an hour later.

On the big screen behind the arena, scrolling subtitles:

[Jiang Shu from Jiangnan Academy vs. Wu Zhiming from Tianshu Academy]

"Brother Wu, come on!"

Behind Wu Zhiming, many freshmen from Tianshu University were cheering for him.

In the live broadcast room, many fans quickly posted comments.

Ranked third on the rookie list.

His popularity is much higher than Jiang Shu.

Even at this time, Jiang Shu was praised by Shang Jibei Dianping.

However, none of the opponents Jiang Shu encountered were talents on the rookie list!

Jiang Shu has always lacked a truly impressive record!
  Wu Zhiming stepped onto the ring.

Finally, it’s the final battle of the arena competition.

He unconsciously looked at Shang Jibei, who had already defeated all the talented players in the first arena, and was walking resolutely.

In his eyes, Shang Jibei was the only one among his peers.

Even Zhu Qingyun, who was ranked before him, he felt that he could win!

He was born in Tianshu, and three generations of his family have joined the army.

Although he is still young, he has received military education.

Climb snowy mountains.

Cross the grass.

His perseverance has been honed far beyond that of ordinary people.

After practicing martial arts, he made rapid progress. The boxing technique is wide open and wide, and in the same realm, it is rare to meet an opponent.

"Wu Zhiming."

"Jiang Shu."

The two stood with fists clasped.

No nonsense, fight instantly!

Wu Zhiming's lower body was steady, and one arm was like a spear, attacking Jiang Shu directly.

To be able to stand at the end.

This shows that Jiang Shu is by no means taking things for granted.

I can finally show off my full strength!

"Damn it! No wonder Shang Jibei said just now that Wu Zhiming's boxing skills are wide open and close. I was still wondering how he could tell that his punches were so soft."

"I feel sorry for Jiang Shu. He is very strong, but he met someone stronger."

"It's not a big problem. Let's wait for the resurrection match tomorrow."

The number of viewers in the live broadcast room reached its peak at this moment.

The barrage can be sent faster than a warrior can punch!

Within three seconds of Wu Zhiming taking action, explosions flashed across the entire arena!
  Ming Jin exploded in the air.

His boxing skills are extremely strong, and he has the courage to fight against the odds!

If the others were here and saw such an attack, they would definitely retreat and dodge, and then find another opportunity.

But Jiang Shu's eyes lit up.

He crouched like a tiger, power erupted from his spine and limbs, his energy and blood rolled, and his fists exploded with force.
  What's romantic.

It's better than the explosion on the fist!




The two of them played solidly.

The two arms on the upper body are constantly fighting against each other!

Jiang Shu breathed like a tiger!

The membrane is as solid as a stone!

This is his most exciting battle so far since he participated in the genius competition!
  Wu Zhiming, who is third, can compete with him like this.

What kind of surprise can Shang Jibei, who is number one, bring him?

He has traveled through two realms, and has killed stone-skinned warriors in smaller realms.

Tear apart tigers and leopards in the mountains!
  In front of a group of alien ferocious beasts, fight for the python meat and run wildly!

His experience is far superior to that of his peers!
  Nineteenth on the rookie list.

Just an appearance!

His true strength has never been truly revealed!
  Jiang Shu fought more and more fiercely. At this moment, he and Wu Zhiming seemed to have reached a tacit understanding.

Neither of them moved.

The punches and blows were like a tide that would never stop.

Only absolute power can achieve final victory!

What a hungry tiger roaring like a mountain.

What a hungry tiger with no claws.

What three tiger forms?

Nothing at all!

Yes, only punching to the flesh!
  "Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The barrage in the live broadcast room has decreased.

Near the third arena, many players gathered unconsciously. Unlike the audience in the live broadcast room, as Mingjin warriors, they know how ferocious the attacks are!
  Such a blow, every blow, seems to be able to crack the stone!
  How many times can they go through it?
  Both are geniuses.

The same realm.

Is there really such a big gap?

Wu Zhiming's punching speed gradually slowed down.

There was redness and swelling on my fists and arms!
  He didn't know how Jiang Shu practiced martial arts! The arms and fists look like rocks!
  The more he fought, the weaker his muscles and bones became.

Jiang Shu, on the other hand, tightened on the outside and loosened on the inside, releasing his strength to the ground through the tremors of his muscles and bones.

Wu Zhiming, who is ranked third on the rookie list, is indeed very strong.

But he is stronger!

Jiang Shu beat him harder and harder. He had a feeling that since he swallowed the alien python meat, his internal organs seemed to have experienced a small strengthening.

His strength may be the same as that of a warrior.

But in terms of endurance, it is definitely far superior to those in the same realm!




Finally, after a quarter of an hour of confrontation.

Wu Zhiming's strength became weaker and weaker, and he couldn't help but take half a step back.

He raised his head and looked at Jiang Shu.

Full of horror.

 I actually wrote until nearly five o'clock in the morning. But I was never satisfied. I always felt that the foreplay was too much, and the climax never reached what I wanted to write. I'm back in good shape tonight, let's make up for it. sorry Sorry.

  (End of this chapter)

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