Two Realms: A giant of immortal martial arts emerges from low Wu Gan

Chapter 80 The secret realm of heaven and earth! The path of a warrior!

Chapter 80 The secret realm of heaven and earth! The path of a warrior!
  The martial arts of Xia Kingdom are only Qi and blood martial arts.

When it comes to killing, it is definitely not comparable to the martial arts of the Dajing Dynasty.

The skin film is tempered three times.

Once he is promoted to the Iron Skin Realm, even if he doesn't use the Hungry Tiger's Juehu Claw, the toughness of his skin is enough to make a Ming Jin warrior collapse.


This competition came too suddenly.

He can't use his true trump card.

The Stone Skin Realm, coupled with the limit-breaking Tiger Form Three Forms, I don't know if I can beat Shang Jibei, who has already half-stepped into the dark power.

Jiang Shu stood still and breathed, adjusting his condition.

Even if he can't win, he can still be in second place.

With such outstanding achievements, Jiangnan University must give itself the best treatment and must manage enough resources.

It doesn't matter if you lag a little behind others in the early stage.

The one who has worn both worlds and appreciates the highest peak of martial arts must be himself!
  Jiang Shu's eyes were determined, and at this moment, his cell phone suddenly rang.

It's an unfamiliar number.

His expression remained unchanged and he hung up the phone.

The phone rang again, and at the same time a text message was sent: I am Shang Jibei.

Jiang Shu frowned and connected directly without much hesitation.

He knew that Shang Jibei had come to watch his game and even spoke highly of him.

But until now, he has never said hello to Monk Jibei.

Is there anything you need to find yourself?
  Could it be that something happened during the game?
  Secretly guessing, Shang Jibei's voice came directly from the other side of the phone, with a clear purpose.

However, just a few words caused Jiang Shu's emotions to fluctuate.

"Brother, what's wrong?"

Jiang Yanyue sat on the sofa and asked curiously when Jiang Shu hung up the phone.

She had rarely seen her brother look so solemn when answering the phone.

And judging from the voice coming from the phone, he shouldn't be very old.

"It's okay, I just have to go out after I finish eating."

Looking at his parents busy in the kitchen, Jiang Shu looked relaxed.

With a few pieces of red-armored tiger meat in his belly, his energy and blood were circulating, and some skin injuries on his body were recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.


Eight o'clock.


In the extremely spacious courtyard, the wind shakes the shadows of the trees and the bright moon hangs high.

Shang Jibei practiced the innate guidance technique with a straight face.

But what was different from the Ming Jin warrior was that he was actually doing the seventy-two moves!

Although, the guidance technique after the thirty-six postures.

The fight is getting slower and slower.

But it also proves the terror of its strength.

"Zhu Qingyun is my classmate. She and I have fought several times before. She can't put any pressure on me."

The half-open door was pushed open, and Jiang Shu's figure walked slowly over.

Shang Jibei just glanced at it and continued to use the innate guidance technique, explaining bit by bit: "The real purpose of my coming to participate in the competition is actually to compete with geniuses of the same level. Under the pressure of the battle, I can understand the true meaning of The dark power. I thought Wu Zhiming could do it, but it’s a pity.”

He said no more.

But Jiang Shu knew that Shang Jibei's subtext was undoubtedly saying that Wu Zhiming was not qualified.

"I watched the match between you and Wu Zhiming. Others may think that he and you are just a little bit different. Maybe they all think so. But I feel that you still have a hidden card."

"I invite you here this time because I want to have a hearty and real battle with you." "It's not convenient to tell you on the phone. You can't really know this information until later. I just told you in advance. Come out, just don’t spread the word. The reason why the whole world has changed drastically is because gaps suddenly appeared between heaven and earth."

"Through these gaps, you can reach another small world."

"We, the Xia Kingdom, call it the secret realm of heaven and earth."

"The passage between the world and the secret realm of heaven and earth is not stable. People can only enter at certain times. And the secret realm of heaven and earth, according to the exploration of some warriors, contains all kinds of dangers."

"The treasures of heaven and earth and the meat of exotic beasts that we take in the academy actually come from the secret realm of heaven and earth!"

"Only when strength can temper the outer membranes of muscles and bones and generate strength through the pores. Only when all four limbs and every move can be made with strength can one be considered qualified to enter the secret realm."

Shang Jibei spoke slower and slower, and the innate guidance technique on his body had also reached its final few moves.

"There is a secret realm in Shengjing that is gradually becoming unstable. It may be difficult to enter tomorrow or the day after. Therefore, I want to give it a try. If I enter the dark realm today, I will quit the game and go directly The secret realm of heaven and earth.”

"I think you should be able to understand me. Becoming number one in the Genius Competition means nothing to me or you. In the Genius Competition, you can only become a star warrior, and you can only become a warrior in front of the stage. And a real warrior, You have to go through a life-and-death fight. In a dangerous place, you have to fight for your life again and again, and use your fists to find a way out."

"Entering the secret realm of heaven and earth is our way!"

After the words fell to the ground, Shang Jibei stood still and breathed.

On the phone, he only gave a general idea, and only now did he reveal the real purpose.

Everything still has to wait for Jiang Shu to make a decision.

In his opinion, this matter was of no harm to either him or Jiang Shu.

It worked, and he was promoted to An Jin.

Jiang Shu will also experience the process of Ming Jin stepping into Dark Jin during the battle. In the future, there will be no threshold for entering Dark Jin!

"I have a special skill called Hungry Tiger's Juehu Claw. You need to pay attention to it."

Shang Jibei's breathing became more and more steady.

Jiang Shu opened his mouth, breathing like a tiger, crouching like a tiger. His strength began to circulate in his arms little by little.

Everything was sorted out in his mind.

The reason why warriors have high status.

It's because only warriors can enter the secret realm of heaven and earth.

Xie Feichen, Teacher Xie said, the benefits of the top ten.

This benefit is definitely not money or resources.

Rather, you can understand the real scene of this world!
  Those in the top ten are considered true geniuses and are qualified to know all this in advance.

Star warrior.

Secret realm warrior.

In the Xia Kingdom, future warriors will be divided into two types.

Star warriors specialize in participating in ring competitions to enhance the reputation of warriors in society and attract more people to practice martial arts.

As for the warriors in the secret realm, they will not show their reputation and go down to the secret realm to survive a narrow escape.

For the former, the realm may remain between bright and dark strength for a lifetime, being involved in worldly affairs and missing the highest realm of martial arts.

The latter is able to obtain first-line resources. An Jin is just the beginning!

The sword points to the strength!

Even to a higher level of energy.

Jiang Shu breathed like a tiger.

What is on his body is no longer the frame of the innate guidance technique.

Instead, the hungry tiger is sitting on a pile in a hole, doing three tiger-shaped postures, and the hungry tiger is roaring like a mountain!

At this moment, he had no reservations.

He also wanted to see the difference between himself and Shang Jibei when he exploded with all his strength!

Roaring like a tiger.

Jiang Shu took one step forward, and all the martial arts he had learned in the Hungry Tiger Martial Arts School were revealed in Xuanxing for the first time!

(End of this chapter)

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