Chapter 9 Taking Tiger as Teacher
  Yingtai Mall.

Feeling the warm air from the mall's air conditioner, Jiang Yanyue took a deep breath, and her body came to life as if a fish had entered the water.

Throwing the pajamas back to Jiang Shu, Jiang Yanyue quickly came to a self-service barbecue restaurant with the lowest per capita consumption.

"No drinks, starch sausage. A little seafood, mainly meat."

After Jiang Shu paid the money, he found a seat and sat down at random. After practicing martial arts for three months, he naturally knew that only fresh meat could replenish and strengthen the martial arts practitioner's energy and blood to the greatest extent.

Many of the meats in the buffet have been frozen for who knows how many years, and the blood energy contained in them is as low as freezing point, so it can only be eaten by some ordinary people.

However, who said that the person who wanted to eat was my sister.

Glancing at Jiang Yanyue, who was scurrying around in front of each stage like a diligent bee, Jiang Shu closed his eyes and performed the Hungry Tiger Breathing Technique. He sat and stood there for more than ten minutes until his stomach made a low sound from time to time. The sound of bowel sounds.

When Jiang Yanyue came back, she saw Jiang Shu standing still with his eyes closed. He didn't say anything. He was scrolling through his cell phone and putting the roasted meat on his plate.

"Jiang Shu, have you sensed the blood?"

When Jiang Shu opened his eyes and picked up the first skewer of meat, Jiang Yanyue suddenly asked.

Since the Xia Kingdom announced martial arts, many people have known through the news and the Internet that there are three realms in practicing Zhuang Kung Fu.

Qi and blood induction, Qi and blood transportation, and general circulation of Qi and blood throughout the body.

But among ordinary people, few people know the specific signs of these three realms, and how they are divided between realms.

"How do I know this?"

After dipping it in the soul seasoning and taking a bite of the meat, Jiang Shu said vaguely.

"Hey, it's impossible when I think about it. How can anyone who has only studied for three months immediately become a master and reach the undergraduate level? If you want to be so exaggerated, Jiang Shu, you can practice martial arts in elementary school and stand up. I haven’t even entered junior high school yet, and you’re already in college!”

"No, I haven't grown up in elementary school yet. You still have to start practicing from the first year of high school to the second year of high school. After three years of this, you can even reach the top of the university with the lowest weight! It's so scary!"

Jiang Yanyue looked frightened.

Xia's universities are divided into junior colleges, general undergraduates, heavy undergraduates and colleges. Among them, the schools are the most valuable, and the huge Xia Kingdom only has four schools.

Shengjing Academy, Donghai Academy, Jiangnan Academy, and Tianshu Academy.

Without exception, those who can go to school are the proud ones in their studies. They have not won several provincial-level awards and are too embarrassed to fill out their application form.

Even in Jicheng, a second-tier city, only forty or fifty students can go to college every year.

Fortunately, fortunately, Jiang Shu is not that kind of martial arts genius.

If she could really enter the school with martial arts talent, how could her sister hire him in the future?
  I'm afraid it won't be directly suppressed by him!
  "Stop being so scared. If you have nothing to do this afternoon, come with me to the zoo."

Jiang Shu ate meat very quickly, and soon there was a pile of iron picks on the table.

"I really envy you. If only I could eat as well as you. A buffet barbecue meal costs 80 yuan. Jiang Shu, you can eat at least 300 to 400 yuan of the boss's cost. After calculation, you will make a net profit of 200 to 300 yuan per meal. , eating two meals a day is equivalent to saving 10,000 yuan a month!”

"By the way, what did you just say, go to the zoo? Do you have money?"


"How much?" Jiang Yanyue's eyes lit up. She thought it would be good to kill her brother and eat and drink today, but she didn't expect to get extra money.

Fight the rich! Fight the landlord!
  I want you to pay back the eight hundred you took from me today with interest!

"one hundred."

"Okay! Come here quickly! My WeChat messages are already thirsty."

"It will be deducted from my future salary." Jiang Shu ate a few bunches of vegetables to relieve his tiredness, and said: "Didn't you, the CEO, say that you would hire me as a bodyguard and driver? The salary should be at least 10,000. One hundred. Yuan, a small amount, will be deducted directly from your salary!"


No, you are a dog!

The fist is hard.

At this moment, Jiang Yanyue really had the urge to practice martial arts.

Very strong.

I just want to ask, how can an ordinary person improve his martial arts in one minute and suppress the martial arts practitioners who may have sensed Qi and blood? One minute, no more.

Any more will make you tired.


Jiang Yanyue finally decided to accompany Jiang Shu to the zoo.

It's definitely not because of the milk tea in her hand.

"Jiang Shu, if you buy me a cup of such delicious milk tea every day, I won't be angry with you."

"Okay, you can buy it yourself and the money will be deducted from my salary."

"If you play a meme multiple times, you will be deducted money."

"Will it be deducted from my salary?"

Jiang Yanyue suddenly felt very tired. She vaguely remembered that her previous brother was not like this.

In the past, my brother's IQ was always beaten by him.

Could it be that practicing martial arts not only grows your limbs, but also your intelligence?
  Jiang Yanyue looked out the window. She decided not to talk to the bodyguard and driver who could only talk about salary deductions all day today.

So incompetent!
  Fifteen minutes later.

"Hey, Jiang Shu, look, there are so many people."

Jiang Yanyue turned around and opened the car window, stuck her head out and tried to look back. At the zoo on the other side of the road, a dozen people were still buying tickets at the ticket office, and more people entered the zoo one by one while security maintained order.

Even the parking lot, which is not very small, is already full of cars.

It's not like she's never been to the zoo.

He was even a frequent visitor to the zoo as a child.

But with the development of the times in recent years, she and her classmates basically only go out to eat delicious food, play script killing, escape rooms, etc., and rarely come here anymore.

Unexpectedly, there were so many people today.

After jumping out of the car, Jiang Yanyue drank the last sip of the milk tea and threw it into the trash can. After crossing the road, I found a sign outside that read: "Jicheng Zoo is about to move! For the last three days! Tickets are free! Register at the ticket office!"

"Hey, it turns out they are going to move. Why are there so many people here? Jiang Shu, did you catch the news that they are moving out? That's why you came here to see it."

"Do you think I look like someone who reads this kind of news?"

Jiang Shu rolled his eyes at Jiang Yanyue, feeling doubtful in his heart. The zoo is considered a city infrastructure, so how can it be relocated at will? And what’s even more strange is that generally speaking, this kind of relocation will be announced in advance on Jicheng’s official account, explaining where it will be moved.

But now when he turned on his phone, he didn't see even a single message on the Jicheng official account.

Only when I was browsing forums and post bars did I find someone posting that there is a new decree and zoos in second- and third-tier prefecture-level cities will be collectively relocated to local provincial capitals in the near future.

Some first-tier cities have even begun to capture stray cats and dogs.

This decree is very sudden and strange.

Just like three months ago, it was announced that all high school students, regardless of arts and sciences, can become martial arts students and learn horse riding.

After queuing for twenty minutes at the ticket office, the two finally entered the zoo.

Jiang Yanyue decided to follow the route of her childhood and visit every place in the zoo again, taking photos from time to time and sending them to her class group.

Jiang Shu, on the other hand, put his cell phone in his pocket, stopped thinking about it, and spoke to his sister.

We walked straight to the tiger area and quietly looked at the tigers in the zoo through the glass.

Learn to pace, sit down, and breathe.

Tiger, Qiu Lao, myself.

The three body shapes were constantly rehearsed in Jiang Shu's mind and gradually overlapped.

(End of this chapter)

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