Two Realms: A giant of immortal martial arts emerges from low Wu Gan

Chapter 93: Moon Stick Nian Dao! What a genius!

Chapter 93: Moon Stick Nian Dao! What a genius! (Please subscribe)

"Let's go."

"The space here is too small to do anything."

With his hands behind his back, Mr. Qiu led Jiang Shu through the streets of the inner city and towards a red brick courtyard.

As the master of the Hungry Tiger Martial Arts School, he appears to be a strong man in the bone forging realm.

Naturally, there will not be just one piece of real estate owned.

Hungry Tiger Martial Arts Hall is just a place where he can easily teach his disciples and live wherever he wants.

In the courtyard.

It is completely paved with bluestones, and there are big trees on both sides with flourishing branches and leaves.

Under the shade of the tree, there were several swords placed horizontally on a weapons rack, shimmering in the cold light.

"I told you before, fists first, then legs, capture, weapons, strength and martial arts are combined into one."

"Among them, weapons are often the most basic martial arts in all martial arts schools. Why? Because warriors have limited resources. If you have been to the mountains, you also know that facing ordinary beasts, small alien beasts that do not cause much damage, you can rely on your physical body to survive. Fight with strength. But what about facing a second-level alien ferocious beast?"

"Cloud-walking black leopard, red-haired purple-skinned ape, those two ferocious beasts, are you sure you can defeat them without the help of weapons?"

Qiu Lao pulled out one of the swords and asked Jiang Shu.

While Jiang Shu shook his head, he continued:
  "Only by learning weapons can you have the ability to hunt second-level alien ferocious beasts! Even in the martial arts schools in the county, there are not many that have real knowledge of weapons! Most of them are just some inferior weapons and martial arts."

"I can barely perform at the skin-grinding stage, but I have to go to the bone-forging stage to fight against second-level alien ferocious beasts. This kind of weapon martial arts will only drag down the warrior!"

"Only top-grade weapons and martial arts can mobilize the warrior's strength and exert power several times, or even ten times more than that of fists and feet!"

"Martial arts that are not up to the top level are all empty air! Of course, any martial arts that is up to the top level must start from the basics. I will now teach you the thirteen sword techniques of our Dajing Dynasty. Although this sword technique is not up to the top level, But after learning these thirteen moves, you will have the opportunity to learn any sword technique in the future."

He threw a knife directly at Jiang Shu.

Qiu Lao stood in the courtyard.

Breathing calmly, the big knife in his hand slashed into the air.

"The thirteen sword techniques are chopping, chopping, teasing, chopping, picking, intercepting, pushing, stabbing, sliding, stirring, collapsing, point, and pulling."

While talking and doing, he explained a few words about each style.

Jiang Shu held the knife and stared at it intently, making movements in his hand accordingly.

After arriving at An Jin, his control over his body was much better than before.

Tight on the outside and loose on the inside.

Especially after he also tempered his right forearm, he held the knife in his hand like an arm and used his fingers.

On the panel, there is an updated introduction to the Thirteen Styles of Sword Techniques.

Proficiency increases rapidly.

"A stick for a month, a sword for a lifetime, a gun for a lifetime."

On the side, Mr. Qiu had already stopped his hand. He was standing next to Jiang Shu, watching every move of Jiang Shu. Walking around in a circle, he said: "Sword skills are easy to talk about, but for ordinary people, without a year of solid basic skills, they are basically incapable of using them."

"Of course, for you, there is no need to go to such trouble. Practice your sword more these days, and I will teach you real sword skills in ten days."

After that, he took out a deck chair from the room. Qiu Lao lay in the courtyard, closed his eyes slightly, and said to Jiang Shu.

Jiang Shu held the broadsword.

While the body shape is being fine-tuned, thirteen sword techniques are displayed one after another.

Not missing this perfect opportunity, he practiced while asking: "Master Qiu, the cloud-walking ink leopard and the red-haired purple-skinned ape you talked about before. Are there any books recorded in our Great Jing Dynasty?"

"This time when I entered the mountains, I felt like I didn't understand anything. There were so many different kinds of ferocious beasts that I couldn't tell them apart."

"You were able to reach the Bone Forging Realm at the age of eighteen. Although you were lucky, your talent is definitely not bad. It's just that you learned martial arts a little later and you were in a small place like Pingling County. Forget it, I will officially popularize it for you. .”

"Did you know that the martial arts of our Dajing Dynasty has six realms?"

"Skin grinding, bone forging, internal organs training, blood transfusion, orifice opening, and rebirth!"

Sitting on the recliner, Mr. Qiu spoke slowly, but every word contained great information.

"The alien beasts are therefore divided into levels one to six. Among them, the dynasty will make a list for the alien beasts above level three. Anyone who can make the list means that this alien beast has the same level of ferocity. The beast’s incomparable fighting prowess or value.”

"The second-level alien beasts may be powerful in your eyes, but in front of the third-level alien beasts, they are no different from ordinary beasts. The second to third level is the real watershed!" "Just like in martial arts, only Only when you reach the state of viscera training can you train your viscera vigorously and extend your life by two decades."

"In Pingling County, at your age and level, you can be considered a genius. But in front of our huge Dajing Dynasty, there are a lot of 18-year-old forged bones!"

"Needless to mention the royal city and the prefecture city. Even Yongning County has many geniuses. At the age of sixteen, they can grind skin, at the age of seventeen, they can forge bones, and at the age of eighteen, they have already reached the viscera training realm!"

Eighteen years old, training in Zang state!
  This is like the eighteen-year-old Hua Jin in Xuanxing and Xia Kingdom!
  And this is just a genius in one county. When he gets to a real state, he may immediately become an ordinary person.

Sure enough, Pingling County is still too small.

Especially when there is a mountain blocking the way.

It is difficult for news from the county to circulate.

The warriors here are becoming more and more shallow and ignorant.

In the Skin Grinding Realm, you can truly gain a foothold in the inner city.

In the bone forging realm, he can be called a strong one.

Fortunately, he was apprenticed to Mr. Qiu, a strong man in Zang training realm with unknown origins.

If you are an ordinary martial arts master, I am afraid that until now, you can only tell the first few realms of martial arts.

Completely unable to understand the genius of counties and prefectures.

After all, their proud state is not worth mentioning in front of the geniuses in the county.

"But don't be discouraged. Martial arts resources are naturally different in different places. Just like the warriors in Pingling County, if the civilians in the outer city practice martial arts, they can only eat a full meal and have no access to meat."

"As for the children of wealthy families, they are given medicated meals, medicated baths, and exotic animal meat. In terms of progress, they are much faster than ordinary people."

"The same is true for the geniuses in the county. The martial arts resources you have access to now are the meat of exotic beasts. But in the county, what the geniuses really eat is the elixir refined from the treasures of heaven and earth and the meat of exotic beasts!"

"It's like the Blood Purifying Pill. Generally, when warriors swallow animal meat, impurities will precipitate in the body. Taking this pill can wash away the dirt and poisonous impurities on the body and purify the flesh and blood."

"Like the Leopard Power Tiger Bone Pill: it enhances strength and accelerates the speed of bone forging. It is the best cultivation pill for the first two realms."


"Of course, pills are only auxiliary means. What really determines whether a person can be a genius in martial arts depends on his combat power!"

"Our Dajing Dynasty has a vast territory. Every year, the real combat power of the great geniuses is calculated and included in the list. It is called the Dragon and Tiger List."

"One hundred and eight in total."

"And every major state has followed suit and released a Little Dragon and Tiger List to count the geniuses in a state."

"Those who can board it, without exception, can enter a realm above blood exchange."

"Practice the viscera state, train the viscera vigorously, and live for more than two decades."

"Exchange the blood realm, train the marrow like frost, train the blood mercury slurry, and then create another sixty years."

"Tongqiao Realm..."

On the recliner, Qiu Lao's words became softer and softer, but he did not continue.

Maybe this realm is extremely far away from him.

Even he couldn't explain its profoundness.

Jiang Shu looked straight ahead.

What Mr. Qiu mentioned, the list of alien ferocious beasts, all kinds of strange elixirs, and the list of dragons and tigers that only geniuses can be on, were all written down by him.

He struck one blow after another.

A steady stream.

Split, chop, tease, chop, pick, cut, push, stab, slide, stir, collapse, point, pull.

From entry to success.

A new world.

Before his eyes, it slowly unfolded!

(End of this chapter)

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