The Young Master of the Prehistoric Jiejiao

Chapter 147: Intrigue and deceit between the six great sages and the simple novice Sun Wukong

Chapter 147: The intrigues and deception of the six great sages and the simple novice Sun Wukong

Soon, the seven demon kings arrived together, and the demonic aura filled the void. Tens of miles away, Nezha sensed this strong demonic aura, and his expression suddenly changed.

"Father, what's wrong is that the demon monkey has invited reinforcements, and they are all masters at the demon king level, and all of them have cultivation levels above Taiyi Golden Immortal!"

"What? Everyone is more powerful than that monkey?"

In the middle army, Li Jing immediately showed a shocked look on his face when he heard Nezha's report.

Back then, when he was the commander-in-chief of the army at Chentangguan, he naturally didn't understand the classification of immortal figures. However, after serving as an official in Heaven for many years and becoming a marshal, he naturally understood.

His cheap son is only in the Taiyi Golden Immortal realm, so the seven demonic auras outside indicate that there are six demon kings who are no weaker than his cheap son.

No matter how powerful Nezha is, I'm afraid he is no match for these monsters. The remaining Sun Wukong does not have Nezha's restrictions. After a while, if they fight, wouldn't he be beaten to death?

"My son, what should I do?"

Among the three armies, except for Nezha, the others were all useless. Li Jing suffered from having no one to use, so it was worth asking Nezha for advice.

In fact, these six sworn brothers each have their own origins, and their magical power is superior to that of Sun Wukong. They all have different purposes for joining Sun Wukong this time.

"Alas! This is the only way!"

The seven brothers retreated from the heavenly soldiers, held a feast, drank several cups of monkey wine, and the atmosphere became lively.

When Sun Wukong saw this scene, he took out the "Ruyi Golden Cudgel", and with a movement of his body, he was about to rush forward and kill him, making him feel depressed.

Let’s talk about the Bull Demon King, the leader of the seven demon kings. This bull has the greatest background and is the mount of Yu Yutian, the Shangqing Sage of Biyou Palace and the leader of Tongtian Cult.

When he returned to the mountain, he saw that all the monkeys were safe. Sun Wukong was overjoyed and immediately put his worries behind him. With a wave of his hand, he commanded the group of monkeys to prepare for a banquet.


The Bull Demon King grabbed Sun Wukong to prevent the monkey from causing trouble. He was also a demon with a great background and had a close relationship with the Heavenly Court, so naturally he would not take action against the Heavenly Court.

"Not bad! Let's go back to 'Huaguoshan' first and take a look to see if there is any damage!"

The leader of Tongtian was forbidden to set foot in the ancient world, so the mount for transportation was of little use. The leader of Tongtian turned a blind eye and gave the old cow a chance to escape and let him go to the lower world happily.

"Children, let's have a big feast. I want to thank my six brothers for saving my life!"

"Good brother! Wait! Wait! Leave these little people alone!"

Many heavenly soldiers and generals turned around and flew towards Thirty-Three Heavens before the Bull Demon King and the others came to kill them.

Sun Wukong was surrounded by people and could not escape. In desperation, he could only turn his head and look at the heavenly army disappearing in the sky, and returned to the Water Curtain Cave reluctantly.

"Hey! The heavenly soldiers are about to run away! My brothers are chasing after me!"

Demon King Peng and others looked at each other, showed meaningful smiles, and surrounded Sun Wukong one by one, and returned to the "Flower and Fruit Mountain".

Nezha rolled his eyes, but he didn't want to risk his life with these demon kings. After so many years, Nezha was no longer the silly boy who just fooled him and rushed forward to kill him.

Li Jing had no choice but to shout loudly, "Send the order! Retract the troops!"

"Alas! These heavenly soldiers and generals are so cheap!"

"Father, we were ordered to attack the demon monkey and we defeated them once. However, the demon monkey has reinforcements. We are defeated. Why don't we withdraw our troops and go back and ask the Great Heavenly Lord to send more experts before we argue?"

For a while, the seven brothers boasted to each other, and Sun Wukong was comforted for a while. In his nerves, he forgot the boredom of being beaten by Nezha and became happy again.

Ever since this old cow came down from the world, he has become a demon king and proclaimed himself the title of Bull Demon King. A few years ago, the Dao Lord of Chaos came to visit him and helped him matchmaking. He married the princess of the Asura Sect and lived a happy life. .

As it was, the young master of the teachings passed down a decree to get close to Sun Wukong. The Bull Demon King confusedly obeyed the instructions of the young master of the teachings and established friendship with the monkey.

Sun Wukong's two moves were really not noticed by the Bull Demon King. He was also a saint's mount after all. With the cultivation of Daluo Jinxian and the magic weapon refined by the saint, ordinary Daluo Jinxian was no match for him.

Sun Wukong is also innocent. The Bull Demon King fooled the monkey around and became the monkey's big brother without any effort.

The second among the seven brothers, the Dragon Demon King, is sworn to the sixth brother. His thoughts are not pure either. This demon king has been hanging out in the sea for a long time. He is a gold medal fighter secretly trained by the Dragon Clan of the Four Seas. If he encounters a Dragon Clan, he cannot be eliminated even if he bows his head and submits. If there is cause and effect, the dragon clan will create cause and effect, causing the enemy to become enemies with the Jiao Demon King, and then the demon will eradicate him.

With the cultivation level of Jiao Demon King Taiyi Golden Immortal and the innate spiritual treasure in his body, this cultivation level is enough.

Ao Guang had not found out the details of Sun Wukong before. Although God had informed him of the imperial edict, he still had no idea in his heart, so he asked the Jiao Demon King to explore the way.

This Jiao Demon King is not an ordinary expert. He is well-informed. He was immediately shocked by the Bull Demon King's Da Luo Jinxian cultivation, and then he joined in and became brothers.

The purpose is very simple. The first is to make friends with demon masters such as the Bull Demon King. The second is to see what skills Sun Wukong, the monkey, can attract to the Bull Demon King to lower his profile and become a sworn kinsman.

As for the old three Peng Demon King and the fourth old lion and camel king, they are monsters from Hezhou, Xiniu. On the surface, these monsters dominate the mountains and are lawless. In fact, they are monsters raised by Buddhism. They often eat people and massacre cities, and then the Buddhism shows their magical powers. Subjugate demons and eliminate demons, calm the hearts of the people in Xiniu Hezhou, and increase these civilians' faith in Buddhism.

These two monsters came to Sun Wukong under orders from Buddhism. The first was to protect Sun Wukong and allow him to grow up smoothly; the second was to instill some Buddhist ideas intentionally or unintentionally to prepare in advance for the defeat of the Buddha and his return to Buddhism.

The fifth macaque king is the master of the demon clan. Although the demon clan is divided, some of the old antiques of the demon clan still exist. At the Peach Festival, the great sage Bai Ze of the demon clan and the Dao Lord of Chaos had a very happy conversation. At the same time, the two of them For those who share the same hatred with Buddhism, this Monkey King's descent into the realm is just a casual move by the demon clan's great supernatural powers.

Since this Sun Wukong was transformed from the "five-color stone" of the Nuwa Empress, he came from the lineage of the "Wa Imperial Palace". Naturally, the powerful demon clan was not willing to let Sun Wukong enter Buddhism so easily and become a member of the Buddhist sect, so he sent He became a master and won over Sun Wukong, making him yearn for the free and easy life of the Demon King and stay in the Demon Clan.

However, Old Six Yu Tao King was the last one to join. His identity is mysterious and unknown. Even the Bull Demon King and the others don't know where he comes from and what his purpose is, but he is definitely not a good person.

These seven demon kings are sworn sworn brothers. Except for Sun Wukong who is simple-minded and has no idea why, the other six brothers each have their own evil intentions and have impure purposes. There is no difference between Sun Wukong now and Nezha back then. The same thing is that he only has a little cleverness but no great wisdom. He only feels that each of his six brothers are generous and powerful, and they are all his benefactors.

"If we talk about the four major continents, the Buddhism in Xiniuhezhou has many people with great supernatural powers. The Buddhas and Bodhisattvas have great magical powers and are undoubtedly the best in the three realms."

After three rounds of wine and five tastes of food, I could only hear the Peng Demon King and the Lion and Camel King talking over the wine, boasting about the tyrannical power of Buddhism in front of Sun Wukong.

"Is Buddhism really that powerful?"

Sun Wukong was stunned for a moment, and then looked at it with disdain. The seven great saints joined forces and scared even the heavenly soldiers and generals to the point of peeing. How can Buddhism be more powerful than heaven?
Although Sun Wukong disdained the Heavenly Court and even made slight remarks on the Jade Emperor, after going to heaven and seeing the immortal style of the Heavenly Court, he felt ashamed and envious of himself.

And this is one of the reasons why the next time Taibai Jinxing recruits people from the lower world again, Sun Wukong will follow Taibaijinxing to the heaven to receive the seal.

"Ahem! In addition to Buddhism, there are countless great practitioners of the three sects of Xuanmen. There are Wuyi Mountains in Nanfangbuzhou, Kunlun Mountains in Dongshengshenzhou, and Wuzhuang Temple in Xiniuhezhou. They are all big figures in Xuanmen. Holding the stars and catching the moon with only one hand, it’s like taking it easy!”

After hearing what the Peng Demon King and the Lion and the Camel King said, the Bull Demon King was immediately dissatisfied, and said a few good words about Taoism. At the same time, he was a little more wary of the cheap third and fourth brothers. It seemed that they were sent by Buddhism, and they were close to The character of Sun Wukong.

What's the point of this sworn vow?
There is simply no good person!
"Actually, neither Buddhism nor Taoism is very comfortable. It's better for us brothers to occupy the mountain and become kings and live happily!"

The Monkey King chuckled and took the opportunity to say.

"Hey! What the fifth brother said is true! How can we brothers have such a good time drinking here!"

Sun Wukong slammed the table and loudly agreed.

The other six brothers looked at Sun Wukong's appearance and looked at each other in confusion. Is this guy really stupid or just pretending to be stupid? Why is he so naive?

"What, brothers don't agree?"

Seeing several brothers in a daze, Sun Wukong said unhappily.

"No, no, I agree. What the seventh brother said is true! We should live happily!"

The Bull Demon King was a little speechless, so the young master sent himself here to tease the fool?

"That's right! That's right! Seventh Brother is right!"

The other five brothers, like the Bull Demon King, nodded in agreement.

The Bull Demon King and the six demon kings were not familiar with each other. They all joined forces to fool Sun Wukong for various purposes. The six people secretly sighed in their hearts. If Sun Wukong had not been here, they would not have been able to get together.

"Ahem! Both Buddhism and Xuanmen are strong, but there are many masters among casual cultivators. The Three Realms are too big and there are too many masters."

King Yu Tao also echoed, but he couldn't offend anyone, so he went along with the mud.

"I, Old Sun, have understood clearly that the real masters are hiding in the world, but a group of wastes are stealing high positions. The dragon clan in the East China Sea is like this, and the underworld is like this. We have dealt with heaven, but it is just like this. It is not a good idea to come to Buddhism. bird!"

Sun Wukong burst into laughter listening to the exchanges between his brothers.


As soon as Sun Wukong's words came out, the Bull Demon King, Jiao Demon King, Monkey King and others burst out laughing, while the Peng Demon King and the Lion and Camel King looked extremely embarrassed.

"How wonderful it is for us seven brothers to be free and at ease! Last time, my grandson was deceived by the Heavenly Court and told to be a high official, but in the end he became Bi Ma Wen, which made me very angry!"

After saying this, Sun Wukong became angry. He didn't get any benefits, and even received a beating from Nezha, which made him extremely uncomfortable.

The six of them looked at each other and smiled, some with contempt, some with chuckles, and of course some with a hint of sympathy.

This banquet lasted for three days before the six Bull Demon Kings rested in the "Water Curtain Cave".

But on the other hand, King Li Tian and the third prince Nezha withdrew for thirty-three days. Li Jing immediately led Nezha and the generals to the "Lingxiao Palace" to plead guilty.

A general knelt on the ground, and Li Jingqi said: "I went down to the world under the imperial decree to subdue the demon Sun Wukong. We were already victorious, but this demon invited the Bull Demon King, the Jiao Demon King, the Peng Demon King, the Lion and Camel King, the Monkey King, and The six masters of the demon clan, King Yu Tao, are assisting us. We cannot win, so we hope that the Great Heavenly Lord will add more troops to destroy them."

The Jade Emperor was slightly shocked. Sun Wukong was the weight of the deal and would not be executed. But if the other six demons dared to stop the heavenly soldiers, that would be rebellion. So he said: "The seven demons are so ferocious! The generals will punish him immediately."

"Great Heavenly Lord! I am willing to capture the monkey and kill the other six monsters!"

With a loud shout, a general walked out of the class with a loud voice that made the hall buzz.

The immortals took a look and saw that it was Ma Lingyao, the Lord of Horses. He was born with three eyes, wore golden armor and red robes, held golden spears in both hands, stepped on hot wheels, and was surrounded by flames behind him. He was extremely powerful.

Although he is not an old-fashioned immortal, he has repeatedly performed extraordinary feats since he entered the Heavenly Court and destroyed many demons who did not accept the teachings of the Heavenly Court. He is now considered a very popular figure among the neutral faction of the Heavenly Court.

"Okay! Since Aiqing is willing to go down to the next world, I will promote you to the Five Apparition Spiritual Officer, responsible for catching the demon monkey!"

Others did not know the details of Ma Lingyao, but the Jade Emperor knew it clearly. This man was originally the wick worshiped in the Buddhist hall of "Da Leiyin Temple". Because of his sudden enlightenment after listening to the scriptures, he transformed into a fire soul and became Sakyamuni. The attendants of Buddha Nirāya are most wonderful and auspicious.

Originally, this person was stationed in the "Great Leiyin Temple" and became the god of the temple. Later, Sakyamuni Tathagata found an excuse to punish him and entered reincarnation.

After nine reincarnations, Zhi Miao Jixiang was reborn in the home of a commoner named Yi Ma. On the day of his birth, Buddha Sakyamuni Tathagata pointed at his heavenly gate and bestowed upon him the celestial eye that could penetrate the three realms and the ability to connect the five realms. It has the ability to walk in the sky, the second ability to tear itself apart from the earth, the third ability to walk in the wind, the fourth ability to swim in water, and the fifth ability to travel freely through fire.

When Ma Lingyao grew up, his life path was arranged by Buddhism. He studied under his master and learned a good skill. He could subjugate demons and monsters, and was omnipotent in heaven and earth. In order to fight against Taoism, the Jade Emperor introduced Buddhist forces. It was logical that Ma Lingyao entered. To heaven.

Ma Lingyao was originally a master of Taiyi Golden Immortal. In addition, he had powerful magic weapons and powerful magical powers given by Sakyamuni Tathagata. This time, when he saw the opportunity, he was about to take action and show off his skills to let the three worlds take a look at him. Lord Ma is so awesome.

(End of this chapter)

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