The Young Master of the Prehistoric Jiejiao

Chapter 155: Buddhism throws away its cassock, and the Taoist Master of Chaos seeks merit for his di

Chapter 155: Buddhism throws away its cassock, and the Taoist Master of Chaos seeks merit for his disciples
This black bear spirit had some skills, so he naturally knew that it was a treasure. He didn't care about extinguishing the fire, and entered the host's room without thinking about putting out the fire. He opened the bag and saw Master Xuanzang's "brocade cassock".

"What a treasure! This is a rare Buddhist treasure."

At this time, the black bear spirit was all focused on the treasure, and did not put out the fire, let alone the dying old friend in the room. He took the cassock, took advantage of the fire, and headed towards Black Wind Mountain.

"Interesting! This treasure can't be given to this waste. Pindao personally took action and restrained him. Let's see how the Tang monk will wear it when he goes to Lingshan Mountain after losing his cassock!"

Like the Buddhist Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, Taoist Priest Chaos was monitoring every move of the pilgrims throughout the process, and saw the black bear spirit carrying the bundle back to the mountain.

Li Yunjing just blew out a breath, and the baggage was rolled out and fell into his palm. As for the black bear spirit, he naturally knew nothing about it. He was still waiting to go back to the mountain and slowly appreciate this precious cassock that he picked up for free!
The next day, Master Xuanzang woke up early in the morning and saw that most of the "Guanyin Temple" was in ruins. He suddenly showed a surprised expression and slept all night. What happened?
It wasn't until Sun Wukong took Master Xuanzang to meet with the living monks and asked about the reason that he knew what had happened. He couldn't help but think to himself, "Amitabha", Buddha bless me!

After Sun Wukong returned the "fire shelter", he looked for the cassock in the temple, but there was no trace of it.

"That precious cassock will not be burned by ordinary fire. There must be something fishy about this matter!"

Sun Wukong thought for a long time and asked, "Are there any monsters that have become spirits here?"

"There is a Black Wind Mountain in the southeast, and there is a Black King in the Batu Cave."

As the evolution of heaven and earth becomes more and more perfect, it has become more and more difficult to do meritorious deeds. In the entire earthly immortal world, most of the immortal monks from all walks of life have no meritorious deeds.

At this moment, Dao Lord Chaos was sitting on the blue cloud bed, reciting three or two volumes of Huang Ting, feeling content and contented.

These monks did not dare to hide anything and quickly replied.

"You monkey head! As my master, I let you go down to the lower realm, so nothing will happen!"

The three true disciples looked at each other in confusion. How could any of them participate in the Lich Tribulation or the God-Selfing Tribulation?
In particular, Yuan Hong and Su Daji had experienced the Great Tribulation of the Gods. Now that they thought about it, they were still very scared. For a moment, the three of them seemed to dare not say anything.

It was only after three days that he saw that his disciples were still calm, and Dao Lord Chaos said: "Now that the Journey to the West has begun, Buddhism has flourished, and the spread of Buddhism to the east has become a foregone conclusion."

There are very few people like Dao Lord Primordial Chaos in the entire prehistoric world. Except for those ancient antiques that are deeply hidden, Li Yunjing's merits are definitely one of the best.

Dao Lord Chaos said again: "There are ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties in the spread of Buddhism to the East. Buddhism has connections with the three religions of Xuanmen, Heaven, and Jiuyou Underworld. After several discussions and compromises, some of them require my disciples to complete them." .You and the three of you can go down the mountain and find an opportunity to add some difficulties to Tang San's journey to the West to obtain scriptures."

Although the three disciples Yuan Hong, Su Daji, and Liu-eared Macaque had known about this for a long time, they did not dare to say anything and listened attentively.

"This catastrophe is different. The four religions have already discussed it. Buddhism has prospered. The general trend will not change. No one will act against nature. In the Nine-Nine Eighty-One Dilemma, the great supernatural powers from all walks of life will cooperate with Buddhism to perform a show and earn some money. Merit, if the three of you are unwilling to go, my master can select three people from the Jiejiao sect to go to the lower realm on your behalf."

After receiving the explanation from Dao Lord Chaos, the three disciples understood the true behind-the-scenes of the journey to the West. In addition to secretly marveling, the three were also eager to try it. Who doesn't want such things as merit?

Just when Sun Wukong knocked on the door and couldn't find the cassock, the Dao Lord of Chaos had already returned to "Wuyi Mountain".

"Teacher, the calamity is activated and the killings are endless. Is the disciple in the lower realm in danger?"

"We, the disciples, can handle such trivial matters for us. How can we ask the teacher to go to the elders in the sect?"

Three disciples, Yuan Hong, Su Daji, and Liu-eared Macaque, sat on the mat below and glanced at the teacher. They didn't know what the teacher meant by calling them here. However, the teacher didn't speak, and no one of them dared to disturb him.

"Teacher, I'm going!"

"Teacher! We are willing to go!"

Even though Buddhism always talks about merit, in fact, there is not much merit to protect the body.

With his Taoism and deeds covering up the secrets of heaven, and his aura covering countless tribulations, he would naturally not be tricked into intercepting this "brocade cassock" halfway.

Dao Lord Chaos couldn't help but laugh when he saw the scared looks of several disciples. It was only human nature to be afraid of the catastrophe.

After a while, as the earliest disciple, Yuan Hong had no choice but to ask.

Now that they have learned the truth and the teacher has given them such a good opportunity, how can the three of them not rush to get ahead?
"Okay! You guys, just go and teach Buddhism a lesson. I have my own concerns about the pilgrim who is not moving. If you encounter escorting Buddhist disciples, interpreters or other hostile people along the way, I will kill them all. Kill! A great calamity! A great calamity! If some masters are not killed, what is the calamity called?"

Dao Lord Chaos looked at the three disciples angrily and waved his hand to signal them not to act like an afterthought.

"Yes! Disciple understands!"

The three of them listened to the teacher's instructions and looked stern. Only then did they understand the teacher's deep meaning. Since it involves fighting, sacrifice is inevitable. The three of them have learned the Jiejiao Dafa, and they also have spiritual treasures in their bodies. They are powerful, but in the earthly immortal world There are endless masters, and there is no guarantee that others will have some powerful magic weapon that will kill themselves.

Thinking of this, the three of them did not dare to take this errand lightly, and were all ready to take action with all their strength to ensure that they would not be harmed in the catastrophe.

"You all go!"

Li Yunjing waved his hand, but when he saw the three people going out, he said: "Daji, I will go to Sanxian Island and ask Bixiao and Qiongxiao to come out to do some meritorious deeds, and inform you about this." Master, she will take care of the rest."

"Yes! Disciple accepts the order!"

Su Daji turned around, responded, bowed again, and then walked out of the "Palace of Chaos".

My Taoist companion, Yunxiao, has reached the quasi-sage stage. She is wise and calm. With her watching over Bixiao and Qiongxiao, she will not cause any uncontrollable trouble.

"Now the heavens are changing, the heavens are in chaos, and a catastrophe is about to occur. I am planning for my disciples. I am qualified as a teacher. The rest depends on the opportunities of my disciples!"

In the empty "Palace of Chaos", Taoist Lord Chaos murmured to himself that after a journey to the west, at least hundreds of thousands of demons will be cleared out of the earthly immortal world, most of them are demons, but Xuanmen and Sanxian who don't know the heavens will also be wiped out. Not a few.

Yuan Hong and the others left "Wuyi Mountain" and went their separate ways. They each took advantage of the opportunity. It was up to them whether to stop Xitian from learning the scriptures when a difficulty arose, or to help him get out of the siege. Naturally, Dao Lord Chaos didn't have any guidance on this kind of thing. reason.

For several days in a row, Sun Wukong was unable to capture the black bear spirit. Under the urging of Master Xuanzang, Sun Wukong became more and more pressured. If the treasure is gone, why ask for a true scripture?
In desperation, Sun Wukong only went to the South China Sea to look for the "Luojia Mountain".

"Luojia Mountain" is the dojo where Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva practices. It has a towering mountain peak that penetrates the sky. There are thousands of strange flowers and a variety of auspicious grasses in the mountain. It is also a top paradise of cave heaven.

"The Bodhisattva once said that the great sage will return to good deeds, and he preached it very much. How can Monk Bao Tang find the time to come here?"

"Luojia Mountain" has its own Dharma-protecting heavens to welcome Sun Wukong's arrival.

Sun Wukong shook his head and wondered secretly in his heart. The black bear spirit was just like him. Although he had the upper hand, he couldn't defeat him. It was really strange. Could it be that if he hadn't left the mountain in five hundred years, all the guys outside would have greatly improved their skills? Better than yourself? With his thoughts in mind, Sun Wukong smiled bitterly and said: "To protect Tang Monk, I encountered an incident on the road and saw the Bodhisattva. Please report it."

Soon, Guanshiyin Bodhisattva called Sun Wukong inside to pay homage. Sun Wukong followed the guidance of the protector gods and came to the Supreme Treasure Lotus Platform to worship again and again.

"Wukong, are you here for something?"

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva knew everything about Master Xuanzang’s journey to the West to obtain scriptures, but he still pretended not to know and asked.

"Master and I met your monastery on the way. You accepted the incense of the world and allowed a black bear spirit to live there. He stole my master's cassock and refused to give it to me many times. Today I came to you to ask for the cassock."

Sun Wukong rolled his eyes and put all the blame on Guanyin Bodhisattva.

Guanshiyin Bodhisattva frowned and couldn't help scolding: "You slutty monkey, why are you so speechless! You are obviously showing off your treasure, but you come to my place to show off!"

"Bodhisattva, forgive me! Make atonement! I hope Bodhisattva's compassionate heart will help me to get the goblin and retrieve the cassock."

Seeing that everyone knew everything, Sun Wukong sneered in his heart and looked apologetic on his face.

"It doesn't matter, I think Tang Monk would like to have a relationship with you."

Soon, Guanyin Bodhisattva and Sun Wukong rode on auspicious clouds to the "Black Wind Mountain", lowered their cloud heads, and followed the path down to find the monster's cave.

When the two were walking, they saw a Taoist walking out of the corner, holding a glass plate with two elixirs in it, and walking forward.

"What a monster! You have a share too!"

When the enemy met, he was extremely jealous. Sun Wukong showed a fierce look in his eyes. He took out the "Ruyi Golden Cudgel" and hit the monster's head with a blow, causing his brains to burst.

"You monkey, he didn't steal your cassock, why did you beat him to death?"

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva was stunned for a moment, then scolded.

"Bodhisattva, he is a friend of the black bear spirit! I even had a fight with them yesterday!"

After Sun Wukong killed this monster, he felt that the depression in his heart had dissipated a lot, so he said with a smile.

"You monkey!"

In desperation, the Guanyin Bodhisattva turned into this demon, and Sun Wukong turned into an elixir, preparing to deceive the black bear spirit.

How could the black bear spirit, who was so advanced in Taoism and only in the late stage of Taiyi Golden Immortal, be able to see through the magical powers of a quasi-sage and strong man? After being deceived by Guanshiyin Bodhisattva, he swallowed the "elixir" that Sun Wukong had transformed into his stomach.

Sun Wukong entered the monster's belly, and the black bear spirit rolled to the ground in pain, begging for mercy.

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva then asked Sun Wukong to come out, but fearing that the black bear spirit would regret it, he threw a hoop and put it on the black bear spirit's head.

Without Sun Wukong to cause trouble, the black bear spirit got up and raised his spear to stab. Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva recited the mantra, and the monster's head suffered severe pain and rolled around on the ground.

"Brother Shen Gongbao, please don't deceive me!"

Seeing this scene, Sun Wukong was frightened and his body was soaked in cold sweat. Isn't this object the same as the one in Master Xuanzang's bag?
Then why did Tang Sanzang keep such a vicious magic weapon?
It seems that it must be prepared for my old grandson!
"Hahaha! Hahaha! This black bear spirit has his day too!"

Thinking of this, Sun Wukong looked at the rolling black bear spirit and showed a hint of sympathy. Then he pretended to be heartless and laughed so hard that his waist was bent and unable to stand up straight.

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, expressionless, asked coldly: "Evil beast! Can you take refuge now?"

"I wish to be converted, but I only ask for my life!"

Seeing that the Bodhisattva stopped reciting the mantra, the black bear spirit knelt down and begged for mercy. He no longer dared to be disrespectful. The Bodhisattva's methods frightened him to the extreme. He was so wild and untamable that he still obeyed the methods of Buddhism.

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva said again: "There is no one to look after me behind Mount Luojia. You, the black bear, are just the right ones to be the guardians of the mountain."

At this moment, the black bear spirit just wants to avoid suffering. He wants nothing. He kneels on the ground and begs: "Spare my life, I am willing to follow the path of enlightenment!"

"Well! Give that cassock to Wukong and let him go to the west to learn the scriptures."

After taming the black bear spirit, Guanshiyin Bodhisattva asked about the cassock again.

"Report to Bodhisattva! I really don't have a cassock! That day, I took away my cassock from the Zen monastery. I went back to the mountain to look for it, but it was missing! I really don't know!"

The black bear spirit knelt down again, kowtowed and explained.

"Huh? That's nonsense! It was you who intercepted the cassock. If it wasn't here, where would it be?"

When Sun Wukong heard this, he became anxious. Without his cassock, how could he go back and deal with the cheap master?
"How is this going?"

Ignoring Black Bear Spirit's pleas and Sun Wukong's questions, Guanyin Bodhisattva's quasi-sage divine thoughts burst out, and the entire "Black Wind Mountain" inside and outside, and even three thousand feet underground, was inspected by her divine thoughts. Detailed.

After that, her spiritual thoughts continued to extend, thousands of miles, hundreds of thousands of miles, but in the end there was no trace of the "Brocade Kasaya".

She kept pinching the seals with her fingers. After many calculations, she still didn't have any useful information. Her heart sank and she murmured to herself: "Which person with great supernatural powers is the enemy of my Buddhist sect?"


Sun Wukong asked carefully when he saw that Guanyin Bodhisattva had a strange look on his face.

"You don't have to worry about the 'Jinyi Kasaya' matter. After a while, it will be returned to Tang Seng naturally. It's important that you take Tang Seng on your way!"

There was no other way. Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva could only take the black bear spirit and return to the South China Sea. The matter of the loss of the "Brocade Kasaya" still had to be discussed with the Lord Buddha Sakyamuni Tathagata.

(End of this chapter)

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