The Young Master of the Prehistoric Jiejiao

Chapter 165: Avalokitesvara is in trouble, and the five quasi-sages of Chanjiao are surrounded and k

Chapter 165: Avalokitesvara is in trouble, and the Five Quasi Saints of Chanjiao are surrounding and killing them
Traveling westward, Master Xuanzang and his disciples entered a dense forest.

There were dense trees in the forest, and Zhu Bajie was clearing a road with a rake. While they were walking with difficulty, the four of them suddenly heard someone shouting, "Master, save people!"

Master Xuanzang looked up and saw that it was a child, naked, hanging on the tree. Seeing this scene, Master Xuanzang felt kindhearted and said: "Wukong, do you see there is a child hanging on that tree? "


The six-eared macaque replied angrily. He could tell at a glance that this child had magical powers and was not a good person, but he was too lazy to explain it to an ordinary man like Tang Sanzang.

Anyway, it has nothing to do with him whether the cheap master suffered a loss or not. The sin did not happen to him, as long as he did not die.

Having long been accustomed to the attitude of these disciples, Tang Sanzang came to the tree and asked, "Whose child are you? Why are you hung in the tree?"

"Master, I come from a nearby village, Yizhuang. My surname is Hong, and my name is Honghai'er. Because of the trouble at home, I was tied up here by gangsters and left to fend for myself."

This child is the child of the Bull Demon King and the Iron Fan Princess. At this moment, they are once again setting up difficulties, waiting for the arrival of Tang Sanzang who is seeking Buddhist scriptures from the West.

After hearing this lie, even Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing shook their heads. Only Tang Sanzang believed it to be true. Hearing what happened to the child, he almost shed tears of sadness.

Master Xuanzang took it off himself and said warmly: "My child, get on the horse and I will take you away."

Suddenly, the red boy pretended to be defeated, turned around suddenly, punched his chest twice, recited a spell, thick smoke burst out from his mouth and nose, opened his mouth, and spit out fire.

After calling the battle, the red boy came out. Regarding the six-eared macaque's friendly behavior, the Holy Infant King didn't give the six-eared macaque any face. He picked up the red tassel gun in his hand and stabbed the six-eared macaque. .

After drinking away the earth and mountain gods, the six-eared macaque shook his head and met his own people again, so he said to his two junior brothers: "This goblin is the son of the Bull Demon King. I know his father. There is nothing wrong with the master."

This time, because the six-eared macaque has no "tightening curse" restrictions, Zhu Bajie often talks negatively, and the entire team is in disarray. Even Sha Wujing is skeptical about the future and wonders whether the future is slim.

"Elder brother, let's call the land and ask where the monster took away the master!"

The six-eared macaque was so angry that he imitated Sun Wukong's tactics and started fighting with Red Boy. The two fought for more than 20 rounds, with neither victory nor defeat.

After a pause, the land continued: "Speaking of him, the Great Sage may know. This red boy is the son of the Bull Demon King and the son of the Rakshasa Princess of the Asura Tribe. He has practiced in the 'Fire Mountain' for three years. It took a hundred years to refine the 'Samadhi True Fire', and the Bull Demon King sent him to guard this mountain, known as the Holy Infant King."

"You are so ignorant, baby!"

Seeing this scene, the six-eared macaque, Zhu Bajie, and Sha Wujing looked at each other, shook their heads and sighed, they are really useless.

Now this cheap master can do whatever he wants!

The three major disciples are beyond control!
The group of people walked two or three miles. The red boy saw that "Sun Wukong", Zhu Bajie, and Sha Wujing seemed to be unprepared. He suddenly made a whirlwind, with a "whoosh" sound, flying sand and rocks. For a moment, on the mountain road, there were many people. Can't tell north, south, east and west.

"Okay! I'll call the land and ask what kind of monster this is!"

The six-eared macaque looked at his junior brother funny, recited a spell, and the land came out.

After escaping for dozens of miles, the red boy withdrew his troops and returned to the cave. The three of them returned to the place where the horses were tied. After some discussion, the three of them decided to choose the old method of asking for help!

Seeing that "Sun Wukong" seemed to have no intention of saving his master, Zhu Bajie had to say this. He secretly wondered in his heart, this cheap senior brother seemed to have changed. Why didn't he care about Tang Sanzang's life and death?

After asking, the land did not dare to neglect and said quickly: "Return to the Great Sage. There is a stream in this mountain called Withered Pine Stream. There is a cave beside the stream called Fire Cloud Cave. In that cave there is a demon king with magical powers. Guang Guang calls himself Red Boy."

After a few puffs, the fire formed a sea of ​​fire in mid-air. This fire was all "three flavors of true fire". It was no ordinary fire at first glance, and it was extremely powerful. The six-eared macaque, Zhu Bajie, and Sha Wujing saw it. One by one shouted, "Go quickly! Go quickly!"

When the wind stopped, Master Xuanzang had long been snatched away by Red Boy, leaving only the six-eared macaque, Zhu Bajie, and Sha Wujing resting against the tree trunk without caring.

Today, the three major disciples of Xitian Qijing have no fighting spirit. When they encounter problems, they run away, and no one dares to fight.

After getting the exact news, the three of them took the white dragon horse and traveled a hundred miles. They really saw a winding stream in the forest, with a stone bridge under the stream leading to the "Fire Cloud Cave".

Anyway, they have gone through twenty or thirty difficulties along the way. Apart from the monsters that can be killed with a stick, they have become accustomed to asking for help. Anyway, these are the merits of the four people from the West, and others can help if they can. merit.

In the past few times, the six-eared macaque had invited masters to help him. This time, in order not to arouse others' suspicion, he somersaulted and headed towards the South China Sea.

A balance must be struck between Buddhism and Jiejiao, and people from Heaven, Interpretation, and Human Education must often be invited to take action in order to confuse the public and not doubt the motives of the six-eared macaque.

Within a few hours, the six-eared macaque riding on the auspicious clouds saw Luojia Mountain. He pressed the cloud head and went up the mountain to seek help from Guanshiyin Bodhisattva.

Before he could enter the monastery of Guanyin Bodhisattva, he saw twenty-four gods approaching him and asking, "Great Sage, where are you going?"

The six-eared macaque returned the gesture and said, "I want to see the Bodhisattva."

"Great Sage, please wait a moment. The poor monk will inform you."

They were already used to Sun Wukong coming to ask Bodhisattva for help when he encountered difficulties. These people turned around and left without asking any questions.

Soon, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva heard the announcement and frowned. This Buddhist scripture search in the West is really funny. Every time they encounter a problem, they have to find themselves out of trouble. Then I might as well join the scripture search team directly and solve their troubles all the time!

Just thinking of the tempting merits, Guanyin Bodhisattva could only suppress the anger in his heart and announced that Sun Wukong had come in.

"Sun Wukong" came to Guanshiyin's dojo, saw the true form of the Bodhisattva, and fell down to worship.

Seeing "Sun Wukong" being respectful and polite, and forcing a smile, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva asked: "Wukong, if you don't lead Tang Sanzang to the West to obtain scriptures, why are you here?"

"Sun Wukong" then said: "I am going to tell the Bodhisattva that my disciples will protect my master as he travels to a place called Fire Cloud Cave."

After listening to "Sun Wukong"'s narration, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva could not see any flaws. The "Three Flavors of True Fire" was indeed powerful. It was understandable that Sun Wukong and the other three could not defeat Red Boy's magical power. However, she was very unhappy in her heart. After giving the order angrily, he sat on the lotus platform and took Muzha and Sun Wukong to the Fire Cloud Cave.

When we arrived here, because things had not been going well recently, Guanyin Bodhisattva was very angry and had no interest in showing off his magical powers in front of "Sun Wukong" and others. The red boy just sprayed "Three Flavors True Fire" and was hit by the "Jade Pure Vase" A drop of water extinguishes it. The red boy lost his fire and immediately panicked. He turned around and was about to run away. Guanshiyin Bodhisattva flipped his palm and suppressed the red boy directly. He was about to kill him with the next palm.

Red Boy was so frightened that his face turned pale, and he begged: "Bodhisattva, my disciple is ignorant and does not realize your great power. Bodhisattva, please spare my life!"

Stopping what he was doing, Guanyin Bodhisattva looked indifferent, walked to Red Boy, and asked, "Can you take the precepts and join my sect?"

Red Boy nodded and shed tears, and said repeatedly: "If I spare my life, I am willing to take the precepts and practice."

Seeing that Hong Hai'er relented, Guanshiyin Bodhisattva's expression softened a little and said, "In that case, I and I will accept the ordination."

While he was talking, Guanyin Bodhisattva took out a golden razor from his sleeve, stepped forward, and with a flash of light, he shaved the red boy and entered Buddhism.

"Now that you accept my precepts, I will not neglect you and let you be a good boy. How about that?"

Hong Hai'er, a naughty kid, was frightened by the fierceness of Guanyin Bodhisattva. How could he dare to say "no" and nodded repeatedly, hoping for mercy.

"What should I do?"

When the six-eared macaque saw this scene, he shook his head secretly. How could he have imagined that Guanyin Bodhisattva would get so angry this time and look like he was about to beat or kill him? What happened to this Bodhisattva recently?
He has been following the Buddhist scripture-seeking team, but how could he know about the major events happening in the three realms? This Guanyin Bodhisattva is now like a powder keg that is about to explode. Who dares to provoke him?

At this moment, Red Boy is taken away by Buddhism. How will he explain when he meets the Bull Demon King in the future?

"Jin Chanzi, you go to the West now! It's time for the poor monk to go back."

Looking at the rescued Master Xuanzang, Guanshiyin Bodhisattva reluctantly showed a smile and comforted him. He didn't even want to communicate with these broom stars. He sat on the lotus platform and flew away with the good fortune boy and Muzha.

"Hahaha! Cihang, where can you go, this traitorous villain?"

The three people had just ridden up the auspicious clouds. Suddenly, layers of transparent light appeared in the void, completely surrounding the three people. The clear light was swayed by the magic power of Guanyin Bodhisattva, and rippled through the void. ripple.

In an instant, five quasi-sages, Guangchengzi, Yuding Zhenren, Lingbao Master, Daoxing Tianzun, and Qingxu Daodezhenjun, suddenly appeared in the clear light and surrounded Guanyin Bodhisattva.

"Is it you?"

Seeing the appearance of the five masters of Chanjiao, Guanyin Bodhisattva's face turned green. She knew exactly what her long-time fellow disciples, Guangchengzi and others were doing. This time, she was really doomed.

Although she is a quasi-sage, she is not a supreme quasi-sage like the Taoist Lord of Chaos, Sakyamuni Tathagata, or Ancestor Styx. Faced with five quasi-sages joining forces, she really has no way to survive.

"You beast, you betrayed Chanjiao and made us lose face too. This time, in order to surround you and kill you, I made Pindao follow Tang Sanzang and the others for more than a year!"

The real sword of the jade cauldron pointed at Guanyin Bodhisattva in the distance and shouted loudly.

"Dear senior brothers and junior brothers."

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva also needs to give explanations and turn conflicts into jade and silk.

"Elder brother, don't talk to this traitor. Send him to ashes as soon as possible so that we can go back to the mountain to practice."

"Yes, Buddhist people are treacherous. If someone comes to rescue them, it will cause countless troubles."

Daoxing Tianzun and Qingxu Daodezhen said repeatedly, urging everyone to take action quickly.

"Do it!"

Guangchengzi's face showed a trace of cruelty, and he smashed the "Heaven-turning Seal" in his hand towards Guanyin Bodhisattva.

With a "boom", the "Heaven-shaking Seal" grew when it saw the wind, reaching a size of ten thousand feet. It shattered the void and suppressed the lotus platform of Guanyin Bodhisattva.

The four masters of Yuding each arranged their formations in four elephant positions. The immortal magic of Yuqing flourished, and a small world was formed under the influence of the magic power of the four people. This world blocked all atmosphere. As long as the world is not broken, the Lingshan Mountain Absolutely no one can feel the fluctuations of the Quasi-Saint Fighting Technique here.

"Your teachings are so poisonous!"

Seeing this scene, Guanshiyin Bodhisattva felt a chill in his heart. The only comfort in his heart was that her good corpse had been hidden in the chaos of the paradise world, and there was still a glimmer of hope. Otherwise, this time, Guangchengzi and the others would really be beaten to ashes. Annihilation, nothing exists.

The "Immortal Killing Sword", "Hunyuan Banner", "Five Fires and Seven Birds Fan", and "Canglan Pearl" were sacrificed by these four quasi-sages respectively, assisting Guangchengzi to kill Guanyin Bodhisattva.

In the entire small world, sword energy is everywhere, fire is soaring into the sky, chaotic vitality is rolling, and heavy water is rolling. When the five quasi-sages of Chanjiao take action, it will be an earth-shattering killing force. Even if Sakyamuni Tathagata encounters this level of siege, If you don't die, you will lose three layers of skin!
The light of the Nirvana Buddha that had just been sacrificed for a short period of time did not last for three breaths, and completely shattered with a "bang".

"You two little guys, come here! This time, I can use your mouth to tell Buddhism how I expound the religion and exterminate traitors!"

As soon as the Buddha's light broke, Guangchengzi's palm penetrated into it, and he knocked away Guanyin Bodhisattva with one palm. With a flip of his hand, he suppressed Mu Zha and Shancai Tongzi into his sleeves.


Guanshiyin Bodhisattva was knocked away by Guangchengzi's palm, and he knew that he was no match for this senior brother. At this moment, he knew that he would definitely die. He glanced around, and suddenly rushed towards Master Lingbao, who he thought was the weakest, but it was I want to take one with me before I die.

"Cihang, how dare you underestimate Pindao!"

Master Lingbao shouted loudly and waved his hand, holding a sword in his palm. As soon as the sword came out, the evil aura shot up to the sky. Guanshiyin Bodhisattva took a closer look and was horrified. This sword was the "Xianxian Sword" of the Tongtian Cult Master.

In the Battle of the Gods, Jiejiao was defeated, the Zhuxian Sword Formation was broken, and the "Zhuxian Formation Diagram" was brought into Buddhism by Taoist Duobao; and the "Zhuxian Sword", "Slaying Immortal Sword", "Extreme Immortal Sword" and "Trapping Immortal Sword" It fell into the hands of Chanjiao.

The "Slaying Immortal Sword" was previously taken back by Jiejiao, and the remaining three swords were in the hands of the five quasi-sages of Chanjiao. In order to ensure that everything was safe, the "Slaying Immortal Sword" was in the hands of the Great Master Lingbao.

(End of this chapter)

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