The Young Master of the Prehistoric Jiejiao

Chapter 171: The Current Situation of the Earthly Immortal World, and the Buddhist Conspiracy Resurf

Chapter 171: The Current Situation of the Earthly Immortal World, and the Buddhist Conspiracy Resurfaces
This white snake understood the exercises suitable for itself from the sermons of Old Mother Lishan, so it escaped into this mountain range, opened a cave, and practiced hard all year round.

Mother Lishan never thought that a mere little white snake would one day truly cultivate into an immortal in a thousand years.

At this moment, after the catastrophe passed, White Snake used the immortal energy to shape her body again and transformed into a beautiful woman in white clothes. She gave herself a name, Bai Suzhen.

Bai Suzhen attained Taoism, and in the future, the Jiejiao and the Buddhist sects started to have disputes again.

For the time being, we will not mention that Bai Suzhen entered the Song Dynasty and prepared to find the benefactor who saved her life thousands of years ago to repay her gratitude. We only talked about the changes in the earthly immortal world, and now the earthly immortal world has been divided up.

If some forces want to rise, they have to follow the footsteps of others. In recent years, the juniors under the Four Religions have been fighting more and more. Large-scale fighting between branches and sects has even become the norm.

Among them, the Human Sect has undergone the biggest change. Ever since Taishang Laozi passed down the lineage of Wenshi Zhenren, Wenshi Zhenren has been preaching Taoist Baimei in the immortal world. After Taoist Baimei has achieved success in cultivation, he will be like the Great Master of Xuandu. Ignoring everything else, I ran away into the chaos, stayed in the Great Red Sky, and practiced with peace of mind.

After Baimei Taoist became an immortal, he had a different style from his masters and elders. He attached great importance to the inheritance of the sect, and even regarded the development and survival of the sect as his own responsibility. He often regarded himself as the direct descendant of people's teachings.

Relying on the reputation of the People's Religion, Taoist Baimei founded the Shushan sect. Chanjiao has always been on good terms with the People's Religion, so naturally he takes good care of the Shushan sect, and if the two sects have disputes, they often tolerate it.

In this way, the Shushan Sect successfully established a firm foothold in the two continents of Dongsheng Shenzhou and Nanfangbu Continent. This Taoist Baimei is also considered to be very talented. He has practiced in more than a dozen Yuanhui, plus he often goes to "Dachitian" "Listening to the sermons of the Supreme Master Lao Tzu, my Taoism has become more and more profound, reaching the realm of Daluo Jinxian.

Although the Shushan Sect had ulterior motives, it eliminated many demons and ghosts, and indeed saved the people of Dongsheng Shenzhou from being killed, thus accumulating merit.

As the saying goes, what goes up and what follows follows. Taoist Baimei's radical style has influenced many disciples under his sect. As a result, the Shushan sect has become domineering, claiming to be the orthodoxy of human religion and not paying attention to other sects. Some casual cultivators do not dare to compete with the Taoist sect in consideration of Taoist forces. The confrontation between the Shushan Sect and the Shushan Sect's disciples further fueled the arrogance of the Shushan Sect's disciples.

After all, the power of the Chan Sect in Taoism was weak. Since Jiang Ziya took charge of the "Kunlun Sect", he has prospered the "Kunlun Sect" for several generations. However, he has no successors, and he is more than successful but not aggressive enough.

Dongsheng Shenzhou is the territory of Xuanmen. The three Xuanmen sects plus the Buddhist sect that later entered. The four major sects are powerful. Few powerful monsters dare to settle down in Dongsheng Shenzhou.

Even if there are some monsters, they are mostly small monsters, and monsters above the Golden Immortal level rarely appear. In order to seize the territory, the Shushan sect imitated the Buddhist sect, and under the slogan of "killing demons and eliminating demons", they continued to win in Dongfang. After cleaning up the demons on Shenzhou, we really got a lot of good dojos.

Some disciples and disciples even joined the Shushan Sect despite their Buddhist identities, forming a wonder in the earthly immortal world.

Within Xuanmen, the Shushan sect is extremely domineering and does not have a friendly relationship with any of them. Instead, it has an inexplicable connection with Buddhism. This is simply a typical example of the Xuanmen who try to get in and out.

After knowing that such a strange sect had appeared in the immortal world, Sakyamuni Tathagata even asked a branch of Buddhism, the "Zen Sect", to make full efforts to make friends with the Shushan Sect.

If the Buddhist disciples suffered a loss, they could just go to the Shushan sect through acquaintances. This Shushan sect would not refuse anyone who came. They would often argue with Taoist disciples over Buddhist matters, and even go so far as to take action.

In the eyes of the Shushan Sect, this kind of style is simply weak and ridiculous. Those of the Shushan Sect who have never been severely beaten don’t think that the water in the Earthly Immortal World is deep, and even your teachings are useless!

At this time, there were major branches of Buddhism in the four major continents of the world, and there were countless temples. After receiving the will of Sakyamuni Tathagata, Patriarch Bodhidharma asked a group of Zen disciples to strengthen their ties with the Shushan Sword Sect.

The Shushan Sect relied on the power of Buddhism to develop the Shushan Sect into a large force spanning two continents in Dongsheng Divine Continent. Buddhism, relying on the arrogance of the Shushan Sect, quietly penetrated into various parts of Dongsheng Divine Continent.

Each of these demon saints has a Taiyi Golden Immortal level of cultivation. Some of the powerful ones have reached Daluo Golden Immortal level. They are all old demons who have practiced for countless years. They have profound magic power and powerful magic weapons. The Shushan sect is a newly established sect. There is no heavy treasure to suppress luck, and the swordsmanship practiced by Taoist Baimei is even more inferior.

In particular, Zen Buddhism gave birth to Patriarch Bodhidharma, who traveled eastward to China and once again spread Buddhism to a peak after Xuanzang's Buddhism spread eastward.

The Shushan sect, from top to bottom, does not know the heavens and the upper-level game, so the orthodoxy of the Chan religion is regarded as their wings; the many orthodoxies of the Jie sect have become competitors; and the Xuanmen monks from all walks of life are not looked down upon by Shushan. , if there is a superior cave, the Shushan Sect will plot and go to seize it.

The Shushan Sect has received the full support of Buddhism, and the arrogance in the hearts of the Shushan disciples has become even stronger. Even good friends who have always been friendly and good friends, and many branches of the Chan Sect, are looking down upon.

As strength grew, so did people's ambitions. The Shushan Sect began to recruit more disciples, and under the banner of being a direct descendant of the human religion, it was known as the authentic Xuanmen sect. For a time, it also developed extremely rapidly. In Dongsheng Shenzhou and Nanfang Division, The continent occupied many dojos and became a major sect across the two continents.

There are even some Demon Saints who do not take the Shushan Sect seriously and are still active in Dongsheng Shenzhou and Nanfangbu Continent, and the Shushan Sect often fights against them.

There are gains and losses. Shushan's strong style has alienated many branches of Chanjiao from this group of "fellow Taoists". The demon clan, the Asura clan, the ghosts of Jiuyou and even the Wu clan are very dissatisfied with Shushan.

In so many calamities that have evolved in the prehistoric times, there is no master who can pull off the tricks of the sword fairy. Only a poor man with no precious treasures to protect himself has refined the simplest magic sword to serve as a facade.

Not only could they seize territory, but they could also earn merit. The disciples of the Shushan Sect were even more enthusiastic about this matter, and started from Dongsheng Shenzhou to Nanfanbuzhou step by step. For a time, the name "Shushan" was heard all over the world. A line of human religion has even become a representative of Xuanmen.

Relying on the strength of their numbers, these Shushan disciples released a group of flying swords. The little monsters and monsters were naturally unable to resist, and their blood flowed like rivers.

But each of these demon saints has great magical powers, and can easily move mountains and seas. Some low-key old demons even have innate spiritual treasures in their hands. When the Shushan sect faced these demon saints, they were proud of their group fighting method. There is nothing you can do against these demon saints.

If not for the secret support of Buddhism, the Shushan Sect would have been wiped out by these demons.

Even some strong men at the Demon Saint level began to take revenge on Shushan. The Shushan disciples who were walking outside were targeted and eliminated by these Demon Saints. Every Shushan mansion was swept away, completely killing the Shushan sect.

It was Buddhism that came forward, and the two sides talked once. The demon clan no longer retaliated, and the Shushan sect was not allowed to kill the demon clan juniors. The two sides temporarily reached a peaceful coexistence.

Although the Shushan sect is upright and upright, they look like they are exterminating demons and defending the law, but they are not stupid. They know that they can't defeat others, but they still want to fight with their opponents. On this day, in Shu Mountain.

Qi Shuming, the leader of Shushan Sect, Miaoyi Zhenren, said to his senior brother Xuanzhenzi: "Senior brother, our Shushan is developing faster and faster, and we have more and more disciples, but the resources are not enough, so we cannot kill demons. Without the demon elixir as a guide, how can we support so many disciples?"

At this time, Shushan's disciples numbered in the millions and were extremely powerful. There were hundreds of villas on Dongsheng Shenzhou and Nanfanbu Continent, and each villa had hundreds or even thousands of disciples.

In addition, there are always hundreds of thousands of disciples who are officials in secular dynasties, even if there are not millions. Except for a very small number of immortal figures, most of these disciples are refining Qi, Qi and God. The common custom of returning to the void and refining the void to combine with the Tao.

The Earthly Immortal World has supported so many monks, and the spiritual energy has naturally become thinner and thinner. Becoming an immortal has become an extremely difficult task, and there is also a heavenly tribulation to pass. This is a means to control the number of monks.

The thin spiritual energy has no impact on those with great magical powers such as Chaos Dao Lord, Sakyamuni Tathagata, Styx Ancestor, and Zhen Yuanzi. They can use their great supernatural powers to extract the chaotic energy, refine it, and obtain Aura suitable for your own use.

Similarly, the Daluo Golden Immortals can also survive without relying on the Great World, but their speed of converting spiritual energy is much slower.

As for characters in other realms, these people do not have the top Dojo of Cave Heaven and Paradise, nor do they have the ability to enter chaos, but it does have some influence.

In this era, any innate spiritual object has its own owner. If you want to pick up some acquired spiritual objects, you are lucky.

A sect like the Shushan Sect that recruits a wide range of disciples is most dependent on the environment of heaven and earth. At this time, the two big figures in charge of the Shushan Sect are caught in a tangle. This spiritual creature cannot be transformed out of thin air. How can it be said that it exists?
Xuan Zhenzi thought hard and couldn't come up with any solution. He could only console him: "Junior brother, our Shushan sect is already strong enough. As the leader of the Xuanmen in Dongsheng Shenzhou and Nanfangbu Continent, can I suspend the recruitment of disciples? Wait a minute and wait until how many batches of elixirs are mature in the spiritual gardens in the sect?"

"Senior brother, these dojos we occupy are only average in the earthly immortal world. For the spiritual grasses we have planted to mature, it can take anywhere from a hundred years to thousands of years to tens of thousands of years. How can we afford to wait?"

Qi Shuming smiled and directly rejected his senior brother's opinion. Not only could the Shushan sect not be reduced, but it would also continue to recruit more disciples!
"What does junior brother mean?"

"Continue to recruit disciples and reconnect with the Yao clan, Sanxiu, Kunlun sect, Qingwei sect, Quanzhen sect, Ziyang sect, Maoshan sect, Longhu sect, Jingming sect, Lingbao sect, Shangqing sect, Shenxiao sect, The Beidi Faction and other forces are starting to compete!"

After hearing the words of his master disciple Qi Shuming, Xuan Zhenzi shuddered. He couldn't believe what he heard was the truth. He quickly tried to persuade him: "Junior brother, there are hidden dragons and crouching tigers in this immortal world. There are so many people with higher cultivation than us. Let's. How can you compete with so many sects?”

Master Miaoyi Qi Shuming was also stunned when he heard this, sighed, lowered his head and thought hard about countermeasures.

"It's better to pick a sect to start with. One after another, over a long period of time, all the sects will be eradicated. Then our Shushan must be the number one sect in the three realms. No one dares to disobey orders from the world!"

A monk stood on the right side of Qi Shuming with a sad face. This monk was one of the elders of Shushan and an ascetic Toutuo.

"That's right! It's exactly what junior brother said. Conquering a sect will be enough to relieve the pressure. After digesting the results of victory, we will pick the next one to start with!"

Miaoyi Zhenren Qi Shuming was overjoyed after hearing what the ascetic Tutuo said.

"But, which one should we choose to attack? For the sake of safety, it is better not to provoke the big sect. Although our teacher has cultivated into Daluo Jinxian, he has only stepped into the ranks of masters. He has really caused big trouble, and the teacher is not here either. Easy to explain."

Although Xuan Zhenzi felt that the words of the ascetic Tutuo seemed to make sense, he was always frightened and felt that it was not a good method.

The ascetic Tutu smiled slightly, without any trace of sorrow, and said: "The Beidi sect is the weakest. We'd better start with the Beidi sect. Having their dojo, Magu Mountain, can also solve some of the resources needed for disciples' practice." pressure."

When Xuan Zhenzi and Qi Shuming heard this, they looked at each other and showed a hint of emotion.

You must know that the "Beidi Sect" is also one of the inheritances of Jiejiao. It is a tributary passed down by Tianpeng, a disciple of Chaos Taoist Lord, in the Earthly Immortal Realm. The dojo is "Magu Mountain" and the major is founded by Tianpeng. "Canopy Curse", "Ghost Evil Method", and "Supreme Pure Divine Thunder" to protect the way.

The "Beidi Sect" worships the Lord of Chaos's Good Corpse Heaven, Emperor Ziwei of Zhongtian North Pole.

This ascetic Tutu had no good intentions, but he set his sights on Jie Jiao. Tian Peng was none other than the Buddhist "traitor" Jingtan envoys Zhu Wuneng and Zhu Bajie.

Buddhist disciples have always kept this hatred in mind. Now, the ascetic Tutu has started a conspiracy to kill people with a borrowed knife, hoping to cause a conflict between the Ren Jiao and the Jie Jiao, so as to achieve the purpose of weakening Taoism by Buddhism.

As for not choosing other people's inheritance, but only choosing the inheritance of Tianpeng, this is also the result of careful consideration by the ascetic Tutu. Naturally, you have to pick the soft persimmon.

Regardless of Buddhism or the Three Realms, Tianpeng's evaluation of Tianpeng is extremely low. He is simply synonymous with waste. Under the influence of his ears and eyes, the junior Ascetic Tutu naturally did not take Tianpeng seriously.

After thinking about it for a while, Xuan Zhenzi seemed to be convinced, and sighed: "The poor Taoist is indeed not as clear as the ascetic brother. What the master wants to do, just tell the old Taoist."

After saying that, he shook his head and walked out of the Sword Qi Lingkong Hall, preparing to go into seclusion to practice. He was really not good at such things as conspiracy.

"Headmaster! The poor monk is also resigning. If anything happens, Headmaster, just give me your instructions."

The ascetic tutu recited the Buddha's name, made eleven salutes to Qi Shuming, and returned to his Zen room to practice with satisfaction.

(End of this chapter)

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