The Young Master of the Prehistoric Jiejiao

Chapter 187: Tongtian gives in, 3 clear Chaos Sons protect the way

Chapter 187 Tongtian gives in, Sanqing protects Chaoszi
At this moment, let Master Tongtian speak!

After scolding him happily and calming down, the matter will be settled.

After all, for Jiejiao and his leader Tongtian, Yuanshi Tianzun's departure is a great thing!

"Hmph! Not enough! If my disciple Chaoszi has a chance to prove the Tao in the future, not only can you not stop him, but you must go all out to support him! Otherwise, Pindao would rather break up and destroy Yuan Shi's conspiracy!"

Leader Tongtian sneered and said that to this day, his hatred for Yuanshi Tianzun still lingers, which is why Yuanshi Tianzun does not dare to come here.

As long as the two of them meet, there will definitely be another battle!
In this matter, only the Supreme Master came forward to temporarily put aside the grudges and earn benefits for each of us.

"Huan Chaozi is an outstanding descendant of the third generation of Xuanmen. He respects me and Yuanshi very much. Naturally, we will not stop him from achieving enlightenment, and we will also provide help for him to achieve enlightenment in the future."

Taishang Laozi looked at Master Tongtian in surprise. He did not expect that the third brother would use such a good opportunity for Chaoszi. You must know that his relationship with Yuanshi Tianzun is not a trivial matter.

But no matter what, if we can reach an agreement with the Tongtian Cult Leader and prevent him from causing trouble, then this trip will be considered a complete success.

While the Four Saints of the East were doing private transactions, the two Buddhist saints in the Paradise were not idle either.

Sage Zhunti is confident. The two of them have long been accustomed to each other's way of doing things and cooperate with each other tacitly.

Amitabha Buddha said: "When the devil comes out of the world, the next calamity will be over, and the devil will disappear. Our Buddhist sect will be the first to bear the brunt. Now is the time to prepare in advance."

As for the mortal universe that has become leftovers, there are many people who believe in Buddhism on the countless planets where life originates.

"That's right! The luck of Buddhism will decline from its peak. We must try our best to keep the main force of Buddhism, and we cannot suffer too much damage in the catastrophe."

Thinking that Buddhism would no longer have such a prosperous scene in the future, Saint Zhunti couldn't help but sigh and said: "I hope that in the future, our Buddhism will still prosper!"

Amitabha comforted him. This sentence was not his own self-comfort. As the leader of Buddhism, he had benefited tremendously from the great rise of Buddhism. He even felt that if Buddhism flourished for another two or three kalpas, he might not be able to catch up with Tai. Follow Laozi's teachings and become the first among saints.

At that time, Taoism's largest religion, Jie Jiao, was eclipsed by Buddhism.

Every once in a while, quasi-sage masters such as Chaos Daojun and Yunxiao Empress are here to preach and answer questions for the disciples of Jiejiao.

"Wuyi Mountain" once again became the holy land of Jiejiao.

The three realms naturally don't know what happened between the six saints in the chaos. At this moment, the Dao Lord of Chaos knew that the opportunity was coming, and he was happy in his heart, so he did not go into retreat.

This is also the only one among the various sects that has reached this scale since the birth of the Sage Sect.

At this time, among the four major continents in the Earthly Immortal Realm, Xiniu Hezhou has been restored to at least 70% to 80% of its vitality by Buddhism. In Nanfangbu Continent, Buddhism also has 40% of its territory; Dongsheng Shenzhou is also occupied by Buddhism. 30% Even the most barren place in Luzhou, Beiju, Buddhism still has one-fifth of its territory.

"There is no rush in the matter of the demon world! After the next calamity, we will wait and see the changes in the three realms." Amitabha said calmly.

"Junior brother still needs to plan this matter!"

Amitabha still looked like he didn't care about anything, leaving all major Buddhist affairs to Saint Zhunti.

The strength of Buddhism has almost reached its peak.

Saint Zhunti nodded. There is no eternal protagonist in this world except the human race. He naturally knows the decline of Buddhism, but the power of Buddhism can be reduced, but its strength cannot be reduced!

"Junior brother, there will be such a day."

Coupled with the "Hualien Pure Land" of the Nine Nether Underworld and part of the power of the Thirty-three Heavens, these all have the shadow of Buddhism. It can be said that the influence of Buddhism has spread all over the world.

Beside the "Eight Treasures Pond of Merits", Amitabha Buddha and Sage Chunti sat opposite each other, discussing the emergence of the demon world.

"Don't worry, senior brother! I know this well. It's just that when the Demon Realm opens, we must also be prepared. Not to mention occupying the Demon Realm, we must get at least a quarter of the territory."

Buddhism, Renjiao, Chanjiao, and Jiejiao all learned about the next calamity-eliminating demon leader from the mouth of Taozu. It would naturally be the time when their respective sects declined, and at this time, there would be less fighting between them.

Like "Wuyi Mountain", other forces and great supernatural powers all woke up from seclusion and began to preach and solve doubts for their disciples in order to cope with the coming disaster.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, the Yuanhui is over, and the days when the Shushan sect closed the mountains are finally over. During this Yuanhui, there are no people from the Shushan sect making trouble everywhere, but the three realms are much calmer.

Today, a bell rang from Shushan Mountain, and the gate of Shushan Sect opened.

The sound of the bell was heard for a hundred thousand miles. The immortals near Shushan sighed when they heard the sound of the bell. They didn't know whether the Shushan sect would be as domineering as before when it was reborn.

It was on this day that a hundred miles away from Mount Shu, a young Taoist priest in red robes stood with his hands behind his back, looking at the gate of Mount Shu in front of him with a complicated expression.

"Chang Mei, I, Ding Yin, am back! Dao Xiao Mo Zhang, there must be an end between you and me in the future!"

After taking a deep look at Shushan, Ding Yin turned into a streak of blood and disappeared.

At this moment, the Shushan Sect has reopened its gates with great momentum. After 120,000 years of practice, each one has improved in cultivation. The losses in the struggle with the "Beidi Sect" have all been made up, and even more progress has been made. .

At this moment, the Shushan Sect didn't know that their old enemy had reappeared, and his conduct was extremely high, reaching the level of the Taiyi Golden Immortal.

In the entire Shushan sect, except for the founder of the sect, Chang Mei Zhenren, no one is Ding Yin's opponent.

When the gate of Shushan was opened, the first people to come to congratulate it were Buddhists.

It seems that they did not get enough benefits from the Shushan Sect, which made Buddhism unwilling to give up. This time, as soon as the Shushan Sect opened the mountain, they saw a group of auspicious clouds floating from a distance, and a monk stood on the auspicious clouds.

On the top of this monk's head, there is a golden light of great merit. This golden light is more dazzling than that of ordinary Bodhisattvas. It can be seen that this person is an eminent monk who has truly made meritorious deeds.

Because of the importance attached to the Shushan Sect, Buddhism actually sent a representative figure of Zen, Patriarch Bodhidharma.

In front of the gate of Shushan Mountain, Patriarch Bodhidharma told his disciples in Shushan: "Go and report quickly, saying that the poor monk Bodhidharma has something important to discuss with the leader of the Shushan sect and all the supreme elders."

"Ah? Disciple will go in and report now."

This little disciple never thought that one day he would be able to talk to a figure like Patriarch Bodhidharma. He stuttered and finally reacted, and hurried into the mountain gate to inform the elders. In the Sword Qi Lingkong Hall, the headmaster Miaoyi Zhenren Qi Shuming and a group of supreme elders were discussing the next plan of the Shushan sect when they received advice from the disciples guarding the mountain.

"This Patriarch Bodhidharma has already reached the level of Daluo Jinxian. He is a very prestigious figure in Buddhism. We have to go out to greet him."

Although they passed the last sword fight with the "Beidi Sect", the Shushan Sect has learned that Buddhism is not compatible with human religion. As they are a tributary of human religion, they naturally want to alienate Buddhism.

But when someone came to the door, the Shushan sect could not lose its etiquette. The Miaoyi Master Qi Shuming had no choice but to lead a group of Supreme Elders and disciples to greet them.

This time, Shushan Sect is not stupid!

If you can no longer distinguish between friends and foes, you may encounter difficulties in the future, and the elders of the Human Sect will not care about them anymore.

In this Yuan Hui time, in addition to practicing behind closed doors, the Shushan Sect also had Master Changmei sort out the relationships between the various forces in the Earthly Immortal World for them.

Master Changmei learned from the painful experience. This time, he was very careful and told everything he knew about the spheres of influence of the three sects of Renjiao, Chanjiao and Jiejiao.

At this time, Qi Shuming, Xuan Zhenzi, Ascetic Tutu and others realized the power of the three religions, and they were really shocked to the point of breaking into a cold sweat.

Qi Shuming couldn't help but smile bitterly when he thought that the "Kunlun Sect" had been so suppressed that they couldn't hold their heads up. How could the "Kunlun Sect" be afraid of them? They were just letting them use their reputation as the best sect in the world to attract demonic firepower!

As for some forces and representative figures of the Jie Sect, they were also introduced by Master Changmei. Only then did the Shushan Sect gain insight and know who they could not offend.

At the same time, the names of the great supernatural beings of their human sect, the Great Luo Golden Immortals, were also known to Qi Shuming, Xuan Zhenzi, Xu Xing Tu Tuo and others. Only then did they realize that the human sect did not expect them to support the human sect.

The Great Master Xuandu, Confucius, Zhuangzi, Wenshi Zhenren, and the Eight Immortals of Shangdong are all a generation higher than their teacher Changmei Zhenren, and they are all famous figures in the three realms.

At this moment, Qi Shuming, Xuan Zhenzi, Ascetic Tutu and others just wanted to say a few polite words to the Buddhist master and send him away, so that there would be less contact between the two parties in the future.

As for being hostile to Buddhism, the Shushan Sect will naturally not do it. An ant is hostile to a god. That is an act seeking death!

"Master, please come in."

Standing outside the gate of Shushan Sect, Qi Shuming, Xuan Zhenzi, Shutu Tutuo and others paid homage to Patriarch Bodhidharma, and then led the way and invited Patriarch Bodhidharma into the "Sword Qi Lingkong Hall".

The two parties sat down separately, and Qi Shuming asked his disciples after serving tea, "My Shushan sect has just opened the mountain gate, and the master came to my mountain gate. Is there anything wrong?"

"There is news coming from the 'Hualien Pure Land' concerning the Shushan Sect, so the poor monk has to come."

Patriarch Bodhidharma smiled slightly and said.

How come the Buddhists don’t know what the Shushan sect has planned?

You boarded my Buddhist ship and wanted to get off. How could such a simple thing be possible?

With the conduct and knowledge of Qi Shuming, Xuan Zhenzi, Ascetic Tutuo and others, how could they be rivals of Buddhism?

This time, Patriarch Bodhidharma is here to take control of the Shushan Sect again, so that the power of your human religion can be protected by our Buddhist sect. Let’s see how you end your next calamity, the Dao Eliminate Demon Leader!
As the saying goes, if people sit at home, disaster will come from the sky. This Shushan sect no longer wants to play with Buddhism, but Buddhism still wants to take the initiative to create this cause and effect. In order to firmly tie Shushan sect to death, it even used Jiuyoudi. A huge part of the power of the government.

"Master, please clarify this!"

Qi Shuming said nonchalantly, cursing these Buddhist people in his heart for being so ungrateful. Didn't they want to deceive themselves?
Our Shushan sect has just opened its gates. How can anything concern our sect?
If it were another person who dared to say this, Pindao would have kicked you out long ago!

"The thing is like this. Some monks know that there is no hope in practicing Taoism and Buddhism, so they will find a way to enter the sea of ​​blood, worship under the master of the Styx Cult, and practice demonic magic."

Patriarch Bodhidharma said slowly with a smile.

Hearing this, Qi Shuming and others seemed to be a little uneasy for some reason. Could it be that there are really demon cultivators who had a grudge against them who have become successful practitioners and want to seek revenge from the Shushan sect?

"Recently, a group of people from the demonic path came out of the sea of ​​blood and came to the earthly immortal world. It is said that one of them named Ding Yin seems to have formed a causal relationship with the Shushan Sect."

Seeing the nervousness of everyone in the Shushan Sect, Patriarch Bodhidharma decided in his heart and said the name Ding Yin.

"What? Is it Ding Yin? This person is not dead? What is his current level of cultivation?"

After hearing this, Qi Shuming was shocked and asked again and again.

The Shushan Sect claims to be authentic. Over the years, it is unknown how many demons have been killed. If these demonic monks really come towards the Shushan Sect, it will be another disaster.

"According to the information conveyed by the 'Hualien Pure Land', this Ding Yin cultivated the 'Blood Nerve' and reached the peak of Taiyi Golden Immortal."

Patriarch Bodhidharma continued: "This is nothing! It is said that there is a top figure born in the sea of ​​​​blood this time, and his strength is not weaker than that of the quasi-sage. You Shushan sect should be careful."

When Qi Shuming heard this, he immediately became worried. If others didn't know it, why didn't he himself?
When the Shushan sect was established in the past, many demons were killed, and of course many demons escaped. Over the years, no trace of them could be found. If they were all hiding in the sea of ​​blood and practicing demonic skills, wouldn't they be found sooner or later? Shushan faction takes revenge?

"When these demons are born, they must be cruel and murderous. If they are not eradicated in time, I am afraid that the entire earth and immortal world will fall into catastrophe."

Qi Shuming said worriedly: "Buddhists don't know when to use thunderous means to find this kind of devil and eliminate it completely!"

"Since these demons joined the Blood Sea and entered the Asura Cult, they often clashed with the 'Hualien Pure Land' and are very familiar with Buddhism. These demons came out of the Blood Sea and hid their auras. If Buddhist disciples do not have profound knowledge, It’s difficult for Taoists to find it. The Three Realms are too big. No matter how many Buddhist masters we have, we can’t have people stationed in every place.”

Patriarch Bodhidharma explained.

"What should we do?"

Qi Shuming was unwilling to give up and continued: "Can't the many Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in Buddhism think of a way?"

"Headmaster Qi, don't worry too much. The Shushan sect is very powerful. Even if the demons attack here, as long as you persist for a while, our Buddhist sect will naturally not stand idly by and will definitely provide full support!"

Patriarch Bodhidharma smiled and finally revealed his purpose.

(End of this chapter)

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