The Young Master of the Prehistoric Jiejiao

Chapter 200: There is no escape, the Dao Lord of Chaos finally shows his peak combat power

Chapter 200: There is no escape, the Dao Lord of Chaos finally shows his peak combat power
As long as the "Taiqing Divine Talisman" is destroyed, the Shushan Sect's millions of disciples can only maintain the "Liangyi Mote Disillusionment Array" for three to five days. At that time, it will be the end of the Shushan Sect.

Faced with this situation, Qi Shuming was desperate, and secretly ordered several Supreme Elders to prepare to lead a group of core disciples in the sect to escape after the formation was broken, and to preserve the fire.

As for the other millions of disciples, they cannot take care of them.

Three more days passed, and the saint's magic power in the "Tai Qing Divine Talisman" finally disappeared. A group of disciples from the Shushan Sect stepped forward again, sending magic power into the "Liangyi Dust Disillusionment Formation" to maintain the operation of the formation. .

"Hahaha! Qi Shuming, the Shushan Sword Sect is about to be destroyed, and you are completely finished!"

Ding Ying laughed proudly.

"Obstacle! How dare you!"

At this moment, Chang Mei Zhenren, Lu Dongbin, He Xiangu, Tieguaili, Han Xiangzi, Cao Guojiu, Zhong Liquan, Zhang Guolao, Lan Cai and the Nine Great Luo Jinxian finally arrived.

Lu Dongbin took action first. The bright sword light of the "Pure Yang Sword" directly broke through the blood curtain and killed the arrogant Ding Yin.

"No! Blood God Son!"

In just a moment, all the evil demons were killed, crying for their father and mother. All of them just wished they had two fewer legs and ran slower than others.

Ding Yin turned pale with fright, and instinctively used his "blood nerve" to condense the Blood God Son.

Three feet away from the sword light, Ding Yin's body was reborn again, but the shock on his face could not be concealed. The "blood nerve" was indeed the ancestor of Styx's magical power. It was very strange. As long as there was a blood As long as the Son of God exists, it will be difficult to kill masters who practice "Blood Nerve".

Qi Shuming perked up and gave an order to let those who were below the level of Immortal Dao continue to guard Shushan. The other Supreme Elders, Elders, and True Disciples were all killed.

Lu Dongbin said "Huh" and showed a hint of surprise. He didn't expect that he, a master at the peak of Daluo Golden Immortal, would kill not even a single person who was at the peak of Taiyi Golden Immortal.

"No! It's the magic of possession! A quasi-sage master is possessing Ding Yin!"

Soon, thousands of immortals from the Shushan Sect fought with thousands of evil spirits. Except for the first few to escape, these evil spirits were intercepted back by the Eight Immortals and the Changmei Master.

"Break this river of blood! Drive away the evil spirit!"

"Little devil! You have a chance!"

Suddenly, Ding Yin's expression changed. There was no fear from before. Instead, he looked calm, and the temperament of a top expert emerged spontaneously from the inside out.

Seeing the Patriarch and the Eight Immortals from Shangdong arriving, Qi Shuming and other Shushan disciples were overjoyed. They had not been given up. At the critical moment, the Patriarch and the elders came to rescue them.

As for the benefits promised by Ding Yin, these demonic people are selfish and put their own lives above all else. How could they risk their lives with Daluo Jinxian for some benefits?
"Great! Saved!"

Seeing that his disciple was fine, Master Changmei breathed a sigh of relief and immediately shouted, commanding his disciples to take action together.

"What a pity! What's waiting is not a quasi-sage, only a mere Da Luo Jinxian!"

Ding Yin flicked his sleeves, and several Shushan sect disciples who came towards him immediately turned into powder.

Zhong Liquan gave an order, and all the other eight immortals took action. Under the light of Taiqing Immortal, the water of the sea of ​​blood was taken away or evaporated. When the demons saw so many Da Luo Jinxian appearing, they all ran away in all directions, crying and howling.

"is teacher!"

Just after he finished casting the spell, the Blood God Son flew a few feet away. With a soft "chi" sound, Ding Yin's entire body was cut in half by Lu Dongbin's sword!

"Shu Ming! Reorganize the disciples and follow the master to hunt down the evil spirits!"

Naturally, Ding Yin did not have the ability to condense 480 million Blood God Sons, but he could condense dozens of Blood God Sons and hide them everywhere, which was enough to protect him from death.

Daluo Jinxian's magic power is boundless. Even if there are only nine people, they still stop these evil demons. Each of the eight immortals has innate spiritual treasures in their hands. With the flashes of treasure light, there are always some evil demons to kill.

Lu Dongbin was shocked. He had the highest cultivation level and extremely powerful feet. He was the reincarnation of a great figure in the ancient world. He was brought under the disciple of Taishang Laozi. He was top-notch in everything he saw. He could see the changes in Ding Yin at a glance.

"Hmph! So what if the quasi-sage is possessed? It's not like he can't be killed!"

He Xiangu looked evil and said coldly, not caring at all about the so-called quasi-sage master.

Chang Mei Zhenren, Tie Guai Li, Han Xiangzi, Cao Guojiu, Zhong Liquan, Zhang Guolao, Lan Caihe ignored the ordinary demons and came behind Lu Dongbin and He Xiangu.

The nine Da Luo Jinxian faced "Ding Yin" with alert expressions, ready to unleash their strongest combat power at any time to surround and kill this old demon.

"Changmei, go help the people below, the eight of us here are enough!"

After scanning the situation on the field, Zhong Liquan frowned slightly and ordered.

"Yes! Disciple, go now!"

Master Changmei nodded and quickly joined Qi Shuming and the others. He knew that each of the eight immortals in the cave had innate spiritual treasures, and that the eight immortals had been working together for a long time and had an exclusive formation for eight people. His joining in it would not only have no effect, but would become a burden. Bring trouble to the Eight Immortals.

"Interesting! Today's Daluo Jinxian dares to talk to the quasi-sage like this."

"Ding Yin" stood with his hands behind his back and looked at the Eight Immortals coldly. As for the useless person like Changmei Zhenren, he was not even interested in taking another look.

"Hmph! Which quasi-sage are you? Why don't you tell me your name?"

After listening to "Ding Yin"'s arrogance, Lu Dongbin sneered. He was once a figure in the late quasi-sage stage, a figure who competed with Emperor Jun of Heaven and Taiyi of Donghuang. Basically, he was the first of the prehistoric male immortals appointed by Taozu.

No matter in terms of status or strength, he was a once-famous figure. Ordinary quasi-sages were really not in Lu Dongbin's eyes.

Moreover, after joining the sect of Taishang Laozi, over the years, with the help of the luck of human education, he was one step away from being promoted to quasi-sage. Naturally, Lu Dongbin would not be particularly in awe of this realm.

"Interesting! The great saint Moro, the deputy leader of the Ashura Sect, today, I will take a look at the magical powers of the true disciples of the Human Sect, and dare not to take the quasi-sage seriously!"

The Great Saint Moro sneered, murderous intent boiling in his heart. He had originally cleaned up the Shushan Sect and avenged his disciple Ding Yin, but the Eight Immortals' arrogance made him angry, so he decided to kill him.

Then they saw that this quasi-sage was pressing forward with overwhelming power. Lu Dongbin, He Xiangu, Tieguaili, Han Xiangzi, Cao Guojiu, Zhong Liquan, Zhang Guolao, Lan Cai and the Eight Immortals of Shangdong seemed to be in a storm. , breathing became extremely difficult. "Deploy the Eight Immortals and Bagua array!"

While speaking, Lu Dongbin held the "Pure Yang Sword" and stood in the "Qian" position; Tieguai Li used Tieguai as his foot and stood in the "Dui" position; He Xiangu stood in the "Kun" position; Cao Guojiu stood in the "Gen" position. " position; Zhang Guolao rode a paper donkey and stood in the "Zhen" position; Lan Caihe stood in the "Xun" position; Han Xiangzi stood in the "Kan" position; Zhong Liquan shook the banana fan and occupied the "Li" position.

Although this Bagua formation is simple, in ancient times, as long as Xuanmen disciples became immortals, there was no one who couldn't arrange it.

However, when this formation was in the hands of the Eight Immortals of Shangdong, it was a formation that pointed directly at the avenue. The eight people were in one body, and the formation was completed. Its power increased dramatically, and it actually withstood the pressure of the quasi-sage.

"Do it!"

Lu Dongbin shouted loudly, and the Eight Immortals moved together without changing their formation. They directly enveloped Moro in the Bagua Formation and launched an attack, not taking Moro seriously at all.

"Okay! Okay! Okay! You are really looking for death!"

Seeing this scene, Moro's face turned black and he was completely angry. Among the three realms, the quasi-sage has a high status, especially since the saint was prohibited from entering the three realms, he became the apparent ruler.

Basically, there are very few scenes where the Great Luo Jinxian dares to take the initiative to attack and kill a quasi-sage. At this moment, the Eight Immortals did it cleanly and neatly, which means they did not take him seriously.

Moro, who felt he had lost face as a master of magic, immediately fought back against the Eight Immortals of the Cave.

Moro possessed Ding Yin, and the mana instilled from his body was not much. He could only maintain the Taoism and mana of the quasi-sage. The nine masters instantly fought together, and a terrifying aura broke out.

For a while, it was hard to tell the difference.

Whether it was the Shushan sect or the demonic side, they all stayed away from the place where the masters were fighting. When Taiyi Golden Immortal encountered this terrifying aura, he would die in an instant. Who dared to get close?
The Three Realms are in chaos, and the four major continents are raging with wars. Just like the chaotic wars happening here in the Shushan Sect, there are many other places.

Under this situation, in the chaos, the battle within the "Nine Bends of the Yellow River Formation" has reached a fever pitch.

As Sakyamuni Tathagata and the others searched, they continued to crack the formations, gradually compressing the space for activities of Chaos Dao Lord and Fairy Yunxiao. The "Infinite Divine Sand" had already been broken by a group of quasi-sages from the Buddhist sect.

At this moment, Fairy Yunxiao continues to preside over the operation of the "Nine Bends of the Yellow River Formation", while Dao Lord Chaos continues to appear from the "Nine Bends of the Yellow River Formation" and starts a battle with the masters of Buddhism.

Trying to attract one or two Buddhist quasi-sages away from the crowd, Fairy Yunxiao can take the opportunity to shuttle through the formation and capture people with the "Hunyuan Golden Fight".

However, to the dismay of Chaos Taoist Lord and Fairy Yunxiao, the seven quasi-sages of Sakyamuni Tathagata, Lantern Past Buddha, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, Maitreya King Buddha of the future, Mahavairocan Buddha, and the Southern Precious Born Buddha have become masters. , even if he saw a good opportunity, he would not dare to pursue the Chaos Dao Lord alone.

The seven masters came up with a stupid way to compress the space inch by inch, constantly exerting pressure on Chaos Dao Lord and Fairy Yunxiao, and have compressed them from the entire "Nine Curved Yellow River Formation", which is comparable to a universe, to the formation platform. Thousands of miles of space above.

Although this method is a little slower, the effect is obvious. This makes Sakyamuni Buddha feel refreshed and he feels that his long-cherished wish for many years can finally be achieved and the biggest stumbling block on the road to enlightenment has been solved.

"It seems that it is difficult for reinforcements to arrive. Pindao needs to work hard."

Dao Lord Chaos smiled at Fairy Yunxiao and seemed not worried about the current situation.

"Brother, you have to be more careful."

Fairy Yunxiao looked at her Taoist companion worriedly.

"Don't worry! I'll take care of everything and everything will be fine."

Caressing Yunxiao's hair, Taoist Chaos' eyes flashed with tenderness, and he comforted Fairy Yunxiao with a warm voice.

Then, he strode away from the formation, flashed, and went out again to attack the saints of Buddhism.

"Amitabha! Son of Chaos, you don't have a chance. You hurry up and capture me. For the sake of my brother-in-law's friendship for many years, the poor monk spared your life and only suppressed you to immeasurable calamities!"

They fought again and felt that the Dao Lord of Chaos was trying his best. Instead of being surprised, Sakyamuni Tathagata was overjoyed and even spoke out to break Li Yunjing's will to fight.

"Duobao, you are too confident. Have you ever seen Pindao's true ability? Today, Pindao will teach you a lesson you will never forget!"

Dao Lord Chaos sneered. He had no fear at all towards this group of Buddhist quasi-sages. Instead, he seemed extremely excited.

Li Yunjing was full of energy, with three flowers appearing on the top of his head, and the Nine Turns Mysterious Skill was used to the extreme. He rushed forward and met with Sakyamuni Tathagata, the Past Buddha, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, and the future King Maitreya Buddha. The seven great quasi-sages, Great Sun Tathagata Buddha and Southern Precious Born Buddha, fought fiercely.

At this moment, the Dao Lord of Chaos had no way to retreat, and naturally there was no possibility of hiding his clumsiness. At this moment, his blood began to boil. When the battle was at its peak, the Dao Lord of Chaos looked up to the sky and roared, saying the nine-character mantra of Xuanmen, "Lin, "Soldier, fighting, person, all, formation, row, advance, line" shouted out, against the six-character Buddhist mantra, "Om, Mah, Ne, Ba, Mi, Hum".

At this moment, the Dao Lord of Chaos unleashed all his firepower, and the "Red Lotus Immortal Clothes" on his body bloomed with "Red Lotus Fire" that filled the sky. In Qingyun, he suppressed himself with "Luobao Money" and deterred enemies from all directions, and "Purple Electric Hammer" "Continuously releasing the "Purple Sky Divine Thunder" one after another, bombarding the seven Buddhist quasi-sages.

Since the Taoist Chaos Lord can no longer hide his strength under the pressure of the quasi-sages of the Buddhist sect, he will completely display his full combat power, defeat all the Buddhist masters, and compete for the title of the first person in the three realms!

"Huh? How did Chaos become so powerful?"

Sakyamuni Tathagata was startled, and his heart tightened. It seemed that something was different from what he thought.

The other six Quasi-Saints were chased from left to right by Chaos Dao Lord, and they were chased in a panic. They released the good and evil corpses one by one, and relied on the advantage of numbers to block them.

"Chaos! Don't try to be cruel!"

Shakyamuni Tathagata was furious and appeared with a golden body measuring eight feet long. The golden body had twenty-four heads and eighteen hands, holding a necklace, an umbrella cover, a flower guana, a fish intestine, a golden bow, a silver halberd, a white ax and a flag. The pillar, the blessed pestle, the treasure file, the silver vase and other treasures were thrown at the Dao Lord of Chaos.

"Lord Buddha! I help you!"

The Great Sun Tathagata Buddha shouted, and brushed the "Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree" in his hand against the back of Chaos Taoist Lord. This sneak attack was just right, fast and accurate. It was the perfect embodiment of the Great Sun Tathagata Buddha's conduct and experience.

It was like a violent storm. Wherever the "Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree" passed, chaos shattered, and earth, water, wind and fire surged out, just like the creation of the world.

"Lu Ya, you flat-haired beast! Last time, the Taoist Master spared your life for the sake of Nuwa. If you dare to go against the Taoist Master today, I will beat you to death later!"

While Dao Lord Chaos was dealing with the head-on confrontation with Sakyamuni Tathagata, he ducked out of the way, seemingly ignoring the changes in space, and flashed directly in front of the Great Sun Tathagata, punching him in the chest.

(End of this chapter)

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