Give them a little funny shock

Chapter 1 Who hit me?

Chapter 1 Who hit me?
  "Fucking beast, remember this!!!!"

Just like he had done countless times in the past, Wu Yun let out his roar as a defeated person, and at an altitude of 10,000 meters above the ground, he hit an unknown place and hit a cloud of sonic booms at the speed of the universe, shooting rapidly. And go.

Then, under the control of the last bit of strength he had left, he slowed down so that he wouldn't just plunge into space.

As the speed decreased, the gravity of the ground beneath his feet caused him to continuously lower his height, and finally, he crashed into someone's house.

Of course, it could be on a cement floor or a mud floor, or on a mountain, no matter what it is, but most of the time it goes dark, and then they bury themselves in sleep.

This kind of thing doesn't happen often to him, but whenever he encounters that annoying bastard, it will definitely be the result.

Wu Yun couldn't remember how many times he had failed against that guy, just like he couldn't remember how many lychees he had eaten. However, he is a very resilient person. The more frustrated he becomes, the more courageous he becomes, and the more defeated he becomes, the stronger he becomes.

  "Wake up."


"Hey, wake up."


"Fuck! Wake up!"



A crisp sound of palm contact with face made Wu Yun startle and open his eyes.

As his eyes opened, the snoring that had been echoing in this small space also disappeared.

"Huh? Huh?"

Wu Yun, who opened his eyes, heard the voice in his ear and subconsciously responded.

He looked up at the iron ceiling above his head, looking at the dimly lit LED lights emitting from the edges, and blinked blankly.

"Get up? You're already awake and you don't want to get up?"

The unfamiliar voice reached his ears again.

However, he was already very experienced in such situations. He sat up straight from the ground and looked around at the group of people who were surrounding him.

Then when he looked at it, he was stunned.

Here is a section of a train carriage in operation, or it may be a subway carriage. It was foggy outside the car window and nothing could be seen clearly.

On the seats inside the carriage, a group of people dressed in different costumes were sitting, almost making Wu Yun think that he had entered some kind of COSPLAY gathering.

However, he could still tell that among the people who were focusing their attention on him, the core figure among them should be the man sitting in the seat furthest away from him at this moment.

He was wearing a piece of armor that only ancient generals would wear, and a purple jade crown on his head, with two dragons playing with beads, inlaid with pearls and inlaid with rare treasures. At this moment, he was sitting there with a majestic look, looking at himself with interest.

"You are not the least qualified among this group of people." Seeing that Wu Yun finally woke up, the man smiled and said to him:

"But you must have the biggest heart, so you just fell asleep, right?"

"Since you have woken up, I will repeat to you what I said to them before." After saying that, the man smiled and continued:
  "First of all, you have already died once. But now you are alive again, and the price of this resurrection is what you are about to face."

"Who the hell hit me? Is your life wholesale... Well, wait, I'm already dead?" I don't know if the man finished what he said, but Wu Yun shouted first. , letting his voice echo in the carriage.

After waking up, his first words were to pursue the man who slapped him, but after hearing what the man said, he froze again.

"Is it difficult to accept this fact? Indeed, it was also difficult for me to accept it when I first came into this place." The man's attitude was quite good. He didn't care about Wu Yun's interruption and even answered He answered the question behind him.

"You can think about what you went through before you appeared here." As he said that, the man looked at Wu Yun, raised his finger and pointed at his head.

After listening to the man's words, Wu Yun's mind began to race with various pictures.

Wu Yun remained silent until a scene where a certain bastard he hated so much exploded at the last moment, punched himself in the proud face, and sent him flying out.

However, the reason for his silence may be different from what the man with the 'Sure enough' expression thought.

But this is not important, because after Wu Yun also woke up, after saying these words to him, the man no longer focused on Wu Yun alone, but turned to look at the other people present and continued to speak. road:

"Okay, now that everyone has woken up, let me tell you what the price you need to pay for your resurrection from the dead..."

"I, I know!" At this time, a very young and somewhat excited voice in the carriage interrupted the man.

The man's attitude towards Wu Yun was very good before, and now his attitude towards young people is naturally very good. He looked at him with a smile and asked: "Oh? It seems that there is something called 'Infinite Flow' over there in my hometown. A novel?"

"No, that's right!" The owner of the voice, a young man with dyed golden hair and an earring on one ear, became even more excited and said quickly, "Brother, have you seen it too?"

"Haha, I haven't seen it." The man smiled and shook his head, "My hometown doesn't even have computers, how could I possibly have seen this thing."

"You can probably think of me as someone from the world of your novel. Because there are extraordinary powers in my hometown, but I don't think there are any in your place?"

"I..." "Okay, okay! Stop offering the damn treasure here and let the man in armor speak!"

The young man was about to say something more, but before he could even utter one word, a pair of big hands grabbed his head and jerked him backwards in the next second.

Immediately, accompanied by a dull crash, followed by the young man's cry of pain, a rich male voice rang in the car.

Along with this sound, there was also the huge shadow in the carriage.

Most of the people in the carriage before were either sitting on chairs like the armored man, or sitting on the ground like Wu Yun.

At this moment, the big man stood up, and people realized how tall this man was.

He is at least two meters tall, and extremely broad. His arms are so thick that when his palms are opened, they can even give people the feeling of 'blocking out the sky'.

The big man's face is covered with flesh, and there is a long diagonal scar that runs across the entire face. He has a pair of ruthless triangular eyes that can give people a strong sense of oppression even if they are just glanced at.

The armored man sitting on the carriage seat still had a cheerful face. It seemed that what had just happened, which made the atmosphere in the carriage less friendly, did not affect him at all.

"Brother, please continue." The big man said slowly.

Although the big man treated the young yellow-haired man very roughly, when facing the man in armor, his attitude was unexpectedly gentle. It was so gentle that even his face full of flesh became more pleasing to the eye.

"Who slapped me just now? Damn it, are your lives wholesale, or do you have nine fucking lives!"

But in this world, there are always some people who don't know 'when to say something' and 'when to do something and what not to do'.

Just like Wu Yun.

At this moment, Wu Yun recovered from the silence and no longer struggled with certain issues in his mind. The process in his mind instantly returned to the thing he was struggling with in the first place:
  That is, who slapped him while he was sleeping.

Wu Yun had also stood up from the ground at this moment. He was wearing a black knee-length windbreaker, with a mustache on his face, and he was not much shorter than the big man.

Even if it is not as thick as the other party, it is still huge.

After asking such a question, the car fell into a brief silence.

No one spoke, the armored man was still smiling, and the young man with yellow hair no longer screamed in pain, because his head was being stepped on by the big man's feet, and his whole body was twitching, and his hands were scratching the ground. , slapping the big man's legs, well, it wasn't completely silent.

But the big man's legs were like a once-solid concrete wall that remained unmoved no matter how much the young man slapped it.


After the silence, there was a sudden sound that broke through the air. The sound was so loud that it seemed to shatter the air, and it was loud enough to scare everyone present.

The big man looked cold and punched Wu Yun fiercely. That punch obviously didn't hold anything back. If it hit the young man at his feet, it would definitely be enough to kill him in an instant, or even break him into pieces.

And under this punch, Wu Yun's figure also disappeared.

When the punch was struck, a cruel smile appeared on the big man's face.

However, after the punch was completely delivered and 'hit hard', the smile on his face completely froze.

"Did you hit me?"

Wu Yun's slow voice sounded from above the big man. At the same time as the sound sounded, the big man's entire face turned red, and the veins on his neck were exposed. The whole man looked like a volcano about to erupt, accumulating huge anger.

"Then let us verify now whether you really have nine lives."


The words fell, but another muffled sound sounded.

In the eyes of everyone in the carriage, they first saw a man squatting on a huge bald head, and then, after the man finished speaking, he stood up on top of the big man's head.

The movement was very light and graceful. Yes, it can even be described like this.

The movement was light and graceful, like a cat, a black cat.

However, the muffled sound, or rather crisp sound, was accompanied by the big man who disappeared after the man stood up.

To be more precise, it didn't actually 'disappear', but was 'compressed'.

He was squeezed into a 'cake' and was lying quietly at the man's feet.

You can see the conspicuous scarlet color flowing in the meat pie, but it does not escape even a little bit.

The person who caused all this was looking at the ball of cake that he had just stepped out with surprised eyes.

"Hey, why are you dying now?"

Wu Yun looked at the pancakes on the ground and said in surprise. This surprise was not pretended, but real, and did not contain any pretense.

(End of this chapter)

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