Give them a little funny shock

Chapter 23 I have no money

Chapter 23 I have no money ()
  "Donglan County, that place in front surrounded by a city wall?"

After Wu Yun heard what the strong man shouted, he turned his attention to him. The two people's eyes met briefly. The muscular man seemed not to want to, or rather did not dare to look at Wu Yun, and quickly lowered his head.

"No, that's right...!" However, even though he lowered his head, his tone of voice was still relatively strong, with a bit of a stutter, "If you dare and have the ability, then go and kill that thing. The young master of the Luo family in Lan County is well!!"

"Big Tiger!!"

When the scar-faced female boss heard what the man said, her expression suddenly changed, and she shouted angrily at the man named Dahu: "What nonsense are you talking about!!!" Then, she immediately turned around with a strong expression on her face. He smiled and said: "Now that you have eaten and drank enough, if you want to go to the county seat, just walk another fifty miles."

"If you want to rest in the store for a night, the meal is free of charge, but the accommodation fee is due to the small business of our store, so we can't..."

"what is his name?"

Wu Yun completely ignored the woman's words and just continued to look at the man named Dahu and asked.

However, perhaps because he was taught a lesson by his boss, Dahu chose to remain silent when faced with Wu Yun's question.

However, in such silence, when he raised his head and found that Wu Yun had arrived in front of him at some point, looking down at him condescendingly, under an incomparable and huge pressure, he still gave in and stammered. The person's name was revealed:
  "His, his, his, his name is Luo Xingwei, he is the eldest son of the Luo family in Donglan County!"

"Big Tiger!!!"

The voice of the scar-faced female boss did not stop Dahu from shouting the other party's name. After shouting the name, Dahu seemed to have lost all the strength in his body and sat down on the ground, sweating profusely. His chest was rising and falling violently, and he was breathing heavily.

"That person's name is Luo Xingwei, right?" After asking what information he wanted, Wu Yun appeared in front of the scar-faced female boss again the next moment.

At this moment, the scar-faced female boss suddenly realized something, that is: the other party suddenly teleported to Dahu from behind her.

And now, he teleported in front of him again.

In an instant, a drop of cold sweat slipped from her forehead. She didn't know why, but she didn't realize this before, and this should be a mistake she would never make.

But at this moment, being pressed in front of such a big man, when that huge sense of oppression was exerted on her, she also instantly understood why Dahu, who had always been fearless in the past, was just looked at by this man. , just like pouring beans, he said everything.

Under such a huge sense of oppression, the woman even found it difficult to breathe.

"Yes Yes……"

Facing Wu Yun's inquiry, the scar-faced woman nodded subconsciously. But at the next moment, she actually woke up from this state of being completely controlled by Wu Yun. Then, she also realized that something was wrong with her situation just a moment ago.

"do not go!"

She looked at the back of Wu Yun who had turned around and shouted hurriedly.


Wu Yun, who had just turned around, turned back, looked at the woman, and asked in confusion. He couldn't quite understand what this woman was going through, because he could feel the hatred when he and the man named Dahu said this name.

He could clearly feel the anger buried deep in this woman's chest. Although it was not visible, it was enough to burn the sky and scorch the earth.

"You obviously hate him, and your hatred is almost burning you up, but why don't you kill him?"

Wu Yun was curious about this situation. In his fifty-five years of life, he had never seen anyone like the woman in front of him. In the world he lived in, people would never hide their hatred, nor would they bury it deep in their hearts. Even if the flames were so bright, they would still bury it deeply.

"That's just... it's just a futile effort..." The woman's eyes dimmed and she lowered her head, but she quickly raised her head again and looked at Wu Yun: "I know that Your Excellency is extraordinary, but Your Excellency, you have to know that But the big families are not limited to one county, but the entire Yuanzhou."

"And this world is also the world of the aristocratic family." At this point, she smiled bitterly, "I can't wait for the humble people, how can I compete with the aristocratic family?"

"It's ridiculous, it's simply unreasonable."

Wu Yun stopped looking at her, just commented and turned back.

He glanced around the store for a while, then picked up a stool from the ground, raised his hand and tapped the stool twice. In an instant, the four legs of the stool were cut off and turned into a wooden board.

Taking the board and walking outside the inn, the scar-faced woman and Sun Yunguang saw Wu Yun leaving the inn and hurriedly ran out. They happened to see Wu Yun standing outside, raising one hand to the sky, as if He was gesturing and measuring something.

"About... well, from this angle, yes, it should be about the same." After mumbling for a while, Wu Yun turned his head and looked at the people who followed him: "I'll be back in about half an hour."

As soon as he finished speaking, he threw the wooden board in his hand into the sky, and heard a burst of thunder like summer thunder. The wooden board tore through the wall of sound, exploding sonic boom clouds in the air, heading towards Shooting away in the distance.

"Go away!"

While throwing the wooden plank, Wu Yun also gave a soft shout, kicked his legs on the ground, and his body immediately jumped forward. In just the blink of an eye, he turned into a small dot on the other side.

Listening to the thunder in the distance and looking at the long traces left in the sky, everyone was silent. This silence lasted for more than a minute before the scar-faced boss lady stuttered slightly. The sound breaks:
  "Everyone, this, this is..."

"I wonder if there is any food in the store?" Taking one last look at the sky where Wu Yun's figure could no longer be found, Sun Yunguang sighed, then turned his gaze away from the sky and came to the scarred face of the proprietress.

"I'm not full yet, so I'll ask the landlady to make more. As for money, that's not a problem."

As he said that, Sun Yunguang handed over a broken piece of silver in his hand, "As for me waiting for the eldest brother, the boss lady doesn't have to worry, it's just..." She looked at the place where Wu Yun disappeared in the sky, with a look on her face. With a sad look, "I hope I just kill some of the domineering families in the fish and meat village..."

Looking at the broken silver handed over by Sun Yunguang, the scar-faced female boss was stunned for a while, and then, after about ten seconds, she nodded slightly stiffly.

"it is good……"

  (End of this chapter)

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