Give them a little funny shock

Chapter 27 Remember my name

Chapter 27 Remember my name
  "Since you only came here to kill one person, why did you cause so many murders in our Luo family?" The man on the ground raised his head, looked at Wu Yun, and asked him.

After hearing what the other party said, Wu Yun, who was originally going to go back to the city to pick up the bench and fly back, stopped in mid-air, turned around and looked at the other party, "Are you talking to me?"

The other party was stunned by Wu Yun's words for a full three seconds before he reacted.

"Of course, who else could it be?"

This is what Wu Yun noticed before, the strongest one among the reinforcements who rushed here. Although the distance is the farthest from here, it doesn't come very slowly, and it even takes a step ahead of several people.

In fact, there are not many people who come here to support. If you only count people with the ability to fly, there are only five.

The first one was spared his life, and the second one was already dead. The third one has just arrived, and as for the other two, they are still on the way. And from just now to now, it seems that there is no intention to get closer.

Before the old man died, the two people rushed here very fast, until the old man was beaten to death by Wu Yun with one finger. After about thirty years, the speed of the two breaths immediately slowed down, until now.

It is estimated that those two people will not come.

"You're the only one coming here?" Wu Yun glanced at another direction in the sky, where the other two reinforcements were slowly moving towards this direction at a turtle's speed.

Then, he looked away with a smile, fell from the air, and came to what was probably the only reinforcement.

This is a woman with a cold temperament, wearing a loose and elegant Taoist robe and a jade crown. She is looking at him with a calm expression.

Although the blood similar to those of the Luo family flows in her body, just like the very sensible young man who was let go by Wu Yun, she actually does not care about the life and death of her own people.

"Those two are worshipers of the Ding family, and they are not really here to rescue the children of my Luo family. Since the strongest one among them has been killed by your Excellency, they will naturally not come again, which will only increase the losses. Yes." The female Taoist replied. After speaking, she raised her hands and folded them in front of her chest, and gently bowed her hands towards Wu Yun.

"I am a poor Taoist Danyangzi, I have met you."

"So what do you want to see me for?" Wu Yun put his hand in front of his head and took out his mobile phone from his pocket with the other hand to wake up the screen and take a look at it. His phone had been vibrating just now. After looking here, he found that he seemed to be finished again. Several challenges were played, and a side mission was also activated.

"As for the question you just asked, because I couldn't find anyone, I had to ask. But they didn't answer me, so I killed them all." Wu Yun shrugged, "This is a deterrent. , you can make them fear me, and you can also make them remember me and my name."

"So I didn't kill them all, and even spared a considerable number of them. Of course, this is also related to the fact that the employer did not ask for your Luo family to be exterminated."

"It's okay to kill one or two casually, but if I kill them all, it's not worth it. After all, no one will give me money."

"Do you know why I talk so much to you?"

Danyangzi was not given a chance to speak. When Danyangzi thought Wu Yunyi had finished speaking and was about to open his mouth to say something, Wu Yun suddenly asked.

"Ah?" Danyangzi was stunned for a moment, but she reacted quickly, and the confused look on her face disappeared in an instant, and then she planned to take action. But unfortunately, her speed is not as fast as Wu Yun. The moment she started to cheer up, Wu Yun's hand was already on Danyangzi's neck.


Her voice stopped suddenly, and her face suddenly turned red due to the lack of blood circulation. Wu Yun grabbed Danyangzi's neck and lifted her off the ground. "Like I just said, this is a deterrent. You seem to be a person of great status, so I need you to remember me firmly, have a deep impression of me, and spread my name. .”

"Remember, my name is Wu Yun." Wu Yun said slowly, "I am the best killer in the world."

After saying that, Wu Yun let go of his hand, and Danyangzi immediately fell to the ground. The pure Yang energy wrapped around her body had not dissipated at this moment, and it still imprisoned her, preventing her from exerting her power or taking any actions.

She could only maintain a fixed posture, panting violently on the ground, trying to calm down her heart that was beating violently because she was on the verge of despair. At the same time, she was still staring at Wu Yun with lingering fear. Her face was no longer as plain as before, and only had a strong fear. with fear.

"You'd better not forget it." Wu Yun stopped looking at her. After leaving these words, his feet left the ground, raised his height, and flew towards Donglan County ahead.


As time passed by, Danyangzi could feel that the ban on himself was loosening with time. But I'm afraid we still have to wait for more than half an hour before we can fully return to normal.

The strange aura wrapped around her body blocked not only her power, but also her perception.

Under normal circumstances, all disturbances within a ten-mile radius were inseparable from her five senses, but now, she could not even sense things a few hundred meters away.

He kept lying on the ground in this position, staring blankly at the sky. He didn't know how much time passed, until suddenly there was an explosion in the distance.

after this. After a while, Danyangzi turned his head and looked at the young man who had just crawled out of the huge hole next to him and was running towards her location with an eager look on his face.

"Uncle! Uncle!"

While shouting, the young man used the magic method of shrinking the ground to an inch, and immediately came to Danyangzi and squatted down, looked at her anxiously, and asked: "Uncle, are you okay!? Uncle!" ?”

Danyangzi raised his hand feebly and waved it gently, "Nothing, I'll just rest, don't worry..."

Then, she turned back and looked at the sky with her dull eyes again, her eyes were unfocused, as if her thoughts were no longer here. After a while, she sensed that the young man was still next to her, and she spoke again: "Report today's events, so that your Majesty will know."

"But..." There was obvious hesitation in the young man's voice. Even without turning his head, Danyangzi could see the hesitation on his face. "But our Luo family has already fallen out of favor with your Majesty. Now that the Ding family is at the height of its power, if you take this opportunity to speak ill of our Luo family in your Majesty's ears..."

"It doesn't matter." Danyangzi interrupted him, "Just report it. Even if you don't report it, other people in the family will report it."

(End of this chapter)

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