Give them a little funny shock

Chapter 310 308 Are you Mr. Li, the intruder?

Chapter 310 Chapter 308 Are you Mr. Li, the intruder? (one)

"Our operation failed."

At the same time that Wu Yun received the economic information reported from the star Ouranos in the solar system, somewhere extremely far away, hundreds of light years away, a group of people were communicating with each other with unkind expressions. The information received is almost the same.

"Even if the solar system was the most developed before the war and was also the least hit during the war, there is no reason why their biotechnology could be developed to such an extent in such a short period of time, right?"

In this hidden place, a man wearing a green sportswear looked at the replay footage of Commissioner Roya that was similar to that of Commissioner Roya on Ouranos in the distant solar system, and said with a very ugly expression on his face.

This absolute secret hidden in the void and undetectable by most means in the physical universe is what led the 'Fourth Natural Disaster' that occurred on Wu Yun's Great Dark Empire's Uranus Type. 'The culprit.

They are also time-travelers, but unlike time-travelers like Milo, they travel in groups, and they do so in an organized and premeditated way.

To put it simply, they are the same intruders as Wu Yun. This group of intruders does not belong to the 'Dimension City' where Wu Yun is located, but comes from another illegal unlimited organization called the 'Intruder Alliance'.

Since there are 'regular' and 'legal' infinite spaces, then naturally there are also 'illegal' and 'irregular' infinite spaces in the multiverse.

As for legality and illegality, formality and irregularity, how and who will judge it, there is no need to understand this matter at present.

"It's hard to say." A woman also joined the conversation at this time. She looked at the two of them and said: "There is extraordinary power in the comic "To You Tens of Millions of Years Later", although it was in the past. After the collapse of human civilization, the superpowers evolved by the deformed people in the wasteland under harsh natural selection are not very strong and cannot be compared with the power of technology. "

"But anyway, extraordinary power does exist in this universe." The woman shrugged, "Maybe the humans in the solar system have mastered the mystery of the superpowers of those deformed people in the wilderness, and have pushed it to a higher level. realm.”

"But those guys obviously know what we are, which is quite surprising."

After the man in the green tracksuit, another person in the room also spoke, a man in a white shirt.

"It's just throwing things at supersonic speed." As she said that, the woman looked around at the other seven people in the room. She smiled and said: "For those of us, this kind of thing doesn't seem to be something we can do. Something that surprises people, right?”

He looked at the man in green sportswear and said: "Although the technological level of this world is advanced, as a mechanical technological civilization, if even biotechnology has developed to this level, then this human civilization will not be in the tens of millions." It went extinct years ago.”

"It's possible that these people are mechanical transformations, right? Why do you think those guys are able to throw javelins at supersonic speeds by relying on the power of their bodies?"

"Indeed." The two men who spoke before nodded in unison, "But this is reasonable. After all, various time-traveling online stories, such as the fourth natural disaster flow and the infinite flow, you can also find the corresponding ones on the Internet in this world. Works, and it’s a big category.”

"Basically, as long as it's a technological world and a world where online cultural works exist, it's not surprising to meet people like this who can guess our identities."

"But we have spent more than half a year, but we still haven't been able to get any valuable information in the solar system. To be honest, Li Cang, you are completely wasting your time." At this time, another person spoke, then He is a middle-aged man wearing black-rimmed glasses and a suit. Three swords hung on his waist, one entirely black, one entirely red, and one entirely blue.

This man obviously didn't get along with the man named Li Cang, and there was a hint of ignition in his tone as soon as he spoke.

"What?" Faced with the man's explosive questioning, Li Cang's tone became stiff. He was the first person in the room to speak, the one who suspected that humans in the solar system had mastered extraordinary powers.

"It's nothing." Seeing that Li Cang's tone became unkind, the man who took the lead gave in. Because he glanced around, it was clear that no one here supported him.

Li Cang is not the core figure in their eight-person team. The core figure of the team is the second man who talked to Li Cang before, the one wearing a shirt.

His name is Wang Shuo, the woman is Sun Xu, and the man in the suit is named Murong Qing.

This name sounds more feminine, but Murong Qing's appearance is not that neutral. He is a middle-aged man with an elegant and handsome temperament. Although his physique is not strong, he is very well-proportioned and not slender.

Murong Qing's popularity in the team is not very good, he is a rather disliked person, but because of his strong personal strength and his ability to cooperate with his teammates when something really happens, everyone gets along pretty well.

As for the occasional disputes and disagreements, everyone can still make a concession on such matters.

"Why, why didn't you say anything again?" However, although Murong Qing, the man in the suit, took a step back, Li Cang obviously did not intend to let him go. Because this guy has always been at odds with him, and this matter really touched Li Cang's pain point.

Everyone really doesn't agree with Li Cang's 'Fourth Natural Disaster' plan, because firstly, it consumes too many resources and the cost is too high. Secondly, the effect is not obvious, and it may even cause backlash for them.

What they summoned were indeed players from other universes, through the 'servers' provided by the Intruder Alliance. It's just that the concession price of this server is not low.

Summoning the Fourth Natural Disaster to better conquer the mission world is a tactic that is not uncommon in the alliance. The eight people in the carriage are all experienced alliance intruders, so they have all heard of it more or less. Said, or even experienced such a mission world.

But how can I put it, if this method is to be used well, it still requires a lot of prerequisites. If you want to control those guys well, it will take a lot of effort.

However, although this method is expensive, it not only requires paying players rewards, but also paying for server rental. After summoning the player, there is a chance that it will be backfired if it is not used properly.

But I have to say that if it is used properly, the benefits will also be huge.

(End of this chapter)

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