Give them a little funny shock

Chapter 312 310 Just die with doubts

Chapter 312 Chapter 310 Just die with doubts ()

Wu Yun was obviously a habitual offender when it came to opening boxes. He just did one operation on his mobile phone, and in less than half an hour, he had found the mastermind behind it. Bing opened the portal himself and chased after him.

Although no one knows how Wu Yun did this, it was obvious that he was just swiping his phone somewhere. But that was the fact, and Wu Yun didn't let anyone else follow him. He just opened a portal and left by himself.

As for where he went, no one knew. Anyway, Marin, the star of Uranus who was scared to death, didn't know.

[I am the number one killer in the world: open a box for me, Tianjizi]

[The divine divination divination and divine divination (the calculation of marriage, future and career, guaranteed, no refunds allowed): What? What are you kid talking about? I'm a fucking fortune teller and you want me to help you open the box? Besides, did you know that opening the box is illegal? I advise you not to engage in such things that challenge the law. It’s still too late to step back from the brink]

[divine divination and divine divination (calculation of marriage, future and career, guaranteed, no refunds allowed): (picture), (picture), (picture)]

[I am the number one killer in the world: Don’t push me, how much does it cost? Give it a good time]

[divine divination and fortune-telling (calculation of marriage, future and career, guaranteed, no refunds allowed): pictures, pictures, pictures]

[I am the number one killer in the world: You idiot, why do your charges keep getting higher year after year? Are you kidding your mother? Twenty thousand? Why don't you go and grab it? 】

[The Divine Calculator of the Divine Calculation Sect (Calculation of marriage, future and career, guaranteed, no refunds allowed): The man’s name is Li Cang. If the time he spent in the Dimensional Alliance mission world is calculated based on his age in the main world this year, , that should be one hundred and seventy-seven years old]

[I am the best killer in the world: You initiated a transfer]

[The Divine Calculation Sect Tianji Divine Calculation (for predicting marriage, future and career, guaranteed to be accurate, no refunds allowed) has sent you a positioning]

[The divine divination and fortune-telling (for predicting marriage, future and career, guaranteed, no refunds allowed): Please, brother, do you know that none of your enemies are from our universe? It's not even from the dimensional city you're in? Do you know how much energy it takes me to calculate other people's information from such a long distance and how many secrets I touch? I am using my life to help you deduce it! 】

[divine divination and fortune-telling (calculation of marriage, future and career, guaranteed, no refunds allowed): pictures, pictures, pictures]

[The Divine Calculation Sect Tianji Divine Calculation (for predicting marriage, future and career, guaranteed to be accurate, no refunds allowed) has sent you a positioning]

[The divine divination and fortune-telling (for predicting marriage, future and career, guaranteed, no refunds allowed): If you’re not happy, forget it, I don’t even want to help you calculate it for you! 】

[The divine fortune teller (for predicting marriage, future and career, guaranteed to be accurate, no refunds allowed): He has a total of three wives, five confidantes, three daughters and nine sons. I’ll send you his home address in the main world later]

[The divine divination and fortune-telling (for predicting marriage, future and career, guaranteed, no refunds allowed): The first is his current coordinates, and the second is the coordinates of his hometown, but I don’t think you need the latter. But I'm always particular about what I do, so I'll tell you all the news I know. 】

[[The Divine Calculator of the Divine Calculator (for predicting marriage, future and career, guaranteed, no refunds allowed): Oh, yes, there is one more thing, the tricks he is good at are... and the backup back-ups and props are... Anyway, just be careful . 】

[Shenshenmen Tianjishenshu (Forecasting marriage, future and career, guaranteed, no refunds allowed): Oh, and one last thing: My sister wants to ask you out for a meal. Let’s see when you are free? 】Wu Yun did not reply.

The above is the chat record between Wu Yun and Tianjizi, the acting head of the Tianji Sect, half an hour ago. As for why Tianjizi can even deduce people from other universes, and that guy is even an infinite space. Warriors are blessed by infinite space.

All we can say is, isn’t that what fortune tellers do? This is naturally very reasonable and there is nothing unreasonable about it.

The Tianji Sect is a very interesting sect in the comic "Heroes of the Wasteland". It does not directly participate in the plot, but the shadow of this sect can be seen in most of the main plots.

This sect is not a righteous sect or an evil sect in the conventional sense. It has always been in a neutral state and basically does not get involved in any dispute between good and evil.

Therefore, it will help the evil path, and it will also help the righteous path.

Wu Yun and Tianjizi were old acquaintances. They didn't know each other before the fall of the Human Empire. However, in the gangster era after the fall of the Human Empire, the two went to the same elementary school, and were classmates and even deskmates.

It's just that the relationship between the two was not very good when they were children. Because they were still at the same table, they basically fought every day.

And because Tianjizi cultivates the method of Tianji deduction, although it is also useful in battle and belongs to the type where the combat ability is not stretched, it has to be said that it is still unable to withstand Wu Yun's pure violence.

However, after growing up, the relationship between the two became much more harmonious. The main reason was that Wu Yun sometimes took care of Tianjizi's business. As the acting head of Tianjimen, this was actually just his side business, and his homepage was just like His Juxin has the same name, and he tells people's fortunes.

Fortune telling is very valuable, and the fees vary depending on what is being calculated. However, because of Tianjizi's personal ability, the minimum price is five hundred yuan.

Wu Yun's 20,000 yuan is actually not high in Tianjizi's charging standards, at most it is mid-range. From this point of view, this boy actually takes good care of Wu Yun.

This is mainly because he has a sister, and he dotes on this sister very much. And his sister Xuan Jizi is Wu Yun's partner in a theater version, and she has a different kind of feeling for Wu Yun.

Just like Chu Liang, the protagonist of Heroes of the Wasteland, has countless confidantes in the theatrical version, Wu Yun, a classic villain who also often appears as a powerful clown in the theatrical version, also has a huge number of confidantes. confidant.

Like Chu Liang, these confidants always have different feelings for Chu Liang and Wu Yun, but the person involved knows nothing about it. Even if the other party directly comes up to him, he also has no idea about it. Unconscious.

It can only be said that the setting of this thing has both positive and negative aspects. It can be regarded as a double-edged sword.

In the vast multiverse and the huge number of infinite spaces, Wu Yun is not the only character with a 'setting' like this.

"Are you curious how I found you guys?"

(End of this chapter)

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