Give them a little funny shock

Chapter 316 Chapter 314 Wow! Brother, save me! ! !

Chapter 316 Chapter 314 Wow! Brother, save me! ! ! (one)

"It's really strange, it's really strange." Wu Yun continued to fight Long Qing. More than ten seconds had passed. Long Qing was getting more and more panicked, but Wu Yun felt more and more strange the more he fought.

He didn't know why this group of people didn't swarm him, maybe it would bring him some trouble.

However, the lack of this group of people also made Wu Yun a little more wary. When he and Long Qing were fighting each other, he would pay some attention to the surroundings to prevent sneak attacks.

However, he is quite capable at the moment. Although Long Qing can barely keep up with him in terms of speed, his attack power cannot match his speed.

This was what surprised Wu Yun, not Long Qing's few teammates who didn't take action.

"Why is your attack so weak, but you can keep up with my speed?" Wu Yun asked curiously while suppressing Long Qing, who still seemed to be doing well, but was actually falling behind more and more.

But Long Qing didn't answer him, he just continued to try to attack Wu Yun, but without exception, his attacks were blocked by Wu Yun.

Wu Yun had no intention of directly beating the opponent to death, but was enjoying the process of torturing him. This is what people like him are like, they like to abuse people, they like to have sex, and then they end up...

'Snapped! '

A very classic ending.

A beam of light shot out from the darkness accurately hit Wu Yun, who had just been knocked away by Long Qing's sudden burst. His anger was rising, so his reaction speed was slowed down by his temporary dementia, and he was unable to react immediately.

Hit him in the head. Then go straight through.

Of course, it's not a fatal injury.

For warriors like him, this is certainly not a fatal injury. Even if their heads are smashed, it is not a fatal injury.

As long as the spine of a warrior of his level is not fatally damaged, no matter how serious the injury is, he can still be saved. He can even carry it by himself without going to the hospital, relying on his strong recovery power.

After a warrior reaches the third realm, many functions of the brain can be replaced by the spine. The spine can store memories and is also the seat of self-awareness, or the 'soul'.

At the same time, the source of a warrior's power, their blood essence, is mostly stored in the spine. For a warrior in the third realm, the spine is their fatal part.

In the same way, only when the spine is injured and the injury is irreversible, is it a truly fatal injury.

As for losing your head? Just grow another one. If the head was cut off, just pick it up and put it on again. If your head is smashed, it may be more troublesome and you need to go to the hospital.

As for losing half of his head, just like Wu Yun now.

A ray shot directly through Wu Yun's head, entering through his right eye and exiting through the back of his head.

But naturally there was not just one such attack. When the first attack hit, more than ten other energy beams followed closely, hitting various parts of Wu Yun's body.


In an instant, bursts of severe pain were transmitted to half of Wu Yun's brain. With just one blow, his body was severely damaged. Half of his brain was lost, and the entire right brain was completely destroyed.

But because his spine has not been damaged, he still retains most of his combat effectiveness.

However, even if the brain is not a fatal weakness, it is still an important part no matter what.

Because of brain damage, his combat effectiveness will definitely decline severely.

"Damn it!!!? Is it...Fourteen Black????"

This was the first thought that came to Wu Yun's mind after he was hit. The huge sense of danger of approaching death made his whole body tense up instantly, and then, a large amount of original energy and blood surged out from his spine and rushed towards his limbs and bones that were riddled with holes.

From the perspective of others outside the body, it looks like his body is covered with a layer of blood flames.

"Damn it, you dare to sneak attack me, you... wow!!!" Wu Yun spat out a mouthful of blood. At this time, his expression was extremely ferocious, like an evil ghost: "You, you all must die!!!!" "

Half of his brain was missing and he had seven or eight holes in his body, but he still didn't fall. He let out a roar that shook his soul and slowed his heart down a few beats.

He roared and accelerated his body to the limit. That was a speed that Long Qing could no longer capture, because his speed was now 4,500 kilometers per second.

However, at this time, he was not very afraid. Because, he finally waited, waiting for reinforcements from other teams.

At this moment, the man in front of him looked extremely terrifying, but in fact, he was seriously injured by a single blow and was obviously a powerful force...

In space, Long Qing was knocked into two pieces. He looked at the lower body that was separated from him in shock.

There is also a weapon floating in the air that has also been completely broken, with only a spear tip left.

"What the hell, what a fucking loss...a loss..."

Long Qing opened his mouth, raised his hand slightly, and reached for the weapon in the distance. He was planning to think of something, but he couldn't continue thinking no matter what.

The red flames attached to his body had completely wiped out his body and consciousness.

The first second.

In the dark universe, red flames and cyan streams of light collided, erupting with earth-shattering power.

The light from the huge explosion covered hundreds of thousands of kilometers in an instant and spread rapidly in all directions.

All the celestial bodies involved were turned into dust in a short moment and disappeared completely.

What collided with Wu Yun was a cyan long sword with a simple shape.

As for Long Qing and his teammates, they have returned to space to report.

But Wu Yun's enemy is still there, and that enemy is the culprit who beat him like this with just one blow.

The red light and green light collided and the light erupted dissipated, and people and objects flew backwards at the same time.

A section of Wu Yun's hand was cut off, and the ancient sword also had many cracks on it.

Second second.

A man wearing ancient clothes and a jade crown stepped out of the void behind the sword, stretched out his hand to catch the flying sword steadily. He lowered his head and glanced at the jade sword that was shaking gently in his hand. He raised his head and looked at Wu Yun with a gloomy expression.

"You should hurt my magic sword..."

He did not take action immediately and continue the attack, not because he wanted Wu Yun in front of him to die after hearing these words, but because he had already been beaten. It takes time to activate the magic sword, and it also takes time to use another magic weapon, and he doesn't have that time.

Just like Wu Yun was hit by a sudden sneak attack before, the man was also hit, although only once. But even if it's just this one, the damage is enough.

"Heaven and Earth both destroy the fingers!!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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