Give them a little funny shock

Chapter 323 Chapter 321 The King of the Galaxy is resurrected!

Chapter 323 Chapter 321 The King of the Galaxy is resurrected! (Four)
As a parent, but a male parent, Wu He has always been very happy about his own pigs humping other people's cabbages.

Wu Yun has a good rapport with women, which Wu He, as his elder brother, naturally knows, but this boy seems to be very insensitive to love.

As of now, the situation doesn't seem to have changed. But as Wu Yun himself said, it's best to leave him alone.

Wu He didn't dare to urge Wu Yun to marry him. This was one of the few places where he was weak towards Wu Yun.

Because he himself is also unmarried and has no girlfriend. Once he uses this matter to torture Wu Yun, the final result will be to shoot himself in the foot.

But this matter is not urgent. Both of them still have a long life, and now is not the time to consider such things.

The fact that his younger brother is very popular with women is one of the few times when Wu He feels better when he sees him.

Therefore, after noticing the lioness's eyes and worried expression, Wu He also nodded with satisfaction.

Wu Yun noticed the change in his brother's eyes, but he didn't realize why, so he was a little confused.

"What is your mission here?"

After taking a few glances at his future sisters-in-law, Wu He looked at Wu Yun again and asked.

Yunguang City does not advocate polygamy, but it is not illegal. Anyway, you can only get the license with one person in the end. As for how to deal with the others, that's up to you.

Of course, you can also choose to get the certificate in different cities with different partners. In fact, most polygamous families in Yunguang City currently do this.

A lot of information does not flow between cities, and there is no cooperative relationship, so this is very common in the wasteland.

"My mission is to rule all mankind and become the new king of the galaxy." Upon hearing his brother's question, Wu Yun answered honestly:
"The task given to me by the system is this. It allows me to reintegrate this wasteland and re-establish a unified human civilization."

After listening to Wu Yun's description, the expression on Wu He's face became a little strange, but he didn't say anything. He just stared at Wu Yun with this look. It wasn't until a full half minute later that he spoke:
"Uh... you... uh, can you tell me this story about the past of human civilization that you mentioned?"

More than half an hour passed, and half an hour later, the time came to six o'clock in the evening.

Wu He held a box of lunch in his hand and looked at the man opposite who had been telling stories for half an hour and was drinking water frantically because his mouth was dry. Then he turned his head and looked at his younger brother Wu Yun. asked:
"I said Xiaoyun..."

"What's wrong?" Wu Yun, who was soaked in the repair fluid and couldn't do anything, although he was eager to send Wu He away as soon as possible, but at this time, because his injury was not healed, he was chatting with everyone, so he was very nervous. Wu He quickly responded.

"Do you think...or is there a possibility..." Wu He organized his words, and after thinking about it for a while, he tentatively asked:
"The world of your mission is actually the parallel universe of our hometown?"

"Ah?" Wu Yun was stunned when he heard his brother's words: "Is this impossible? How is this possible?"

Wu Yun still knows what parallel universes are. Before entering Dimensional City, he himself had been to several parallel universes of "Heroes of the Wasteland", commonly known as the theater version.

The painting styles of those parallel universes are not all the same as the main universe of Wu Yun's hometown, and some are even completely different.

If it weren't named "Heroes of the Wasteland", it would be perfectly fine to say that it is a universe that has nothing to do with "Heroes of the Wasteland".

As for the current world, Wu He's guess is not impossible.

After all, some theatrical versions with a style that is nothing like "Heroes of Wasteland" can be a parallel universe of the main universe "Heroes of Wasteland", so why can't this universe be? After all, this place is really similar to the style of Wu Yun's hometown.

However, facing his brother Wu He’s speculation, his younger brother Wu Yun obviously has a different view:
"No, it's impossible, it's impossible, brother." Wu Yun shook his head and said, "It's unlikely that this place is the parallel universe of our hometown."

"Not to mention that the extraordinary power of this world itself is not the same system as the one in our hometown at all, and there is not even any similarity."

"Moreover." Wu Yun added: "The ancient civilization and technology here are so backward, how can it be the parallel universe of our hometown?"

"Brother, you still haven't visited other universes enough. In this regard, you still have to learn one."

As he spoke, Wu Yun shook his head proudly in the glass jar, "You see, an experienced person like me can immediately see that this place is no longer the parallel universe of our hometown."

There is indeed nothing wrong with this. In terms of the number of appearances in the theatrical version, Wu Yun does have more appearances than his brother Wu He.

Although Wu He is strong, but because he is too strong, the number of times he appears in various theater versions is still relatively average.

Unlike his younger brother, who always appears as a comedian and gets punched away, even if the scene only lasts for ten seconds or even a few seconds.

Although his brother Wu He made this guess, Wu Yun, who is a frequent visitor to the theater version, is obviously more experienced than his brother, so he can tell at a glance that this place is not the parallel universe of his hometown.

Yes, the theatrical version of "Blood Vengeance" is also the parallel universe of Wu Yun's hometown, but the stage of the theatrical version is not on the earth in that universe.

But this time in the mission world of Dimensional City, this is obviously not the case.

"So, do you need your brother or me to help you with your mission?"

Wu He had no intention of arguing with Wu Yun on this matter, and he agreed with Wu Yun's veto.

Because as Wu Yun said: He is the expert in this area.

Wu He would not do this when an amateur commanded an expert.

However, when it comes to "unifying all mankind" and re-establishing a large-scale human civilization, Wu He, who has maximum governance ability, is obviously an expert.

And this is also his future goal in his hometown, so why not practice first with a civilization in this universe that has a similar experience to his hometown's human empire?


When his younger brother Wu Yun heard his brother's words, he was also stunned in the treatment room.

"Fuck, right??"

"His mission world cheating device, invincible mode, isn't this coming?"

 It’s still two updates, let me finish this week, bang bang bang, kowtow
(End of this chapter)

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