Give them a little funny shock

Chapter 328 Chapter 326 Where is my Great Expedition?

Chapter 328 Chapter 326 Where is my Great Expedition? (one)

"Sister Yun is the daughter of Yun Hong, the governor of Tianma Star! You guy, who do you think you are!?"

The young man who couldn't wait to choose to be the guardian dog stood in front of Wu Yun, pointed at Wu Yun with righteous indignation and cursed: "Why, is your status higher than Governor Yunhong!?"

"Hey, you guessed it right."

Facing the young man's question, Wu Yun originally wanted to respond like this. But he suddenly realized another problem, that is——



Wu Yun was stunned for a moment when he heard the words of this young man who was a loyal dog protector, or could also be called a flower protector.

Immediately, he looked at the boy in front of him with some disbelief... no, girl. After looking at him for a while, he looked at the flower protector who scolded him and asked:

"This guy..." Wu Yun stretched out his hand and pointed at the girl in front of him: "Tell me, she is a woman?"

If it weren't for the other party saying she was a woman, Wu Yun would never have been able to see through a man. Not to mention men, even if they look at women, they don’t know how to use clairvoyance, most of the time.

"Nonsense, can't you tell!" The young man seemed to be even more angry. He didn't know whether it was because Wu Yun failed to grasp the key point, or because he was angry because Wu Yun couldn't tell Yun An's gender.

Although it's not big, it's at least there, and it's not too small.

If you want to see it, you have to see it openly. Why do you have to be secretive? Although he does like sneak attacks and often uses some dirty tricks, he has no interest in this kind of thing.

But Wu Yun clearly remembered that this boy was a boy before? Why do you think they are all men? It can't be a woman?

"Although your figure is not comparable to that of the female students of your age from my hometown, you can be considered above average here."

After getting a definite answer from the boy, Wu Yun looked at the beautiful boy who looked like a boy... ah no, a neutral girl. He looked up and down, and even looked through X-rays.

As for evaluating the figure of an underage girl, although this will be looked down upon, it does not violate any laws.

"She is indeed a woman." After looking at Yun An for a while and confirming the other person's female identity, Wu Yun also commented: "For your age and height, your figure is actually pretty good."

This Ms. Yun An is indeed a woman, Wu Yun has just confirmed it through X-ray vision, and although she looks almost exactly like a man, she actually has breasts.

It's just that he simply doesn't find it interesting to peek.


As for the reason, it is certainly not because Wu Yun is a gentleman, or a serious villain who is not close to women.

Being frivolous in words will only lead to criticism, which Wu Yun can still bear.

The former is boring, and the latter will go to jail, so he won't do such a thing. Just taking a look at the body of an underage girl was serious enough, but luckily no one else was there to see it, otherwise he might suffer a serious blow.

After knowing that the other party was a woman, Wu Yun's resistance to this guy became less strong. Of course, this does not mean that he will be willing to fight with the other party. He is still unwilling to fight in any sense.

"Okay then." Wu Yun shrugged.

After this farce about gender ended, Wu Yun finally focused his energy on the real business, which was about the identity of this girl.

Tianma is the capital of the Tianma galaxy, and Wu Yun's private visit here happened to be to see Yun Hong, the highest official of this galaxy, Governor of Tianma.

The Empire's Great Crusade is about to begin. For this plan, the Empire has been preparing for the upcoming war for more than ten years. In the past ten years, in addition to continuous development, the empire has also conquered one galaxy after another near the solar system.

So far, the Great Dark Empire has controlled a total of twenty-five star systems, including the solar system, and the territory ruled by the empire has reached hundreds of light-years.

Don't underestimate the territory of hundreds of light years. Superlight communication technology has connected these planets that are tens or even hundreds of light years apart.

Similarly, the restarted faster-than-light pathway also makes the distance between galaxies no longer far away.

From the northernmost edge of the empire to the southernmost edge of the empire, it now takes less than ten days to reach it.

With the support of these two technologies, the efficiency of the empire's state machinery will also be greatly improved.

These two technologies also happen to be the necessary prerequisites for a civilization to truly enter the interstellar era.

Of course, all the above credit belongs to Wu Yun.

Because of his wisdom and prowess, humans in the wasteland were able to rediscover the super-light communication technology of ancient times.

Because of his talent and strategy, humans in the wasteland were able to reopen the super-light passage that had been abandoned for tens of millions of years.

And all of this is why human beings can have everything they have today. There is no doubt that these are all thanks to the greatest, wisest and wisest man in the Great Dark Empire——

Wu Yun.

It was indeed Wu Yun who did this, and he did not take any credit.

It was not accomplished by Wu Yun running errands under the guidance of the regent Wu He, but Wu Yun relied on his own intelligence to create something.

Well, it was actually made by relying on the technical information on the platinum chip.

As for resources, the resources come from Wu Yun’s Dimension City Mall.

Other things in the Dimension City Mall are very expensive, but resources are very cheap. Most resources are very cheap.

The money Wu Yun has earned from his current missions is not enough for him to improve his strength, but it is more than enough for him to do things that can help the development of civilization.

Relying on these resources from the system mall, the empire was able to restart those huge production lines that were still intact, and after tens of millions of years, re-produced those war weapons that humans could build in the most glorious era of the past.

and huge harbors for harboring these weapons of war.

The latter is the mission of Pegasus, the empire's border galaxy.

Five years ago, the empire had ordered Governor Yun Hong of Tianma Star to be responsible for supervising the construction of a war airport for the empire to berth the expedition fleet and have the ability to conduct maintenance.

At that time, the construction period given by the empire was six years, which was a very sufficient time, and there was no problem of insufficient construction period.

Now, the six-year period is approaching, and the military airport in the Pegasus Galaxy should be nearing completion.

And Wu Yun's private visit incognito was exactly this matter.


(End of this chapter)

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