Give them a little funny shock

Chapter 330 Chapter 328 Where is my Great Expedition?

Chapter 330 Chapter 328 Where is my Great Expedition? (three)

This is why Wu Yun has been able to take part in almost every foreign war the empire has fought so far:

The damage that a super warrior with a speed of 0.1 times the speed of light can cause is obviously not comparable to a conventional fleet of human civilization in this world in the distant past.

It’s only 0.1 times the speed of light. Even in this world, the speed of the fastest human aircraft in ancient times has already reached the limit in the conventional physical universe—0.999, which is extremely close to the speed of light... Anyway, there are many nine times the speed of light in the future.

Not to mention that in Wu Yun's hometown, the level of science and technology during the human empire far exceeded that of the so-called 'golden age' of human beings in this world.

The technological level of mankind in the golden age here may not be as good as Wu Yun's current wasteland society, although there are also many production lines that cannot be opened due to the lack of resources in the galaxy. When ancient things are used up, one will be missing. .

However, those things from ancient times are not counted. Judging from the things that can be produced in the wasteland of Wu Yun's hometown, they are at least on par with the level of the golden age of ancient humans in this world.

However, for a group of humans in the technological world, a 'ship' that can fly at a speed of 0.1 times the speed of light, and can penetrate an entire planet with one shot, is obviously incomparable to the deterrent power it brings to people. Compared to 'human beings' who can fly in space with their physical body, the speed can reach 0.1 times the speed of light, and can destroy the planet with random attacks.

Regardless of whether this is a real human being, or just an 'artificial human' created by technology, it is obvious that such a size can cause such huge damage, and there is no doubt about the mental impact it has on people.

Yun Hong will never forget that day, nor the carnage that Wu Yun brought to this planet and this galaxy after his arrival.

When it comes to making Tutu, life has long become a series of numbers for Wu Yun today, a long but meaningless series of numbers, just like the attack power of the characters in the games he plays.

Even if he could live until the life limit provided by taking the elixir of death, it is estimated that the total number of people he killed in that life would not exceed the total number of people killed in his first mission world when he joined Dimensional City.

Well, the theatrical version doesn't count.

In the mission world of Dimensional City, only one mission world is needed. As long as Wu Yun opens the map, the unit is basically a percentage.

One of the great benefits of joining Dimensional City is that you can study as many maps as you want, and you can map whatever you want. If he had not joined the Dimension City, it is estimated that even if Wu Yun lived until the end of his life, yes, he would still die after taking the elixir, but he would just live a very long time.

For example, in the battle to conquer the Pegasus, the battle between Wu Yun and the local intruders in the Pegasus system caused a total of more than 40 billion deaths, which were deaths rather than casualties.

As for each of these numbers, there is a living life behind it. Wu Yun doesn't care about that kind of thing. He is a killer, and killers kill people.

He alone took away the lives of tens of billions of people.

The local intruders in the Pegasus Galaxy were completely wiped out, and no one was spared.

The Tianma Galaxy originally had interlopers. Not only Wu Yun was developing his own power and unifying the entire solar system, but other interlopers were also doing the same thing, and their speed of unifying the planet was not slow.

The faster ones have also integrated the entire star system, just like Wu Yun's Great Dark Empire. Of course, the expansion speed of the Great Dark Empire is the fastest among all the forces established by the intruders.

While others were still working on stabilizing society after reunification, Wu Yun had already begun sending troops to nearby galaxies and conducting military occupation operations. Not all military operations will be carried out by Wu Yun, but most military operations will have his shadow behind them.

Because once this guy takes action, it won't take long for the opposite galaxy to completely surrender. The reason is also very simple: for the rulers of those galaxies, he is really too scary.

However, Wu Yun actually didn't have many people in his plan. Tianma Star has the largest number of deaths among all the galaxies conquered by the Great Dark Empire. Tens of billions of people died in the Great Dark Empire's conquest of the Pegasus Galaxy.

Some of Yun Hong's relatives and friends died in this military operation. The military operation only lasted less than three hours, and the disaster area was the entire Tianma Galaxy.

The Great Dark Empire dispatched only one military force.

That is Wu Yun.

He single-handedly brought down the entire fucking galaxy. This is a galaxy that has been unified by a group of intruders and established a unified country in the galaxy.

It has been reunified for more than ten years. After some recuperation in the country, people's livelihood has been restored very well. In addition, there was not much bloodshed during the reunification. Therefore, it can be said that since the reunification, the entire country has entered a super high speed. in a state of development.

But it was such a rapid development, and the unified regime, which was in the best state for hundreds, no, thousands, or even tens of thousands of years, was so easily defeated.

There was no stalemate, testing, or diplomatic wrangling. There was only a notice saying, "You have three hours to surrender, otherwise military action will be taken against you."

Then, before the parliament finished wrangling, before the local intruders went to find out what was going on, or in other words, none of the intruders who went to find out what was going on came back, the war started.

Three hours, just three hours later, the participating Tianma star regime chose to surrender.

They submitted a letter of surrender to Wu Yun, the supreme commander of this military operation of the Great Dark Empire and the emperor of the Great Dark Empire, the greatest and wisest man.

The great Emperor Wu Yun, the invincible Emperor Wu Yun, stood in the ruins of the burning city. Amidst the cries of countless people and the entanglement of countless grievances, the capital city of Tianma accepted the The surrender of the Pegasus Galaxy.

Since then, the Pegasus Galaxy has been incorporated into the Great Dark Empire and has become a member of the Great Dark Empire.

But to be honest, after Wu Yun wiped out tens of billions of people, the development speed of the Tianma Galaxy today is even far faster than when it was first unified. The main thing is Haiyan Heqing, who has political connections and people.

This is not flattery, this is true Haiyanheqing, political leadership and people.

But the problem also lies here.

(End of this chapter)

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