Give them a little funny shock

Chapter 339 Chapter 337 Classic Ring Chapter

Chapter 339 Chapter 337 Classic Link

When Wu Yun flew backwards, a murderous voice also sounded in his ears:,

"You are the one who is going to die...!!!" "Shifang Zhenwu, Shifang Fighting God!!!"

That was a state that Wu Yun had never seen before. In this state, Wu Yun could clearly feel that the other person's life was passing at an extremely fast speed. He doesn't even need to take action, as long as he delays it long enough, this guy will die himself.

But it's a pity that Wu Yun couldn't hold it back.

When the opponent rushed towards him at a super high speed of 0.2 times the speed of light and blasted him away without any reaction, Wu Yun had only one thought in his mind, and that was: "What the fuck, this is The fucking fish guy?”

It seems that the difference between 0.2 times the speed of light and 0.1 times the speed of light is only 0.1, but in fact, it is a full 30,000 kilometers per second difference, or to put it another way.

The strength of his own punch was enough for the opponent to block his attack and slap him again at the same time.


At this time, the First Shengyang had already pressed in front of Wu Yun, who had been blasted away by him. Her eyes were flashing with lightning, and there were cracks everywhere on her body. A large amount of majestic energy escaped from it, but It doesn't really escape the body.

Seeing Wu Yun who was beaten by him so hard that he vomited blood and was losing ground, but still showed no signs of wanting to start fighting, the anger in the heart of First Shengyang began to grow.

First Shengyang roared angrily, grabbed Wu Yun's face with one hand, and led him into the depths of the universe. At this time, her speed has reached an astonishing 0.2 to three times the speed of light, which is the ultimate speed she can reach in the Dou Shen state.

"What? Why don't you turn on the God of War yet!???"

It can still participate in the energy cycle in the body, and can still be used by First Shengyang, becoming her attack again and again, suppressing her round after round.

Because this is an insult.

"Since you are so arrogant! Then you should die!!!!"

But the more the other party acted like this, the more intense the anger in First Shengyang's heart became.

Even if he can't, let him go back to his own dimension and let him use up the death insurance.

"You guys, do you have to be so arrogant!!!"

This is an insult to her.

For a person on earth, what can be better than when your opponent is fighting you, you have obviously gone all out and used all your cards, but he would rather be defeated by you, but still unwilling to give in What's more insulting than trying your best? There is no doubt that this is an insult, the ultimate insult.

There is no doubt that this will aggravate the loss of her vitality, and it is an irreversible and recovery loss. But at this moment, she didn't want to care about anything anymore. She just wanted to kill the damn, arrogant guy in front of her, and kill him completely.

As a result, her speed increased again, and the strength in her hands increased again.

Although Wu Yun was directly blown away by himself who turned on the God of Fighting state, and he was obviously seriously injured by this blow. His whole body instantly became sluggish, and he could only passively withstand his own attacks and constantly defend himself. There was no chance to volley at all.

Under this power, her life source was consumed at an extremely alarming rate. The lifespan of an ordinary earthling is ten thousand years, but a strong person like her whose strength has reached the level of a first-class conqueror can have a lifespan of an astonishing tens of millions of years.

Ten million years is not a very long time compared to the stars.

But again, this only has a lifespan of tens of millions of years. Compared to a planet, a 'tiny dust' can penetrate almost any planet with one blow. The fighting state is the most powerful fighting state for people on earth, and it can provide an extremely terrifying increase in combat power. But equally, its side effects are also shocking——

Unlike the true martial state, which only accelerates the consumption of qi and blood, the fighting state burns the warrior's original qi and blood. If it is turned on for too long, it will threaten the user's life.

Obtaining ultimate power at the cost of burning life, this is the martial arts of the people on earth, this is - the 'God of Fighting'. The First Shengyang was not a conqueror. To be precise, she could not even be considered an Earthling. However, although there is not much left, she still retains some of the nature of the Earthlings.

She loathes the Conquerors and loathes the Galactic Empire into which she was born. Back then, in order to be able to leave her country, she was willing to become an ordinary person and choose to duel with the commissioner sent by the Imperial Immigration Bureau——

If she wins, she will be able to legally leave her nationality with the empire's recognition. From then on, the sky is high and the sea is open for her to travel without any restrictions.

The empire would even provide her with some help in life, although she wouldn't ask for it.

And if it fails, the consequences will be simple:
Death is the only ending.

The Galactic Empire is a very cruel country. It is cruel to its enemies and equally cruel to its own people. To be precise, the Earth Empire among the Galactic Empires is an extremely cruel country.

People on earth are born to fight. It is their nature to destroy everything, and it is their instinct to fight. From birth to death, the fire in the hearts of people on earth will never go out.

It is the eternal rage, the eternal fire of fighting, the soul of a warrior.

To put it simply, they are the demon-crazed versions of Wu Yun and the new humans. Their demon-crazed version is almost comparable to that of the old humans of the Human Empire in ancient times.

Yes, the old humans are much more evil than the new humans.

Because if they were not crazy, they would not be extinct, and the huge empire they created would not be burned to the ground, and it would completely become a legend from the ancient times.

But sometimes, it is precisely because of magic that the people on Earth where the First Sun is located can create such a brilliant martial arts civilization and shock the universe in just a few hundred years.

Similarly, it was also because of demonic confusion that the old humans in Wu Yun's hometown were able to create the 'Empire of Gods' in the legends of many civilizations in the universe today.

It's just that the earthlings in Yi Shengyang's hometown are born extraordinary, while the old humans in Wuyun's hometown are technologically advanced.

The two are indeed quite similar, with similar levels of demonic obsession, and perhaps their future destinies will also be very similar.

But now, whether they are similar or not is not important to Wu Yun at all, because he is about to be beaten to death.

"Wow!! Help me, help me!! Brother!! What are you doing!? Help me, help me!!!!"

Wu Yun had no ability to fight back at all. The difference in strength between 0.2 times the speed of light and 0.1 times the speed of light was crushing. At this time, he was extremely frightened and at the same time extremely puzzled:

"Fuck, why??"

"You're going to die, why can you just explode? Are you the fucking protagonist???"


(End of this chapter)

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