Give them a little funny shock

Chapter 358 356 I know it from the Internet

Chapter 358 356 I know it from the Internet ()
"So the 'emergency' you are talking about is the gossip you got from the Internet? And that person also claims to be a senior executive of the Star Alliance, right?"

Wang Yu looked at Wu Yun, the smile on his face was full of sarcasm: "I didn't notice it before, but now it seems that you are quite cute. No wonder they like you so much."

"I kind of like you."

There are all kinds of reasons why people on earth fall in love with someone, although in most cases it is during battles, and strong love bursts out of appreciation during the fights.

But there are also other reasons, such as normal daily interactions, or because you find it interesting and want to know more about it, and then you fall in love with it as you get to know it.

There is also the traditional love at first sight, which is very common no matter which race or civilization it is.

And like this, I didn't think it was anything at first, but suddenly because of a small thing, I fell in love with it.

Of course, Wang Yu hasn't reached that point yet. She just thinks Wu Yun is more interesting, but she doesn't really like Wu Yun as she said.

"What the fuck are you talking about? You don't fucking believe me?"

Obviously, Wang Yu's doubts, or the blast's lethality to Wu Yun was so huge that he immediately jumped up from his chair and glared at the woman in front of him: "What the hell are you laughing at!? ?”


Wang Yu became angry, and Wu Yunke started to laugh. Looking at Wang Yu, who was instantly red and warm, Wu Yun continued with a smile: "Haha, I don't dare, I am timid, I am a coward, haha, if you want to fight with me, then I will surrender to you and accept defeat, but you He’s an idiot, haha, stinky idiot.”

In addition to bellicosity and cruelty, bad mouth is also a manifestation of the extremely aggressive nature of people on earth. All kinds of sarcasm and ridicule are very common among people on earth, and they often lead to fights.

"Go ahead and eat shit."

Wu Yun continued to talk rubbish at Wang Yu, but no matter how Wang Yu broke through his defenses or asked for a fight, he just wouldn't do it or pick up the fight.

Then, Wang Yu also became popular. It’s so easy for the people on earth to become red-hot. They are like a powder keg that will explode at a moment’s notice.

People on earth will rarely take the initiative to admit defeat in a battle, and it is even difficult for you to pull them down and make them stop when they are hit on the head.

"You don't like me? How about we have a fight? Anyway, there are still about ten days to get there? It's enough for us to recover from our injuries."

"What?" Facing Wu Yun's Hongwen, the smile on Wang Yu's face remained unchanged, and even became brighter. She looked Wu Yun up and down, and then asked with a bit of provocation:

"I'm going to your mother!"

The kind of life and death.

He likes to ridicule people with bad mouth, but he tends to become red-hot when being teased for having bad mouth... Damn it, it seems that Wu Yun is simply a natural born earthling.

After being scolded "idiot" by Wu Yun, Wang Yu immediately changed her face. She stared at Wu Yun fiercely and cursed angrily: "Fuck you! Do you dare to squaring with me! I'll let you Fly!!!"

But after all, he is still different from ordinary earthlings. Therefore, in the face of Wang Yu's ridicule and invitation to fight, although Wu Yun was extremely angry, he still did not choose to accept the challenge. He just replied to show that he could not be here. On the other hand, things fell behind.

"Haha, idiot."

However, there is a way to make an earthling who is fighting fiercely calm down and stop instantly, and it can guarantee the spirit.

That is surrender, where the opposing party surrenders voluntarily.

And this is what Wu Yun is doing right now. This is not because Wu Yun is afraid of her, although Wang Yu may indeed be a level higher than him in terms of strength.

Among this group of four first-level conquerors, Wang Yu is the strongest among the four, while Wu Yun can only be ranked third, which is the second to last.

The one who is even weaker than him is an eighty-two-year-old Yuren girl named Feng Meiyu.

The names of Yu people usually have 'Yu' at the end. This seems to be their surname or ethnic characteristics, Wu Yun is not sure.

Some Yu people with more prominent family backgrounds and noble births usually have a 'Chong Yu' after their names. For example, Liu Chong Yu, her name should be pronounced like this:
6. Heavy feathers.

In fact, her name is not just that. In front of the six-layer feather, there is actually a 'South Wind', so the full name of the six-layer feather is actually: 'South Wind·Liu·Chongyu'.

Ms. Liu Zhongyu came from a very prominent warrior family in the White Feather Empire. Unlike the Earth Empire, class distinctions still existed in the White Feather Empire.

And the division of this class is strength.

In the Baiyu Empire, the strong are on top and the weak are on the bottom.

As for cultivation resources, no matter what class you are in, the resources available to you in the same realm are the same.

So in fact, the Baiyu Empire, which seems to have clear classes, has a very low level of class differentiation and solidification in the country.

It can only be said that in this regard, extraordinary civilization is indeed much better than technological civilization.

"Okay, okay, Wang Yu, Wu Yun, you two, stop making trouble."

At this time, Liu Zhongyu, who had been looking at Wu Yun with extremely tender eyes when Wu Yun and Wang Yu were scolding each other, finally spoke at this time and stopped the scolding battle between Wu Yun and Wang Yu.

Then, she looked at Wu Yun, her eyes still as gentle as before, and asked: "Are you really sure? Wu Yun? This matter is not a joke?"

"Of course it's confirmed!" Wu Yun nodded immediately and vowed: "How can this matter be false?? Am I joking with our lives when I have nothing to do?"

"I got the news from the senior management. The number of heads we have is very high! Especially you! Chief Liuzhongyu!"

After saying that, Wu Yun looked at Liu Zhongyu and said seriously: "Sir Liu Zhongyu, I'm afraid you... are the most important target in their eyes!!!"

"I don't want to see anything happen to you..."

As soon as these words were spoken, Wu Yun instantly regretted them.

Because he saw Liu Zhongyu's face, that face that could be said to be the most beautiful one in the world. The moment Wu Yun said these words, he turned extremely red.

Wu Yun could even see the steam coming out of her head and the whistle of the steam engine.

"You fucking..."

Looking at Liu Zhongyu's state at this time, Wu Yun felt that his forehead was instantly covered with large beads of sweat.

"What the hell is he doing...!?"

(End of this chapter)

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