Give them a little funny shock

Chapter 362 Chapter 360 Do you still want to use me as a spear user?

Chapter 362 Chapter 360 Do you still want to use me as a spear user? (two)
Some of the character traits of the arakkoa are like those of crows on Earth. They are a bit mean but very cute and extremely affectionate.

The Yu people are already very emotional, and the Ya people are more exaggerated than the Yu people in this regard. However, there are some differences between them and the Yu people in this regard, that is, their attitude towards love.

Crow people are also very loyal, but they will not be depressed for the rest of their lives because of the death of their lover, and they may even die in love because of it.

They will grieve for this for a long time, maybe thousands of years, or even ten thousand years, but at least the arakkoa can still get over the pain of widowhood and start new relationships.

Of course, there are also those who suffer from depression for a lifetime, but the proportion is not close to 100% like that of Yuren.

But if a person whom the Crow people value, whether it is a lover or a relative or friend, if he or she does not die naturally, such as from illness or old age, but is killed by someone.

The enemy who killed them will be remembered by them for the rest of their lives, and they will spend their entire lives avenging him.

This is also the main reason why the Crow People suffered such heavy losses in the war with the Yu Men.

Relatives, friends, and lovers died as a result, and it would be impossible not to take revenge.

Likewise, the demise of the Blue Jay's adopted home

With her second home destroyed and everything lost for the second time, Blue Jay went completely berserk and began her journey of revenge that lasted for nearly a thousand years.

But there is a reason why Blue Jay can become the most popular one in the work "Legacy of the Star Alliance", and appearance is only one of the insignificant reasons.

What really makes her so popular is the shining point in her personality that has never changed, let alone dimmed, no matter when or where.

On the road of revenge for nearly a thousand years, although the anger in her heart was enough to ignite the universe, she always adhered to her bottom line and never changed.

Her revenge will always be directed only against the military personnel and ruling class of that civilization, and will never affect the civilian population.

She will even help the civilians in the civilization that once destroyed her second home to seek justice and eliminate injustice.

And she will not kill military personnel who have surrendered. As long as they surrender, they can save their lives.

Except, of course, the ruling class who started the war.

Nor does it include civilians who attack her even after the situation has been explained.

But unfortunately, her revenge ultimately failed.

Nearly a thousand years of revenge have indeed caused heavy losses to the civilization, and there are also a large number of anti-water civilians and military support, making the status of the ruling class precarious.

But unlike the unlucky Blue Jay, the ruling class of this civilization waited for their savior at the moment when they were about to be destroyed.

A higher civilization took a fancy to this civilization and extended an olive branch to them.

The ruling class is grasping at straws.

Therefore, the advanced civilization that absorbed this civilization sent out troops, easily defeated the Avenger, and threw her seriously injured and dying into the universe like garbage.

The name of this advanced civilization is Black Armor, one of the founders of the Galactic Empire.

This was Blue Jay's past before she became an Ambrina. The ending of this past was also the beginning of her becoming an Ambrina.

Amblina, her third hometown, was also her resting place after her death.

After being beaten to death by the Black Armored Army, Blue Jay was thrown into space and met Bink Rescue Society, which was not called Blue Jay Humane Rescue Society at that time, and was brought back to Amblina.

With the world-famous advanced medical technology of the Ambrina people, Blue Jay was rescued, fully recovered, and became stronger than before.

Upgrading after near-death survival is not a talent unique to earthlings, but a standard feature of most fighting races. It's just that people on earth have the highest level of talent, and it also has a bunch of additional effects.

The Bink Rescue Society is the predecessor of the Blue Jays Humanitarian Rescue Society. This organization takes it as its mission to conduct search and rescue on battlefields, dangerous star areas/celestial bodies in the universe, and to assist other civilizations in desperate situations.

After being rescued, Blue Jay also joined the organization. After the death of the organization's founder Bink, he led the organization to continue to be active in the universe and is quite famous in various civilizations.

The name change of the rescue society was the intention of founder Bink. His original words were: "When I die, my name will no longer have meaning. Let's change it to a new name."

"But I also hope that you can continue my spirit to help more people and more civilizations." For the Blue Jays, Bink is of great significance. Because he was the first friend in Blue Jay's long life to die peacefully, instead of dying of betrayal, misfortune, or anything else.

In today's rescue hall, there is a bust sculpture with a blurred face. This was the only thing about Bink that Blue Jay agreed to leave behind at the rescue club after questioning him.

It is now 8:30 a.m. Amblina time. The pony-tailed man is currently in the office of the president of the Blue Jay Humane Rescue Society. Opposite him is the rescue organization, the former Bink Rescue Society and now the Blue Jay Humanitarian Rescue Society. The top leader of the association, Blue Jay.

Blue Jays are easy to meet. Just go to the rescue counter and ask for the Blue Jay president.

No appointment is required, you can go see her as long as she is fine.

"El Balak is about a billion light years away from here, but don't worry, we will provide you with teleportation equipment, so it won't take long to travel."

In the office, the first Shengyang said to the blue jay in front of him.

Blue Jay is a female arakkoa with a silver ponytail, long pointed ears, blue feathers covering the back of her ears, and thin hair from her forehead to the bridge of her nose.

She is indeed stunning, even a veteran Tianyun warrior like Ponytail Man who has seen countless beautiful women has to admit:
This woman is indeed stunningly attractive.

It can only be said that she is worthy of being the only wife in his teenage years.

Of course, the ponytail man is now a mature man, so he has become very philanthropic.

She is about two meters tall, and has the characteristic "blade feathers" of the arakkoa on the back of her forearms, which are normally closed and unfolded during combat.


Sitting on the table, Blue Jay held his chin with the back of one hand and looked at the ponytail man in front of him. After listening to his description, he asked:
"So you said that the civilization was facing a conqueror battleship from the Galactic Empire, and it was a battleship with one fifth-level conqueror and four third-level conquerors. Its military strength has far exceeded that of the Elbalak civilization. The limit that can be dealt with.”

"But you still let them send a fleet to intercept them?"

"You should know that this kind of behavior makes no sense, right?"

After listening to the blue jay's words, the ponytail man also noticed the look in her eyes.

In an instant, the ponytail man's body tensed up because he suddenly remembered something, that is:
The extraordinary races in "Star Alliance War" have very keen perceptions.

Blue Jay is a person who hates evil very much. She is a holy lady, but she is definitely not a holy lady who sweeps the floor for fear of hurting the lives of ants and tries her best not to kill.

On the contrary, she has a good brain, a strong personal charm, and is decisive in killing.

But the most important thing is that she can see some of the more essential things about a person at a glance.

Such as good and evil, black and white.

At the same time, she can also distinguish between truth and falsehood at a glance, and so-called "completely true lies."

This is a common skill for all strong men in "Star Alliance War".

Are Tianyun warriors good people?

Obviously, most of them can't be calculated.

Therefore, when he suddenly remembered this, the ponytail man realized that he might be in trouble.

But it was too late now.

The single thread in his mind instantly changed back to the single thread. When the clone's sight disappeared and escaped into darkness, the pony-tailed man who returned to the conference room suddenly broke out in cold sweat on his forehead.

"what happened?"

At this time, some teammates noticed the strange behavior of the ponytail man and asked curiously.

"I, I..." Facing his teammates' inquiries, the pony-tailed man showed a smile that was uglier than crying:
"I'm sorry for you..."

(End of this chapter)

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