Give them a little funny shock

Chapter 365 363 The Destruction of Tianyun Warriors

Chapter 365 363 The Destruction of Tianyun Warriors ()
"As conquerors, although most of the time, rather than using the weapon systems on battleships, we basically rely on our own strength and bodies to attack and destroy the enemy."

"However, manpower has its limits after all, especially in this kind of long-distance combat. In large-scale legion operations, the Conqueror is often used as a sharp knife to be delivered to the enemy's battleship group for destruction."

"Grand legion operations do not require us to think strategically. We do not even need to think tactically. There is only one thing we need to do in such a war, and that is to destroy, destroy what is in front of us. everything."

"But most of the time, we don't need to follow the empire's army to fight. The situations we usually have to experience as conquerors are actually like this now."

"Now, the enemy is hidden in the gaps in space, and is very far away from us. So, what should we do in this situation?"

"Then now, I will do it for you..."

As for the following content, Wu Yun didn't remember much because he was a little drowsy. In fact, he is not the only one who behaves like this. His fellow Earthling is also behaving exactly like him at this moment.

However, the two feathered people listened quite seriously. The feathered people were obviously more willing to use their little brains than the earthlings in this regard, unlike Wu Yun and the other earthlings, once it came to the so-called 'tactical command' 'Things, their sleepyheads will come up.

To be honest, Wu Yun really looks like an Earthling in this aspect, he couldn't be more similar. This is also the reason why he can seamlessly integrate into this world even without being instilled with any basic memories about this world.

After all, people on earth are indeed crazy, even more crazy than this guy Wu Yun. With how crazy he is, he still looks like a

'Normal human'.

Liu Zhongyu was not too surprised by the performance of Wu Yun and another Earthling Wang Yu during his class. She has seen this situation countless times, but it doesn't matter, she has always been very good at dealing with this kind of situation.

When it comes to bringing up newcomers, Liu Zhongyu is quite experienced, and he is also highly recognized by the empire.

Yu Ren is only very crazy when fighting, but he is relatively normal at ordinary times, such as now.

Of course, this is relative, relative to people on earth.

But no matter what, at least they are not as crazy as the people on Earth. The people on Earth are quite crazy whether in battle or in daily life.

As for Liu Zhongyu’s method of making Wu Yun and Wang Yu, two earthlings, suffer from cerebral palsy... ah no, these two conquerors of the earth listened obediently to the lecture. The method is actually very simple:
Just hit and that's it.

So, the time came a few days later.

Tens of millions of light years outside the Elbalak civilization, the Elbalak fleet ambush.

"So, what you mean is that next we will not only have to face a fifth-level conqueror, a conqueror battleship, a lot of combat robots on the battleship, and four first-level conquerors."

"And now, we have to face an arakkoa from Amblina, whose strength is comparable to a fourth-level conqueror? He is still an important character in "The Star Alliance War"."


Faced with questions from his teammates, the pony-tailed man just responded with silence. Because he really didn’t know what to say, even though he made a lot of revisions and artistic creations when recounting his previous exchanges with Blue Jay, but...

After all, there are some things they still have to face.

But fortunately, the teammates didn't worry too much about this kind of thing. Although there are indeed some "newcomers" in the team who are participating in this level of characters for the first time, but even these newcomers, they are actually in Tianyun Space. I have been struggling for quite some time. Although everyone was unhappy about such an 'accident', they didn't say much.

Now that something has happened, we can only block it with troops and let the water cover it up.

"Now what?"

A teammate looked at the silent ponytail man and asked:
"According to the time, the battleship of Conqueror Liuzhongyu should be arriving here soon. So how should we deal with it next?"

"Let's withdraw first..."

The pony-tailed man originally wanted to say this, because even if he could really invite the Blue Jay over and make her an ally of his group, the final fate of this fleet, which was built with all the efforts of the Elbalek people, would not be the same. Still won't make any difference.

Become their pawn, play a little role that you don't know if you can play, and then be destroyed like this, the whole army will be wiped out.

This is their final fate, and everyone knows it. Only the people in this fleet don't know it.

El Balak is a young, energetic, and confident civilization. They are very confident in their civilization and equally confident in their technology.

However, being able to develop such a splendid civilization in such a short period of time is indeed enough to make them proud.

This fleet, built with all the efforts of the El Balak civilization, is naturally proud of its own strength.

But equally, they have no idea of ​​the fate they are about to face.

Just like this team of Tianyun warriors, they also know nothing about the fate facing their own strength.

Just when the pony-tailed man was halfway through saying "let's retreat", a dazzling light bloomed in the cracks of the dark universe and subspace.

The space became curved under the unparalleled power, and so did the battleships and people hiding in this bubble space.

This is a space concussion cannon from the Galactic Empire's "Sky Star" expedition ship. It is specially used to attack targets hiding in the gaps in space.

Needless to say, its power is natural. As a fifth-level conqueror's expedition ship, it naturally has a destructive power that is comparable to, or even far superior to, a fifth-level conqueror of the same level.

The Galaxy Empire is a military empire that grasps both technology and martial arts, and is both strong and powerful. Its military technology level is naturally unparalleled in the world.

After several days of super-speed submersible and placing "baits" on the original route to deceive the ambushers, this huge imperial expedition ship had lurked behind the group of Tianyun warriors without anyone noticing. nearby.

But these Tianyun warriors still knew nothing about this.

They still don't know what fate they will face next.

Then, death came.

(End of this chapter)

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