Give them a little funny shock

Chapter 368 366 Where did you come from?

Chapter 368 366 Where did you come from? (two)

When the natives in a mission world know their origins, it would be better if it is a mission world that does not restrict the disclosure of identities. This means that even if they find out, it doesn't matter, it won't have any impact on their mission.

There are even many Lord God warriors who will take the initiative to reveal their identities to the natives in such a mission world, because sometimes this will be of great help to their missions in this world.

But in those mission worlds where one is not allowed to reveal the identity of one's main god warrior...

There must be a reason why the space is stipulated in this way. It is not just to restrict the Lord God warriors in such a useless way just to be idle and bored.

In a world with such a stipulated mission, the level of the universe is basically very high, and the fighting power of the indigenous people in the universe is often very strong, and some are even just a little short of breaking through to the super power of the universe.

Of course, the universe in which "Star Alliance War" is set has not yet reached this level, and the strongest person in this world has not yet reached the state of being able to "transcend the universe".

Although it is true that they may only lack an opportunity to understand something, some method that allows them to travel to other universes.

However, this still cannot be regarded as "transcending the universe". The universe is not that easy to transcend.

"The power system these guys use is weird, don't you think?"

Facing his peers, Wu Yun, who is also a time traveler, said without any scruples:
"It's just like me. I told you before. I actually reincarnated into this universe from another universe."

"So, the skills and power system I use are also very different from the original power system of this universe. This is why many of the skills I use look much cooler than yours. This is of course because this is Super skills from my hometown..."

He didn't finish his words because Wu Yun noticed the way other people looked at him.

"What are you doing?" He looked at Wang Yu, then at Liu Zhongyu and the other two Yuren, and asked:
"Why are you looking at me like that? What's wrong with what I said?"

"Have you had a physical examination before joining the army?"

Wang Yu asked, "I don't mean anything else. I just want to ask, when you took the physical examination when you joined the army, did they test your brain?"

"Fuck you!!! What are you talking about!!!"

In an instant, Wu Yun became angry and immediately yelled at Wang Yu.

"Okay, okay, you two, don't quarrel all the time." Liu Zhongyu acted as a peacemaker and walked up to pat Wu Yun and Wang Yu on the shoulders.

Especially Wu Yun, she even hugged Wu Yun's shoulders. Wu Yun was obviously unhappy, but he couldn't avoid it.

"Your time traveler and your home universe, let's put this kind of thing aside for now." Liu Zhongyu put his arm around Wu Yun's shoulders and said, "Let's take a look at these first."

As she said that, she also turned her gaze to those people whose faces had strange expressions for only a brief moment.

"It seems that you are indeed no longer visitors to our universe?"

Looking at the people in front of him, Liu Zhongyu asked.

But the few Tianyun soldiers who were caught here faced this situation, but they still responded with silence.

"Forget it, since you don't want to say anything." Seeing that he couldn't get anything out of the question, Liu Zhongyu didn't intend to continue asking.

She waved her hand casually, and then ordered in an unknown direction: "Barbarola, report the situation here, and hand them over to the Imperial Intelligence Department when the time comes."

"Yes, Your Majesty the Conqueror."

A male voice sounded from the room, responding to Liu Zhongyu's instructions.

The empire's expedition ships are naturally equipped with a strong AI. Most of these AIs will awaken their self-awareness as early as when they leave the factory, or they will awaken after a period of service.

The person on the Liuzhongyu ship is no exception. There is no gender in things like AI. They can be either male or female. However, when they leave the factory, they will still have a "serial number" based on their factory serial number. initial gender". Odd numbers are male, even numbers are female.

certainly. This can also be changed later. AI citizens of the empire need to serve the empire for a certain number of years before becoming official citizens.

Civilian AI is for fifty years, and military AI is for twenty years.

Liu Chongyu's expedition ship AI does not have citizenship status yet because the ship has just left the factory. Moreover, his initial serial number was not an even number, but as his first captain, Liu Zhongyu had the right to change his gender.

Before obtaining imperial citizenship, the AI's gender will be freely set by its user.

As for AI's own opinion, that doesn't matter.

Several Tianyun soldiers were escorted back to their cells by the AI ​​on the expedition ship Babalola.

No Tianyun warrior chose to commit suicide after his identity as a Tianyun warrior was discovered by the natives of this world, because this was completely unnecessary.

As for the other group of prisoners, the members of the Elbalek Starfleet who were sent to the ship to be imprisoned, Liu Zhongyu's treatment of them was very simple, that is, to send them back.

The conquerors came to conquer the entire El Balak, and killing was just a way to frighten the enemy and force them to surrender.

Obviously, it would be a good idea to send these survivors back and let them spread the terror of the imperial army to the El Balak civilization and let them know the power of the empire.

Therefore, after the fleet officially arrived at the territory of the El Balak civilization, these survivors were sent back.

He returned to his own planet and brought a message from an extremely powerful empire on the other side of the distant universe:
"Surrender, surrender. Or...

destroy. "

Faced with the announcement from this powerful and arrogant invader, the response given by the El Balak civilization was:

Fight with all the strength of civilization.

Fight the invaders and defend your homeland.

So the massacre began.

The power possessed by a fifth-level conqueror is extremely terrifying, and the power she possesses is not limited to herself.

A fifth-level conqueror, four first-level conquerors, an imperial expedition battleship, and countless combat robots.

They ignited this galaxy with a diameter of 10,000 light years, caused fire to rain from the sky, and caused a bloody storm to roll up in the starry sky.

Stars were burned one by one, this was the bloody storm in the starry sky.

One after another in the sky, they fell from space, were captured by the gravity of the planet, and chased towards the ground.

This is the rain of fire falling from the sky.

It is death, destruction, annihilation.

It's utter despair and endless fear.

Finally, peace came.

At the cost of the lives of billions of creatures, with the burning galaxy as the background.

(End of this chapter)

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