Chapter 37 Evil Man (037)

After the black blood splashed to the ground, it could be clearly seen that there were a large number of densely packed insects squirming in the blood.

And through the huge wound on Huang Xun's chest, it can be seen that his internal organs do not have the normal color like ordinary people or even living creatures. It could even be said that it is not what a living biological organ should look like at all.

There are a lot of bugs crawling on it, including white maggots, centipede-like multi-segmented insects, and even locust-like creatures can be seen. These bugs were crawling around in the already riddled organs in Huang Xuan's body, and they could even be seen chewing on those organs.

Just looking at it can make you feel severely queasy.

"Ah... it's really disgusting."

Nauka, who noticed the condition of the internal organs under Huang Xuan's wound, frowned and sighed. Sun Yunguang, who also saw that scene, also frowned. Only Si Xianghui, whose eyes were not so good, was spared.

Si Xianghui looked at Huang Xun who had hid behind his companion, with a confused expression on his face.

However, he was still confused and weak, but he didn't do anything at all. After Nauka shot and killed the weirdo and Sun Yunguang slashed the middle-aged Huang Xun with his knife, he also rushed to the innkeeper Lu Yan who was stunned by fright, and blocked her in front of her.

"It's dangerous here! You should take the guys in the store to the back to hide!"

At the same time, he did not forget to turn his head and remind Lu Yan who was still in a daze behind him. After hearing this, Lu Yan also woke up from a dream. She nodded quickly without asking, and then ran directly towards the kitchen.

At this time, several of the waiters in the store had just poked their heads out from behind the curtain in the back kitchen, and then saw the proprietress Lu Yan running towards them.

"Stop looking! Go back!" Lu Yan waved her hand and put her hand on the head of the clerk Dahu who had just poked his head out from behind the curtain. "quick!"

She actually still didn't know what happened, but she now had unconditional trust in Wu Yun and his group. So naturally there is no doubt.

What's more, she was just attacked by something that she didn't see clearly that jumped out of the six people later, and she almost ended up in this place. Under such circumstances, it was even less likely that she would have any doubts about Wu Yun and the others.

He hid in the back kitchen of the shop, then turned the switch. Immediately, a heavy stone door crashed down from the top of the door frame, with a dull loud noise and a large amount of dust on the ground.

This is an extremely heavy door, and the kitchen behind it is actually the safe room of this inn. Its walls are even thicker than the outer walls of the inn. As an official post station back then, there is absolutely no doubt about its sturdiness.

"Fa, what happened? Sister Lu?"

In the back kitchen, Dahu looked at Lu Yan, who was in shock. The original sleepiness on her face was wiped away at this moment, and he immediately asked anxiously.

"I don't know." Lu Yan shook her head, "But as long as we don't go out, we can hide here. If we go out, we will have to distract our benefactors from taking care of us. We can't hold them back."

"Okay, okay..." Dahu and the other two shop assistants who came over nodded repeatedly after listening to Lu Yan's words.

Outside the stone gate, in the lobby of the inn.

Huang Xun hid behind his companions. Huang Xun touched his chest in great horror. He lowered his head and glanced at the situation there. When he raised his head again, the look of fear on his face was even worse. What's more, a lot of cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

Naturally, Sun Yunguang did not get off the line after striking out with that sword. When Huang Xun screamed and ran behind his companions, her second sword had already followed. However, the sword did not hit the target. With a clear sound of gold and iron clashing, her long sword was blocked by a huge Zen staff, and her sword hit the Zen staff.

The person who blocked the blow was a man among the six who was as huge as an iron tower, even bigger than the giant Ying Anjie in their carriage.

The man has a string of Buddhist beads hanging from his neck and is wearing a brown monk's robe, but he is not bald and has a very modern short head.

"Amitofa, why is the donor like this..."

This man had a kind face and kind eyes, and he did indeed look like a 'Buddha'. However, as he spoke, a blast of gorilla wind came out of his mouth, which was not only a strong smell of blood, but also had a rotten and stinking smell.

It's like a rotting corpse.

"court death!"

Sun Yunguang died without communicating with the other party at all. The hand holding the handle of the knife suddenly exerted force, and a majestic power surged out of her body and spread along the handle of the knife in her hand to the blade.

Immediately, the blood groove on the knife glowed again.


Under this huge power and strange light, with a buzzing sound, the huge Zen staff also broke at the same time. The long knife in Sun Yunguang's hand had no obstruction, and in an instant he slid the knife directly into the man's chin like cutting through butter.

"You want to stop me? Just die -!!!" At this moment, Sun Yunguang's eyes widened in anger, her sword eyebrows raised, a burst of aura spewed out from her mouth, and then she let out a loud shout:
  "Red sword subdues demons!!"

With a sound, the long knife that had slipped into the man's chin slid all the way to his crotch without encountering any obstacles on the way, as smoothly as slashing in the air.

And under this sword, the iron-tower-like man, with slowly astonishment and fear in his eyes, slowly leaned back, and fell to the ground with a 'pop', his body spread to both sides, blood His organs were all over the floor, and he didn't even twitch. He had obviously turned into a pile of dead flesh.

"Want to escape? Where are you going to escape!?"

At this moment, Sun Yunguang was like a King Kong with angry eyes. He flicked the long knife in his hand, and the true energy in his body circulated rapidly. After killing one person in an instant, he immediately ran straight towards Huang Xun and his party.

"Wow!!! Save me!!!"

Sun Yunguang, who looked like a killing god, killed the monk Shi Yu in a split second, and continued to rush towards him. Huang Xun, who had been stabbed half to death before, was already very angry at this moment. Completely collapsed, he yelled at his companions in a state of collapse: "Aren't you going to take action? If you don't take action, we will all die!!!!"

At this moment, except for the two who were already dead, Huang Xun and his group were left with five people. Although the rickety weirdo rushed out from among the six people and headed towards Lu Yan, it was not any of the six people.

Even though the rickety weirdo was dead and the monk Shi Yu who broke the precepts was killed in an instant, among the remaining five people, except for Huang Xun, who had completely collapsed, there was still no trace of emotion on their faces. Any change in expression.

(End of this chapter)

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