Give them a little funny shock

Chapter 381 379 I am the conqueror, the embodiment of destruction

Chapter 381 Chapter 379 I am the conqueror, the incarnation of destruction ()
"The report says that the share of resources you should turn over this year is insufficient. I think I need a reasonable explanation."

Rockniers Balinperry took his special plane and after flying for three days, he finally arrived at this huge battleship located between the fourth and fifth orbits of the solar system. Its official name should be 'Expedition' Ship', a super battleship belonging to the Galactic Empire.

However, as a Moen native, he is more accustomed to calling this thing a 'battleship'.

After arriving at the office of the man who actually ruled the entire Morn Federation, despite being mentally prepared in advance, Rockniers still couldn't control himself when he heard what the other person said.

His body shook violently several times.

"This, this is because the stocks of several mines currently in use are insufficient, and we are currently opening up new mines. But you also know that with our civilized technology, it often costs money to build a qualified mine... …”

"Why do you think this reason can deceive me? In other words, do you think this kind of argument can have any credibility?" Wu Yun directly interrupted Rockniers and asked:

"According to the assessment of the Imperial Resources Department, the resources in your system will not decrease in production until at least 150 years after the collection begins. In the absence of natural or man-made disasters, the amount of resources that the mine can produce every year should be It won’t change.”

"If the resources you handed over in the past two years exceeded the standard, which led to the reduction of this year's share, then I can understand it. But you didn't hand over resources in excess of the stipulated share in the past two years, right?"

As he spoke, Wu Yun turned his attention to the person next to the new Moen Federation president. He was a young man who looked somewhat similar to him. Maybe it's his son or something.

"This is...this is a dog."

Rockniers is one hundred and twenty-eight years old this year. The average lifespan of humans in this civilization is about a hundred years. Rockniers is considered to be the longest-lived among the Moen people.

Wu Yun interrupted Rockniers again, turned his attention to the young man next to him who was somewhat similar to him, and asked.

Before being conquered by the Empire, the Morn civilization was such a society. But this is not unusual. This is the case in the primitive stages of most civilizations.

"I... I'm sorry, I'm very sorry." After Wu Yun rejected his explanation, Rockniers seemed not to say anything more. He lowered his head suddenly and made a humble gesture. He said to Wu Yun:
"I will start an investigation immediately after I return. I must use all means to make up for the resources I have missed this year. Please also..."

"Who is this person next to you?"

From an average life span of one hundred and fifty years, to an average life span of no more than fifty years. The gap between people can be greater than the gap between humans and dogs.

Class, race, and all kinds of things are almost a topic that civilization cannot get around.

Of course, before the conquerors ruled the entire Moen civilization, not all humans in this civilization could live an average of one hundred years.

"What?" Wu Yun was not surprised that the young man was Rockniers' son. After staring at the young man who was obviously more nervous than his father for a while, Wu Yun looked at Rockniers again. , asked with a half-smile:
"You haven't retired yet, have you? Are you planning to let your son take over so soon?"

"That's really a hero and a good man, and a bastard and a bastard."

"No, he just..." Wu Yun's obviously sarcastic words seemed to poke some kind of pain point in Rockniers, causing him to respond immediately:
"He just has to come with me! I have no intention of letting my son take over my position! This is absolutely impossible!" Rockniers shouted to Wu Yun, "The new Morn Federation, No more hereditary rule!"

"But what if he is really capable?" Facing Rockniers who was poked in a painful spot, Wu Yun also became a little interested and asked. "What if he is really capable? But in order to avoid suspicion, is he destined not to become the new president of our federation?"

"At least in the next few presidents, his name will not appear." Rockniers replied decisively.

"Haha." Wu Yun laughed, "Okay, I'm not here to talk to you about this. I don't care whether you want to have a hereditary family or whether you want to build a utopia."

"Even if you secretly raise rebels underground and try to contact other advanced civilizations to rescue you, I don't care."

When Wu Yundi said these words, Rockniers's expression also changed instantly.

"" Rockniers looked at Wu Yun with a pale face, his body swaying, and the sharp buzzing caused by these words surrounded Rockniers' ears at this time. , causing waves of dizziness in his head.

The feeling of dizziness became stronger and stronger, impacting Rockniers' spirit all the time, trying to make him faint.

But Rockniers is a man with an extremely strong will. He forced himself to cheer up and wanted to move his body, but even though he exhausted all his strength, he just fell down in the end. on the ground.

"you you……"

He sat on the ground, raised one hand, pointed tremblingly at Wu Yun, and said:

"You know it all?"

"Of course I know everything."

Wu Yun looked at him with a smile, looking at the ashen-faced old man. At this moment, looking at his appearance, Wu Yun could only feel another sense of intellectual superiority arising spontaneously:

"Why do you think that what you are doing down there can be hidden from the eyes of the empire? Why do you have such stupid ideas?"

"The reason why you can exist is because the empire allows you to exist. And the reason why you can still survive in this world instead of being exterminated is because you still have some use value to the empire."

"The empire is very tolerant. As long as you pay the resources on time, in fact, no matter what you want to do, the empire can turn a blind eye or close an eye. Even if you want to resist the empire and put it aside The empire will drive you out of your hometown. "As for me personally, I don't care at all about your private calculations."

"I don't care if you support the rebels in private, and I don't care if you rebels want to rebel or do something else. I don't care about anything."

(End of this chapter)

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