Give them a little funny shock

Chapter 383 Chapter 381 How the hell did you get in?

Chapter 383 Chapter 381 How the hell did you get in?
"So you see, by just paying such a small price, you can cross the border that most civilizations cannot cross in their lifetimes. Not only can you contact higher civilizations, but you can even get help from them."

"Why not do this? Why do we have to worry about independence and what to pursue..."

"As a lobbyist, you are really bad." Wu Yun was interrupted mid-sentence, and the person who interrupted him was not Rockniers or his son Barlow.

"Who the fuck? What bastard, I'll fuck you...ah!??? Why is it you!??" Wu Yun, who was interrupted by others, naturally entered the red temperature in an instant, and then followed immediately A flurry of curses and Sihua combos without any pause.

Until he saw the face of the person who spoke clearly.

That was a familiar face, and it was impossible not to be familiar with it, because it was this guy who made him surrender humiliatingly to someone a few years ago, and because of this, he was stalked by that guy Liu Chongyu. It made him feel uncomfortable all over.

Yes, that person is Jet... ah no, Blue Jay.

After several years and more than a billion light years, Wu Yun saw this woman again in the Deer Super Galaxy Cluster, which was a full billion light years away from the Scarab Super Galaxy Cluster.

Why is this woman everywhere? It’s like a ghost!
"How the hell did you get in??"

Seeing this woman who suddenly appeared, Wu Yun's jaw almost dropped to the ground. Well, it actually fell down and fell directly to the ground, but it was quickly put back together.

"When did you fucking know me!???" Wu Yun was shocked and angry when he heard this answer. He first yelled at Blue Jay, then turned to look at the ceiling: "Fuck Lan Star! Who asked you to let her in?

"I told you, I walked in."

Blue Jay shrugged, "I told the AI ​​on your ship that I knew you, and she let me in."

"What the fuck!" Wu Yun almost laughed at the idiot's words: "She said she knew me, and you let her in? Do you know that this bastard is from the Star Alliance? She is the enemy Army, it’s the enemy!”

"I walked in, but... what happened to your chin just now?" Blue Crow replied. Naturally, she also noticed the way Wu Yun dropped his chin on the ground, so she asked curiously.

He is very handsome and has a neat ponytail. She is about 1.9 meters tall and wears either a strong bunt or a cool windbreaker. This is the classic image of women on earth.

"But Major, she said she was your friend?"

A female voice that sounded obviously a little bit demented came from the ceiling, and then, a classic-looking female projection of the earth appeared on the ceiling.

"What chin? What's wrong?" Wu Yun was stunned by her question, and the topic was briefly changed. But he reacted quickly, glared at the blue jay and said: "Damn it, don't change the subject, how the hell did you get in???"

"Star Alliance War" is not a funny comic, so the way Wu Yun's jaw dropped to the ground was quite scary.

"You are collaborating with the enemy, collaborating with the enemy!!!"


After Wu Yun's expedition ship 'Tianwu' master AI Lanxing heard Wu Yun's words, he still looked confused: "Huh?" "Fuck you!!!"

"Um, I want to explain something, Mr. Wu Yun." Blue Crow joined the conversation at this time. After Wu Yun looked at her, she said: "I am from Amblina, not from the Covenant. ”

"Aren't they also fucking enemy troops??? Do you fucking think I'm as stupid as that idiot Lan Xing???" Wu Yun was really angry and laughed, not just so angry that he wanted to laugh, Even his face was distorted with anger.

"I'm not an Amblina soldier, I'm a civilian. So I can't be considered your enemy." Blue Crow continued unhurriedly. Although she had only met this man once, she had no feelings for Wu Yun. The impression is actually very good.

She didn't know why she felt like this. Obviously this guy is a typical Earthling, a typical conqueror of the Galactic Empire.

He is cruel, ruthless, and extremely bloodthirsty. Not only does he show no mercy to the weak, he is even worse than ordinary people on Earth.

Because this guy takes pleasure in killing the weak.

Blue Crow could feel a clear murderous aura in Wu Yun's body. It was a temperament that could only be possessed by those who were stained with endless blood. This meant that the number of people this guy had killed was at least in the hundreds of millions.

However, for a conqueror, if he only has a few hundred million lives at his disposal, he can really be considered a 'kind-hearted' person. After all, when conquerors conquer a civilization, they cause almost all the killings. The starting point is billions or tens of billions.

And the blood stained on Wu Yun's hands is obviously more than a few hundred million, and the killings he caused in this Moen civilization alone are far more than this number.

"Although Amblina and your Galaxy Empire are at war, don't you remember that you are quite welcoming to non-military civilians like us?" Blue Crow looked at Wu Yun's face that alternated between blue and white, and said, continued.

There is nothing wrong with this, because the Galactic Empire does have a good attitude towards the non-military personnel of the Amblina civilization. Since the war broke out between the two countries, not many civilians have died directly in the war.

"There's no need to be so nervous, Major Wu Yun." Blue Crow waved towards Wu Yun, "Speaking of which, you really surprised me when you surrendered to Mr. Jet."

"You are different from ordinary earthlings." As he said this, Blue Crow looked at Wu Yun, with a hint of something in his eyes that made Wu Yun feel something bad.

"Even though your hands are stained with blood, even though you are as cruel and ruthless as the other conquerors of the Galactic Empire..."

Blue Crow continued to stare at Wu Yun, and Wu Yun was a little frightened by the look in his eyes.

"But...but..." As she spoke, a trace of confusion appeared in her eyes: "But why?"

"Why do I... do I think you are a person worth getting close to??"

"Your mother forced you to have a crush on me too???" Finally, when the other party said this, Wu Yun, who had felt something was wrong because of the woman's eyes, finally understood. I understand what's wrong with this.

"What the hell am I a succubus? Are you fucking in love with me too???"

(End of this chapter)

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