Give them a little funny shock

Chapter 386 Sister 383, come quickly

Chapter 386 Sister 383, come quickly... ()

As for the uninformed people on the planet Morn, and even the entire Morn civilization, they are even less worried, because they have no idea what kind of fate they will face.

As for life now? There is one thing to say, except for the 'nobles' and 'human masters' of various countries in the Moen civilization before the three-hour war, most ordinary people are actually very satisfied with their current lives.

Just like Wu Yun said: The empire's conquest has indeed brought equality to the vast majority of the people in this world, and also brought a better quality of life.

As for the body modifications mentioned before for ordinary people, that kind of thing generally does not happen in civilizations that have expressed surrender.

People have ambition and hope in life, hard work will be rewarded, and hard work will lead to life. Labor has become a real thing that can make people feel happy, and it has become a 'glorious' thing.

Everything people do in their labor can make their lives better and contribute to the collective development of their lives. Let me ask, in such an environment, who would not be motivated to work?

This is indeed the life Wu Yun brought to the people of this world after conquering the Morn civilization.

Although many people still have an extremely deep hatred for this man who dominated the world with an absolute sense of oppression, because their lovers, relatives and friends all died under the executioner's knife.


"President Rockniers."

A middle-aged soldier wearing the three-star general epaulette of Moen Army on his shoulders walked up to Rockniers and his group who got off the shuttle. He first saluted Rockniers with a standard military salute, and then spoke. road:

Rockniers looked at the middle-aged soldier in front of him and said nothing.

Just like the situation Rockniers and Barlow encountered after returning to Morn.

"Therefore, on behalf of the joint decision of the Supreme Council of the Moen Coalition Government, I hereby announce to you: We will deprive you of the presidency and ask you to cooperate with us in relevant adjustments..." "No need." Rockne Sis directly interrupted the middle-aged general and said to him: "Major Wu Yun already knew about this matter, and he doesn't care about it. As for you wanting to deprive me of the presidency, I have no objection to it. ”

"You are suspected of colluding with anti-government forces, providing materials and assistance to anti-government forces, and concealing their existence from the great imperial conqueror Mr. Wu Yun."

Similarly, they can't help but feel an awkward feeling of gratitude towards this 'ruler' who has made earth-shaking changes in the world and changed everyone's lives.

A few days later, when I returned to the Morn Building, the highest administrative agency on the planet of Morn, it was already surrounded by the troops of the new Morn coalition government. A large number of soldiers were pointing their weapons at the spacecraft. Rockniers and his party came down.

Pain, such contradictory feelings are intertwined, which is naturally extremely painful.

After saying that, Rockniers turned to look at the Blue Jay next to him, bowed slightly to her, with an apologetic look on his face, and then said:

"I'm so sorry, Ms. Blue Jay, that you were treated like this when you first came to our civilization. I express my sincere gratitude to you..."

"It doesn't matter." Blue Jay waved his hand, "I don't care about this kind of thing. If you don't plan to resist, then follow your civilized legal procedures and cooperate with him to do what you should do." "If If you want to resist, I can help you, but don’t worry, I won’t cause harm to others.” “Thank you, Ms. Blue Crow,” Rockniers bowed to Blue Crow again. He turned around again, looked at the middle-aged soldier, and stretched out his hand:
"I will cooperate with your investigation. Please put some shackles on me."

Pushing back the time a few days ago, after Wu Yun called his sister, the distance stretched to billions of light years away.

In the Madrian Super Galaxy Cluster, another super galaxy cluster that the empire was conquering, Wu Han, the conqueror of the Humos Civilization, pondered for a moment after talking to his brother on the phone, and then immediately connected the communication with his superiors.

After a while, a man with a serious temperament appeared in front of her.

"What's the matter, Brigadier General Wu Han?"

"I need to leave the Humos civilization for a while, General Li." Wu Han said to the man in front of him, "Major Wu Yun, the conqueror of the Moen Galaxy in the Immortal Deer Super Galaxy Cluster, asked me for help. According to him, a fourth-level The conqueror came to his precinct and challenged him to a duel."

"But because his strength is not enough to deal with the fourth-level conqueror, and he doesn't want to just give it up and call out the conqueror civilization, so he asked me for help."

"Why are you calling to find you?" After listening to Wu Han's description, a strange expression appeared on the man's face, "Why didn't he go find his boss, that Liu Zhongyu? I remember they weren't... "Major Wu Yun has no such feelings for Brigadier General Liu Zhongyu, Lieutenant General," Wu Han interrupted the man in time and corrected him.

She actually just learned about this matter not long ago. At the beginning, she, like everyone else in the empire, thought that the spark of love between her elder brother and the feathered man named Liu Zhongyu was sparked, and she staged a story that countless people talked about. Tao's love story.

But after his elder brother called him to complain, Wu Han learned the truth of the matter.

To be honest, when he first learned about the 'love story' between his elder brother and that Liu Zhongyu, Wu Han was still very happy for his elder brother. This was also an emotion she had never felt before.

However, in addition to being happy, her inner emotions were actually still unhappy, very unhappy.

Mainly for that six-fold feather, that feather man.

She didn't know where this feeling came from, but she just felt very unhappy and didn't like it no matter how she looked at it.

Just like a father looks at his daughter's boyfriend, a mother looks at his son's girlfriend, and a brother looks at his sister's boyfriend.

Therefore, after being called by his brother to complain, Wu Han's mood also improved a lot.

"It is precisely because my brother has no feelings for Brigadier Liu Zhongyu, and Brigadier Liu Zhongyu is too obsessed with my brother. If we find her, things may become very troublesome. So, my brother approached me.”


Wu Han's boss was silent because this situation was indeed a bit beyond his expectation.

(End of this chapter)

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