Give them a little funny shock

Chapter 396 492 is here again

Chapter 396 492 is here again ()
Moen civilization, Aslar planet.

This is a planet located in the fourth orbit of the solar system where Moen civilization is located. It is the second most populous planet in the solar system of Moen civilization.

The Brahn Desert located in the northern Brahn continent of Esrael is the largest desert on the planet Aklay.

Underneath this desert, there is a secret base hidden, a temporary base temporarily opened by the Tianyun space warriors.

Naturally, these warriors from Tianyun space cannot only exist in the galaxy where Wu Yun's first mission was. They can be said to be everywhere.

The few Tianyun warriors in this small base are different from all the Tianyun warriors that have appeared before - the tights they wear are of another style:
The base color is light blue, and it seems to be thinner and more close-fitting. It outlines some lines in parts that are not suitable for children to see.

There are a total of eight Tianyun soldiers in the base, four men and four women, with colorful hair. Not only the color, but also the hairstyle can't be found the same.

The warriors in this main god space seem to particularly like to work hard on their hair. Their hair colors are very bright and come in various colors, and the styles are more fashionable than the last. At this point, it has to be said that the people on earth are not as good as them.

"Taros, what do you think are the advantages of humans compared to other creatures? It can allow them to stand out from the species competition in ancient times and dominate their home planet."

In the base, a man with indigo-blue hair with side-parted bangs asked the strong man beside him. The strong man had a bright yellow mohawk and was extremely tall, more than three meters tall. His physique was much larger than Wu Yun's. .

"With bare hands and a human body, he is powerful enough, let alone those psychics and extraordinary beings in our race who have special abilities."

"Humans from your hometown." Sitting on the sofa with slanted bangs, he looked at the TV in front of him. The person on the TV is Wu Han, but it is not Wu Han who is fighting the Blue Jay, but Wu Han from another place.

"Human? What kind of human are you referring to?"

The strong man was a little confused, but he still answered the question with slanted bangs: "If it's my hometown, it's wisdom and body."

"Why, why are you suddenly interested in human history?"

This is a theatrical version of the Star Alliance Chronicles, and it is the highest-grossing work in the Star Alliance Chronicles theatrical version series of Slant Liu Hai’s hometown - "In the Name of the Sky"

The sky in this refers to the villains in the play, the strongest men of the Galactic Empire, and the nine-day generals.

"Humans have the highest combat power among creatures of the same weight. Their hands are very useful tools, not only for holding weapons. They are also an excellent weapon in life and death fights."

"Why are you asking this suddenly?"

As a theatrical version of Star Alliance Chronicles, in "In the Name of Heaven", there is no role for the protagonist group. Because the protagonist of this drama is the Galactic Empire, the Nine Heavenly Generals of the Galactic Empire.

"Human beings possess the most advanced wisdom in the biological world of their home planet, and have physical fitness that is not weaker than that of most beasts. It is inevitable to become the top of the biological chain."

Wu Han is one of the nine heavenly generals who appear in the play, named Xia Tian. The Kung Fu you practice is the Ming Guang Zheng Dharma, and the real Kung Fu of the ten directions reaches its peak.

"And when you have tools, you completely distance yourself from other species."

"Just curious, just asking." Slanting Liu Hai smiled, and then changed the topic. So, who do you think is more powerful, the human empire in your hometown or the galactic empire in this universe? "

There is no doubt that this question aroused the displeasure of the strong man. He turned his head and glanced at the man with slanted bangs who was only over 1.7 meters tall.

"You are really annoying, Luo Yun." "Tell me about it? Tell me about it?"

Luo Yun seemed to have no vision at all. Even though the strong man had clearly expressed his unwillingness to answer the question, he still kept asking.

In the end, perhaps because Luo Yun couldn't stand it anymore, Talos sighed and slowly said:

"Although I don't want to admit it, if it is the current empire, it is indeed incomparable to this Galactic Empire."

"They have more advanced technology, a larger population, and a more efficient government, not the bastards on the Terran Council who argue all day long."

"What about combat power? What about combat power?" Luo Yun continued to pursue him, "Are we talking about combat power? Is this Nine Heavens General Wuhan stronger or weaker than your original body or even your Emperor? "


Finally, Talos, who was unbearably annoyed, broke out. He grabbed Luo Yun's head, lifted him up, and looked at Luo Yun in his hand fiercely, "Why the hell do you have so many questions!!? ?”

"But I just want to know!" There was no trace of fear on Luo Yun's face as his head was pinched. Even with the strong man's current mood, it was very likely that his head would be crushed in the next second.

"The original body is not as good as Wu Han, no other original body is good."

"Ah?" This answer was beyond Luo Yun's expectation.

Because in his guess, Talos, an old Forbidden Army member of the Zhengx Banner, with his love for his hometown and his tough talk, he should have concluded that "the original body and the nine-day general's military correspondence are 50-50".

But what he didn't know was that as the personal bodyguard of a great being in the human empire, the Imperial Guard had an extremely transcendent status in the empire. Regarding the Primarchs of the Empire, Talos was actually able to view them more "normally" than most people.

"The Primarchs are a means used by the Emperor to achieve his goals, a tool used to conquer, nothing more - they are not killing machines born purely for fighting, although they do possess extraordinary combat power. But that was not what the Emperor created the Primarch for.

No matter how powerful the original body is, after all, they are just tools based on the humans in my hometown, and they are not the same thing as the humans in this world. "

"Tools?" Luo Yun was a little surprised, "This is the first time I heard you evaluate the Primarchs like this. I thought you would have a high opinion of them."


Talos laughed emotionlessly.

"If you want to find someone in my hometown who can rival the conquerors of the Galactic Empire here in terms of individual combat effectiveness, then I'm sorry. Although there are indeed such powerful psykers, those are already the capabilities of psykers in our world. The upper limit has been reached.

But here, the conqueror who can easily destroy a main sequence galaxy is just the entry level in their conqueror hierarchy. "

"Then you mean that your human empire is no match for the Galactic Empire?"

"If it's the current empire, no. If it's the Golden Age, you have to fight it to know."

(End of this chapter)

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