Give them a little funny shock

Chapter 400: 496: I am a succubus from another world through time travel

Chapter 400: 496: I am a succubus from another world through time travel ()

She had an innocent look on her face: "She surrendered, man."

The expression on Wu Han's face when talking to Wu Yun was much richer than when she faced other people, although it was still a bit too serious in the eyes of her brother Wu Yun.

But for Lieutenant General Maximilian, he was still shocked when he saw the "lively" and even "eccentric" expression on Wu Han's face.

This was not the first time he had seen such an expression on the face of an Earthling, but it was indeed the first time he had seen such a 'rich' emotion on the face of an imperial conqueror.

As for Wu Yun? Of course Wu Yun does not count. This guy Wu Yun is a bit too special, so special that Maximilian doesn't care about all his special features.

"So what if you surrender!??" Facing his sister's words, Wu Yun felt a little crazy: "If you surrender, you surrender. If you don't accept her surrender, why don't you just kill her? !”

"According to the provisions of the Galactic Empire's war laws, she cannot kill an imperial prisoner who has surrendered." These words came from Blue Crow's mouth. When she said this, Wu Yun happened to also turn her gaze. turned to her face. Although there was no expression on Blue Crow's face at the moment, he just gave Wu Yun, a soldier of the Galaxy Empire, a general introduction to the laws of war in the Galaxy Empire.

But Wu Yun still felt that this woman was provoking him and insulting him.

This was the ultimate insult to him, the conqueror of the Galaxy Empire, Wu Yun, the first-level conqueror who was probably the most resourceful person in the military circles of the Galaxy Empire.

"Wait, why do you want to leave her here with me????"

"Of course, there is also you, Major Wu Yun. You must also act in accordance with the regulations." Maximilian seemed to know what Wu Yun was planning, and then continued:

Therefore, Blue Crow became a prisoner on Wu Yun's "Tianwu" expedition ship.

"I don't want her on my boat, I don't want her!!!"

After the communication was connected, Wu Yun's entire face was pasted on the holographic screen in front of Maximilian.

"This is not important!!" Wu Yun interrupted Lieutenant General Maximilian and shouted anxiously: "Don't talk about honor, I don't even want this prisoner! Take her away quickly! Take her away quickly Let’s go!”

"Although she was defeated by your sister, Lieutenant General Wu Han, this does not affect her ownership as a prisoner. Of course, because of your behavior in this duel, you cannot win the duel. As a reward, this honor will be transferred to your sister Wu Han."

"I'm sorry." Maximilian shrugged and put down the tea. "There's nothing I can do. That's the rule. I just act according to the rule."

Wu Yun's deafening roar rang out in the dark universe.

But in the end, as a soldier of the Galactic Empire, Wu Yun had no choice but to abide by the laws of war stipulated by the Galactic Empire. Because if you disobey, you will have to go to a military court and be sentenced to death.

After the duel was over, the fleet sent here by the empire would also evacuate. When Lieutenant General Maximilian was about to leave, Wu Yun's communication request suddenly popped up in front of him.

"Why? Why didn't you take her away??? Why did you leave her here with me???"

"Because this is your prisoner, Major Wu Yun." Maximilian looked at the extremely excited Wu Yun on the other side of the screen, and calmly picked up a cup of hot tea on the table, put it to his mouth and took a sip. , replied.

"Damn it! You, the defeated general, did I let you speak!???"

"I hope you can also act in accordance with the regulations, but don't act too smart, and don't do things that are not allowed by the regulations." After speaking, Maximilian tapped the table with his fingers, "Okay, I still have some work to do. I’m busy with something, so hang up first.”

[The communication has been interrupted]

Looking at the huge white fonts in the air in front of him, Wu Yun sat on the chair in his office and stared blankly at the row of big characters in front of him. After almost three minutes in a daze, his body finally moved:
First it trembled violently, then started to tremble, and then, there was a roar that resounded throughout the battleship: "Fuck!!! Fuck ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!"

Half an hour later, Tianwu Prison.

At this time, the place on the battleship was specially used to hold prisoners. The strength of the cells was not important. What was important was the shackles on the prisoners, or prisoners of war.

This is a restraint device from Vice Admiral Maximilian's battleship. It can compress the strength of the restrained captive to the maximum extent.

However, this thing will not have much impact on the actions of the prisoners of war. They can still do some simple daily actions, and even if they can fly, they can fly.

It just can’t fly high or far.

At the same time, the energy flow and operation in the body will also be severely hindered.

At this time, Blue Jay was wearing a prisoner-of-war outfit exclusive to the Galactic Empire. This outfit perfectly outlined the curves of her body, and even had a faintly visible hemisphere.

I have to say that the costume aesthetics of the Galaxy Empire are indeed quite good, quite...

Well, this is not important.

Except for the fine light yellow hairs from the forehead to the bridge of the nose, the skin on other parts of the blue jay's face is very flat, smooth and delicate.

Like Earthlings without wings.

She has a small chin and neat teeth, with two sharp long teeth hidden behind her red lips.

Her long hair is a mixture of blue and white, just like the blue sky and white clouds dotted in it when you look up from the surface of the planet.

Those light blue eyes were as bright and bright as the morning sky.

It is this sky that pours light into lakes and streams, awakening them from their dreams and making them taste sweet and drinkable.

In addition to blue hair and yellow down, the feathers on the blue jay are also blue, as blue as the sky.

For this reason, she was given the name "Blue Jay" when she was born.

Her mother was Sea Owl and her father was Thunder, both of whom were great warriors among the arakkoa. They all fell in the great war between the Crow Man and the Feather Man tens of thousands of years ago.

Before dying on the battlefield, Blue Jay's father and mother had killed dozens of Yumen warriors in several rounds of battles, including several warriors from the Six-layer Feather family.

But in the end, they died in the hands of the soldiers of the Liuzhongyu family.

The warrior faced two blue jays with one against two. After a fierce battle, he took away their lives and cut off their heads.

Blue Jay is taller than Wu Yun, but she has a well-proportioned figure. While she has perfect muscle lines, she also has a very attractive body curve.

It's really big, it's really beautiful, that's all.

(End of this chapter)

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