Give them a little funny shock

Chapter 403 499 I am a succubus

Chapter 403 Chapter 499 I am a succubus ()

Saving the world was something that Zhang Derui never thought about for a while after traveling here.

Although he is indeed a relatively kind person, he was once dissatisfied with many things in this world. But he is just a man who has power but is not good at governing.

Therefore, even though he had the strength to easily destroy the entire Morn civilization, he still chose to be patient... ah no, still chose not to do anything.

In normal times, he just helps people around him, does good deeds, donates money to disaster-stricken areas during wars, and often volunteers to help others.

This is also the reason why he was able to get his current job, and it was also because of this that he met the boss of Driver Company.

The boss is willing to let him, a person who basically does nothing, stay in the company, and pay him such a high salary every year. In addition to Zhang Derui being an old employee here, Zhang Derui and the boss also provide him, a poor man, with services when he is not getting rich. for help.

As for why Zhang Derui always looks young and always in good spirits, the boss only thinks that he has undergone some kind of cosmetic surgery, so he can still maintain such a youthful appearance at this age.

Of course, he didn't actually know that Zhang Derui was over two hundred years old. Although Zhang Derui often mentioned this matter to him, it seemed that De Vrij didn't take it to heart at all.

In other words, they simply ignored it selectively.

Then leave this civilization and fly into space, fly into the boundless universe, and explore the next place where he can live.

And when the time comes, Zhang Derui may do something about the control of this civilization that he has long been dissatisfied with, but they have never corrected.

As for how much time he will spend on the road, Zhang Derui doesn't care about this kind of thing. As a monk, being accustomed to enduring loneliness is also a kind of practice.

Until one day, the officials of this civilization finally realized that something was wrong, discovered him as the 'Eternal One', and then began to think of ways to contact him, or to cause trouble for him.

Yes, Zhang Derui is a monk, not a martial arts practitioner. Although his 'training' was all about various offensive methods and various body exercises, there was nothing like mysterious spells.

Although it is possible that by the time the grandsons of De Frei's grandsons all die of old age, Zhang Derui probably won't even lose a piece of skin on his feet.

If it weren't for the invasion of the Galactic Empire, Zhang Derui's peaceful days in this world, or to be more precise, this civilization, might have continued forever.

Before the Morn civilization was invaded by the Galactic Empire, the biotechnology here had not been developed enough to allow human lifespan to reach two hundred years.

Of course, Zhang Derui himself is actually not 200 years old here. The age on his ID card is actually about the same as that of De Vrij. They are both about the same age. According to the standards here, they are both approaching the end of their lives. of people.

As for the rules of communication in the world, the backhand position of the cloud turns the hand into rain? There is no such thing.

However, Zhang Derui can indeed implement some artificial rainfall through some 'physical means', instead of being like the monk in the story of cultivating immortality, where it can rain heavily no matter where and under any circumstances.

He still can't do this kind of thing, and there is only one thing he, a monk, can do, and that is killing and destruction. Just like the warriors of the Galactic Empire in this world.

Even in Wu Yun's hometown, the world called "Heroes of the Wasteland", warriors still have some auxiliary skills in addition to the most basic attack methods. Although it is also rare, at least it has the function of transmitting true energy to kill people, as well as group jump. This skill Wu Yun used in the first world.

Although according to common sense, that thing cannot be used by people who do not practice this technique. If you forcefully crash into the flame door, the only outcome will be to be burned to ashes.

Zhang Derui is much stronger than the current Wu Yun. Wu Yun's current strength can probably be regarded as a second-level conqueror, but Zhang Derui is even stronger than him. He can fly at a high speed of three times the speed of light at zero point, which is equivalent to the third level of the Galaxy Empire. level of conqueror.

Moreover, he also has many extremely cool attack methods.

After ending the call with Devere, Zhang Derui quickly came to space. After a period of flight, he soon saw the huge expedition ship floating in the dark starry sky in the distance. .

Compared with the previous giant battleship that entered the atmosphere of Moen, this battleship was much smaller, but he was still shocked when he saw this giant structure parked in space.

It was the shock from technological creations that far exceeded his cognitive level.

The level of technology in Zhang Derui's hometown is actually very high, even worse than that of Moen Civilization here. The Moen civilization has been able to colonize everywhere in its own solar system, but the humans in his hometown...

Although they are already running around the galaxy, they rely on the strength of human beings themselves, not their technological creations.

As for the technological level of mankind? The most advanced aircraft currently built by mankind can fly at an astonishing speed of 25 kilometers per second!
As for a human monk, after becoming mortal and building a foundation, his flying speed can reach 0.05 times the speed of light.

I can only say that it is really embarrassing.

At this time, in the darkness of deep space, a figure floated 65 million kilometers away from Wu Yun's Tianwu. The figure crossed his arms and was staring at Wu Yun's ship.

He was wearing a tights with a style that was very consistent with Wu Yun and the aesthetics of the people here on earth. It was completely purple, with a platinum belt, dark green underwear on the outside, dark blue boots, and a rainbow-colored cloak on his back.

There is also a big word "war" written on the chest of his fashionable tight-fitting battle suit.

That's right, he is an extraordinary warrior from another universe, Earth, a man revered by other civilizations in the universe as the 'Son of the Yellow Dwarf'!

For some people, this look may be a bit ugly, but whether it is for the aesthetics of this world's Galactic Empire or the aesthetics of Wu Yun's home world of "Heroes of the Wasteland", this style of clothing is extremely cool. of.

After this man appeared, Wu Yun's car, the Tianwu, immediately discovered his presence and sent an alarm to Wu Yun:

【alarm! alarm! High-energy reaction is approaching! 】

【alarm! alarm! High-energy reaction is approaching! 】

(End of this chapter)

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