Give them a little funny shock

Chapter 409 505 Clown

Chapter 409 505 Clown ()

It was an extremely breathtaking beauty that made Zhang Derui's spring heart, which had been silent for two hundred and two years, begin to beat violently.

At this moment, his heart was beating much faster than any time before. Even in the life-and-death battle before he traveled through time, his heart had never beat so fast.

"Haha, this idiot is more attractive than being fascinated by your face, haha! I really have never seen the world!"

Wu Yun has a high immunity to good-looking people because he has a succubus physique and does not rely on other people's charms.

At the same time, it is also because he has seen so many beauties since he was a child - this is not bragging, Wu Yun has indeed seen many beauties since he was a child. Therefore, this also makes his current threshold very high.

Ordinary beauties will not cause any fluctuations in his mentality at all. Even the top beauties among the Baiyu people can only make him look at her twice more, that's all.

"Why don't you want to fight me?"

Zhang Derui gave her a very good first impression, which is why Blue Jay started chatting with her.

Otherwise, she would have taken action directly.

"I didn't expect that they are actually a puppet government directly controlled by the Galactic Empire, right?" Blue Jay asked, "Or is it something else?"

"Incomparably pure soul, I don't see any 'evil' in it." Zhang Derui said the reason why he didn't want to fight, "This is the ability of our clan to see a person's true nature."

Speaking of this, Zhang Derui hesitated for a while and then said: "I don't know how to describe it, but the feeling he gave feels very strange."

"Because before..." Zhang Derui sighed, "Because the new coalition government is a very clean and efficient government. Although it has only been a few short years, the quality of life of the people on this planet has indeed changed dramatically. I myself I thought this was a good thing..."

"Very bad, but very good." Zhang Derui described it this way.

"Since you have been here all along..." Blue Crow asked curiously: "Then why did you choose to resist the invasion of the Galactic Empire now?"

"It wasn't until your duel with that imperial conqueror that I realized that that was not a good thing."

"As for the conqueror of the empire, I actually saw him from a distance before. And the impression he gave me..."

"Yes." Zhang Derui nodded, "It's actually quite ironic. If my friend hadn't told me today, I wouldn't have even known that they were actually slaves of other civilizations."

"But I still remember the cause of my death. I died in a battle with the enemy race, the Maputians, and then came to this planet in this universe, until now."

"How long have you been in this universe?"

But Zhang Derui didn't stutter because of this. He was just more innocent, not cowardly.

"Your soul is very pure." Although he was moved by love, he had already decided to pursue the woman in front of him, if she didn't have a boyfriend.

"Decades ago," Zhang Derui replied, "I don't remember exactly how many years ago it was."

"I don't know what it feels like, but that's what it is."

"Really?" Blue Jay smiled after hearing his description, and then continued, "It seems that we both have quite similar views on this person."

"Yes." Zhang Derui responded, "It is precisely because of this uncertainty and the huge changes brought to the entire civilization after the empire conquered the Morn civilization and established a coalition government that I have no resistance to the empire's rule." "Even if the entire civilization lost nearly half of its population due to the empire's military operations?" Blue Jay asked.

Zhang Derui did not answer.

“Fuck, are you going to fight or not!!!?”

At this time, Wu Yun's voice also rang in the ears of the two of them. Blue Jay and Zhang Derui Fenfen looked at the position of the sound, but it was not Wu Yun, but an unmanned aerial vehicle with a loudspeaker strapped to it. machine.

Wu Yun's voice came from here.

"We made an agreement!! You have to help me get rid of him!!!"

"What's the hurry?" Blue Crow glanced at Wu Yun's incarnation, the drone with a loudspeaker attached, and said.

"You and him are..." When he saw the familiar look of Blue Jay talking to the conqueror, Zhang Derui's heart, which was beating so fast, felt as if it was being grabbed by someone, and it stagnated for an instant.

"He and I are enemies." Turning back to look at Zhang Derui, Blue Crow said, "But currently it is a cooperative relationship. In the future, we may be comrades-in-arms."

"What's wrong?" Seeing the hesitant expression of the man in front of him, Blue Jay raised his eyebrows, "Did you want to ask me if he and I are a couple?"

Extraordinary individuals in this universe are generally very bold and straightforward, and rarely hold back when it comes to emotional issues.

After all, for an extraordinary individual, being subtle doesn't mean much. Because even if you don't say it, when others see it, they will immediately know that you are interested in him/her.

Just like now, both Blue Crow and Wu Yun instantly saw Zhang Derui's affection for Blue Crow.

"Uh, ah...? I, uh, I..."

No matter how bold he is, Zhang Derui is not a native of this universe after all. Compared with the people here, he can only be classified as timid and shy.

"Haha, you want to pick her up?" At this time, Wu Yun's voice sounded from the loudspeaker again, with a bit of joking in his tone, "You damn virgin, I can tell you are a damn virgin just by looking at it. ”

"No, I just want to protect the place where I live, protect me..." Zhang Derui, whose weak point was suddenly hit, began to explain in a panic, but before he could say a few more words, Wu Yun's voice sounded again. :
"So you like her? Right?"


Silence, silence is the space at this time.

"Pfft hahahahahahaha! Silly! Don't you just want to pick her up? Do you think she and I can't tell? Hahaha! You fellow from another world, you are so stupid!!!"

The silence lasted for fifteen seconds, and then was broken by Wu Yun's unbridled laughter from the loudspeaker.

Not only Wu Yun couldn't hold back, but even Blue Jay couldn't hold back either. Although she was more capable and didn't laugh out loud, you could tell from her face that she was feeling very uncomfortable holding it in.

Poor Zhang Derui, a foreigner, still suffered the disadvantage of not knowing the characteristics of the extraordinary natives of this universe.

"Ms. Blue Jay, can I get to know you?" Seeing that certain things could no longer be concealed, Zhang Derui simply gave up. Then he looked at Blue Jay, his eyes becoming solemn.

(End of this chapter)

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