Give them a little funny shock

Chapter 411 507 Clown

Chapter 411 507 Clown ()

Blue Jay just watched the beam of light blast towards herself and towards Zhang Derui beside her.

Time became extremely slow at this moment, so slow that it even made this Heaven and Earth Killing Cannon move into slow motion.

This was a very short, but very long moment. It was so short that Zhang Derui’s mouth was still in the process of pronouncing a word, and so long that the blue jay could even see that the basic particles in the surrounding space were affected by the high intensity of the attack. Energy and extremely fast movement in slow motion.

In such a short moment, many memories flashed through Blue Jay's mind, and she remembered many things. These memories flashed through her mind one by one, allowing her to relive her past life.

Then, when she was preparing to face the final journey of her life, Blue Jay also clearly saw that the energy just rubbed between her and Zhang Derui, and flew past their faces.

Submerged into the cosmic space behind the two of them, and then...



A huge question mark appeared above the blue jay in the deep sky, and the flow of time returned to normal at this moment.

But he also noticed Blue Jay's face and saw the question mark above her head.

But in the end of the things he did, after the protagonist group worked hard to stop him, they would often find that Wu He's choice was actually the right one.

"Why do you do bad things?"

When asked why they do bad things, different people often have different answers.

Of course, this answer is compared to someone like Wu He.

It is true that he did many things in the story that the protagonist group could not accept: a lot of killing, conquest, and destruction.

Of course, this is mainly because Wu He's popularity is one of the highest in the comic "Heroes of the Wasteland".

Zhang Derui did not realize that in the gap between the words he spoke, Blue Jay experienced what he wrote and what he saw.

"Think carefully about what is good and what is evil... Not all good deeds will produce good results, and not all evil is what you see on the surface..."

Wu He's status in the comic "Heroes of the Wasteland" is very special. He is the world's number one killer, the brother of Wu Yun, who is born bad and extremely bad.

But he really can't be considered a bad person, even in the era of the Human Empire before entering the wasteland era.

But because it was too popular, this initial setting was naturally abandoned.

There was another question mark above her head.


Although cruel, this was indeed the best solution to the situation at the time.

At the very beginning, the author actually wanted to set him up as a doting younger brother who is also pure and evil, the best master in the world, and the ultimate villain of the story.


If it were Wu Yun's brother Wu He, then his answer would probably be like this:
"How do you define the so-called "bad thing"? Or, why do you think what I do is a bad thing? Or do you think that everything I do will only bring harm to everyone in this world and our civilization? Cause huge pain in the future?”

What exactly is that?
After looking there for a while, she withdrew her gaze and turned her gaze to Wu Yun's expedition ship in the distance, a huge battleship with a red light from the muzzle of its head.

At this time, the Blue Jay was looking at the position where the Heaven and Earth Killing Cannon disappeared. She was sure that it had definitely hit something.

As for Wu He's younger brother Wu Yun, although he is also extremely popular, Wu Yun is probably the purest bad guy in this comic.

If you want to ask him, "Why do you do bad things?", then his answer will be very concise and concise:

There is no white, only black, and there is no need to whiten it. It can only be said that Wu Yun's "setting" is indeed a pretty good idea. After all, the character was conceived by the author after Wu He.

Without changing his bad-species setting, he can be active in the comics for a long time. As an absolutely "cold and ruthless" bad-species, he won't be disliked by too many people.

Although Wu Yun was originally designed to be thrown away after use.

All I can say is that this is what comics are like, especially comics that have been serialized for a long time.

Wu Yun, the ultimate bad guy, always has one and only one reason for doing bad things...well, actually there is more than one, but indeed, many times he has only one reason for doing bad things, and that is——


Of course, Wu Yun's treacherous and animal behavior at this moment was not just for fun, but involved something more and deeper.

But this is not important, because at this time Wu Yun is looking at the screen in front of him blankly, looking at the two unharmed people on the screen, looking at the blue jay, and looking at Zhang Derui.

The snot flowing out of his nose fell to the ground, and his eyes were almost as big as his head.

But the second before he made this expression, the expression on his face was not like this.

"Hahaha!!! Fucking beast, you and that little bastard say goodbye to this world!!!!"

"Heaven and Earth Killing Cannon!!!! You will die! Kill me!!!!"

In such a crazy, arrogant, dog-power, man-dog, power... Well, in short, in this tone, Wu Yun pressed the big red button on the operation panel in front of him.

The operation method of the Conqueror Expedition Ship is very simple. With the assistance of super AI, you can perfectly operate this behemoth, this cutting-edge murder weapon, even if you call a monkey.

Even if you are Wu Yun...ahem.

All in all, after such a shot, such a confident killing blow, Wu Yun found that his attack failed.

Not only did it fail, but it even disappeared without any news.

Therefore, this is Wu Yun's expression at this time.


Looking at the screen in front of him, Wu Yun stuttered and trembled.


"Where's my cannon????"

"Where's my cannon!!???"

At the same time, outside the battleship, in the deep space, Blue Jay and Zhang Derui were located.

When a broken body flew out from the gap in the space and floated in front of the blue jay, looking at the shocked look on the corpse's face, the blue jay finally understood.

After looking at the corpse in front of her for seconds, her eyes turned to the other side again, to the location of the Wuyun battleship.

Only this time, when she looked at Wu Yun, the expression on her face was different.


"You really……?"

Although they were not face to face, Wu Yun still felt a chill running down his spine when he met the eyes of the blue jay on the screen.

(End of this chapter)

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