Give them a little funny shock

Chapter 421 517 I am surrounded by beauties!

Chapter 421 517 I am surrounded by beauties! (Part )

As the instigator of all this, Cui Ge obviously also knew about this matter.

He also knew very well what Liu Chongyu's reaction would be if he came here, knew the situation here, and saw the video of Wu Yun carrying Lan Ya to the medical room.

It will be a bloody storm, not targeting Wu Yun, but Lan Ya.

Indeed, Yu Ren would not care how many other lovers his lover has besides himself. This is also an important reason why they are "popular", after all, the members of the harem are holy bodies.

Being absolutely loyal to one's spouse and not caring about other female confidantes of one's spouse is a setting that can only be found in harem online novels.

However, not caring after marriage does not mean that you did not care before marriage. And not taking action against your lover does not mean that you will not take action against your lover's lover.

Even if they are not married, generally speaking, if they encounter this kind of relationship and the Yu Ren has not yet confirmed the relationship with the object and is only in a state of liking the other person, then the Yu Ren may choose to end this relationship directly.

But if she has already "determined" someone, like Lan Ya is with Wu Yun and wants him for her whole life, but the other party is not interested in her, then she will most likely kill him.

Because in this case, Blue Jay is an opponent, a love rival, and an absolute enemy.

Trager knew that, but that was all he wanted to see.

As a veteran audience of emotional dramas, Cui Ge loves this kind of emotional drama very much. This is definitely the most interesting part.

However, this matter is not important, because there are more important things to do at the moment, and that is to beat Wu Yun... no, train Wu Yun.

Teaching new conquerors is also one of his important duties as a ninth-level conqueror and the Empire's Nine Heavenly Generals, so he had to taste it.

Cui Ge’s surname is Cui. He is not very old, only about seventy years older than Wu Yun, which is the same age as Wu Yun in this world.

His parents did not join the army, they were both civilian warriors, but they were quite powerful, comparable to colonels in the army, that is, third-level conquerors.

At the same time, his parents were staunch anti-war activists in the empire.

Growing up in such a family, Trager, like his parents, was not interested in war, but he did not resist it as resolutely as his parents.

Also, although his parents are pro-war, they are not anti-war, one is a pro-war and the other is a pro-combat.

Because he opposed unjust wars but not fighting, Trigg's growth period was no different from that of other Earth children.

The only difference is that his strength is a little too strong.

At the age of nine, Cui Ge's strength had reached the standard of a first-level conqueror, and after that, he rapidly improved at the rate of one level per year.

Just like what happens in many Earth families:
When Traeger was twelve, the same thing happened in his family.

During a family civil war, Trager accidentally killed his father.

And the following year, he accidentally killed his mother.

Once the earthlings enter a combat state, it will be difficult for them to control the urge to kill their opponents, not to mention if they get too excited.

Deaths from blood feuds are a common accident on Earth, so common that they don't even make the news.

Although the empire has been promoting the slogan "Don't kill in a fight, just surrender when you are sure to lose", it is obvious that the effect of this series of propaganda is not very good.

Countless people still die every year on earth, and countless families are broken up every year.

Only those hearts that are completely closed and no longer have any fluctuations after being broken every year are still increasing.

Fortunately, as a traditional earthling with weak emotions, Trigger was not too sad. He was very calm about the death of his parents. His father and mother both died as warriors, dying in battle, which was the most glorious death for earthlings.

He should not feel sad about it, on the contrary, he should even be happy about it.

Moreover, they died at the hands of their extremely powerful sons. As their descendants, I used my lives to prove that I was far superior to them.

This is definitely something that should make Trager proud.

Fighting is cruel and failure will lead to death. Most people on earth are aware of this.

Even if the person you killed was your lover or blood relative who you lived with day and night.

The people on Earth are emotionally indifferent." Others think so, and the people on Earth think so too.

Those were the only two times that Trager had accidentally killed an opponent in combat, killing an enemy without intending to.

From then on, Trager never accidentally killed anyone again, whether enemy or friend.

After graduating from high school at the age of seventeen, Trager did not go to college but chose to join the army directly.

This is certainly not because Cui Ge’s academic performance is not ideal... Well, well, Cui Ge’s academic performance is indeed not ideal.

As soon as he entered the army, he was promoted to the rank of major, the same as Wu Yun.

But unlike Wu Yun, Wu Yun was still a major one year after joining the army, while Cui Ge was already a lieutenant general at the same time.

At the age of twenty-three, Traeger became the youngest admiral in the history of the Galactic Empire; at the age of twenty-five, Traeger became the Nine-Heavenly General of the Galactic Empire.

At the age of thirty-five, Traeger began his "era of dominance".

Since he was thirty-five years old, Traeger has fought in more than 10,000 battles and never lost a single one. In the martial arts world, Traeger is the absolute top and deserves it.

"Fighting God".

Of course, this title no longer belongs to him now. Wu Wudi is now the God of Fighting, the pinnacle of martial arts, and the strongest in the advanced empire.

Before Cui Ge became the God of Fighting, when he was attacking the Nine Heavenly Generals, his target of challenge was Wu Wudi.

Wu Wudi is also a genius-level warrior, and his experience is also very legendary, far more legendary than Cui Ge's, but this is not important now.

The two can be said to be old rivals, Wu Wudi and Cui Ge, but the relationship between the two is good, because Wu Wudi and Cui Ge are both senior lovers of emotional dramas...

Well, this type of hobby is actually rare among the Nine Heavenly Generals, there are only two of them.

Even if we expand it to the entire Galactic Empire military system, people who have such a hobby are definitely a minority among the minority.

"Although I am not your superior, as your senior, I feel that it is time to test your combat skills as a conqueror."

When Wu Yun returned to the combat command room from the medical room, as soon as he entered the door, Cui Ge's voice rang in his ears.


Wu Yun was confused.

(End of this chapter)

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