Give them a little funny shock

Chapter 427 523 Song of Conquest and Burning

Chapter 427 523 Song of Conquest and Burning (Part )
Hearing the strange voice, Naldic suddenly raised his head and looked in the direction of the sound.

But there, he could see nothing.

To be more precise, he could actually see an outline, an outline that seemed to be missing from this world.

It has a human shape but no human face. It can be seen but you feel that it does not exist.

The moment this thing appeared, Naldic realized that he and Ralph might have encountered something extraordinary.

That was a target far beyond the capabilities of young boys and girls like them, and was a warrior that could probably only be matched by the strongest warriors in the most powerful tribe nearby.

And this "shadow" has now appeared in front of them.

Yes, the person who came was Wu Yun, one of the strongest fighters in this star zone.

He came here specifically to bully the weak ones.

Although the name is "advanced warrior", in fact this kind of warrior is the most ordinary soldier in the Galactic Empire, and cannot even be considered a soldier of extraordinary standards.

Indeed, in some civilizations, Malgard, who had been killed by these two natives, could indeed be called a "superhuman".

But the Galactic Empire is a relatively strict place. In this empire full of powerful people, warriors like Malgard cannot be counted as "extraordinary soldiers."

They are not even qualified to join the Empire's seventy-two legions. They are just soldiers from some of the weaker member states of the Galactic Empire and can be regarded as auxiliary soldiers.

They are decent warriors, but they lack discipline and have various problems, so the Empire will not require them to go out with the Empire's legions.

However, participating in the war is an honor in the Galactic Empire, and for these weak member states, it can also bring them huge benefits.

Therefore, even if the empire does not require it, every time a legion goes out, there will still be a large number of auxiliary troops who provide their own dry food and logistics to follow the imperial legion.

Malgard is a "senior warrior" in such an "Imperial Auxiliary Legion."

There is no title of "senior soldier" in the regular army of the Empire. There are only titles or ranks such as Private First Class, Private Second Class, Private Third Class, Corporal, Sergeant, and Staff Sergeant.

Wu Yun didn't care about his death, because he just happened to come to this planet to laze around and happened to see such a scene.

Yes, even on the front line, no, it should be: on the front line you have to be lazy and cunning, otherwise if you work too hard you will die.

Of course, he would still complete the tasks given by his superiors, because the army is a very strict place and there would be punishment for failure to complete the tasks.

But fortunately, the orders given by the superiors so far were still simple. After completing those orders, he could continue to run around.

If he does not run, he may be harassed by his colleagues for various reasons, usually in combat.

He didn't want to be beaten to death because two of his colleagues were not actually from Earth, even though their names were the same as those of Earthlings.

So, Wu Yun, who ran here, encountered such a scene on this planet that was not highly valued by the imperial army.

The Imperial Legion does not undertake any military operations against this planet, in fact it is ignored by the Imperial military as having no value.

The military operations in this star zone are under the charge of the 27th Legion of the Empire, which has a force of 20 million people, and the remaining 100 million people are auxiliary troops from other member states.

Because of the current war situation, these auxiliary corps have now been incorporated into the Empire's military operations system, with the Empire providing some logistical and equipment support.

Although the help it provided to the battle situation was just a drop in the bucket, it was better than nothing at all.

"A nice little girl. How old are you this year?"

When Naldic was still staring at Wu Yun's previous position with a nervous look on his face, Wu Yun had already arrived in front of him. He smiled at the unconscious girl on the ground, patted the shoulder of the boy next to him, and asked.

It was only then that Naldic reacted. He turned around abruptly, looked at Wu Yun with horror, and subconsciously wanted to stab him with the long knife he had pulled out from Malgard's head.

But before he was "subconsciously" about to do something, Wu Yun's attack had already arrived.

When it comes to bullying weak opponents, Wu Yun is a professional. There is probably no one more professional than him in the entire Galactic Empire.

Wu Yun did not kill him, because he had finally found such a fun thing on the boring front line, and he didn't want it to end like this.

So he began to tease, insult and torture the other person.

He appeared beside Naldic again and again, and disappeared again and again.

He came to the girl on the ground again and again, stretched out his hand and wanted to do something bad to her, but stopped when Naldic roared and his eyes were red with anger.

"Hahaha, hehe." Looking at Naldic's crazy look, Wu Yun laughed unscrupulously:
“Haha, fucking boy, how do you feel now, how do you feel!??”

"Today, you and your girlfriend will be tortured, insulted, and...died by me! Die!!!"

Of course, this does not include infringement, because although Wu Yun is a beast among beasts, he would not do such a thing, whether to a woman or a man.

Of course this doesn't mean that he is so kind, or that he still has a trace of conscience. It's simply because he is too lazy to do such a thing.

Compared to Rep, he still prefers the other party to serve him wholeheartedly, with great flattery and humility.

Like... uh, ahem.

"Have you had enough fun?"

"Hahaha, of course not... huh!?!"

When another voice sounded in Wu Yun's ears, he didn't react at first and answered subconsciously.

Until he suddenly realized: he seemed to be somewhat familiar with the owner of that voice.

So, he turned his head suddenly and saw a face that he could never forget even though he hadn't seen it for nearly ten years.

Of course not because of love.

That person was exactly the same person he met when he was on a mission in the Moen civilization nearly ten years ago, and when he first went on a mission more than ten years ago.

Blue Jay.

I haven't seen her for many years, and she seems to be more charming than ever... Uh, well no, she just changed her clothes.

For these immortal species, there would be no change in her appearance between her one hundred thousand years ago and her one hundred thousand years later.

They may not even change their clothes or hairstyle.

But Blue Jay changed his clothes.

Pretty sexy.

(End of this chapter)

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