Give them a little funny shock

Chapter 438 534 Another time traveler?

Chapter 438 534 Another time traveler? (I)

"Now we are the only two left on this planet."

When Wu Yun told Alleifen about this, the latter looked very confused, because he didn't understand what Wu Yun meant.


Allifen looked at Wu Yun and scratched his head.

"Forget it. I see your brain isn't working well." Seeing that the other party didn't realize what he was saying, Wu Yun had no intention of explaining to him. He waved his hand:
"It's okay. You don't need to care about these things. We will never see each other again."

After saying that, Wu Yun took off into the air and soon disappeared from Allifen's sight.

He could have teleported directly and disappeared in front of Allifen, but he chose not to do so. Instead, he flew into space and then activated the teleportation to return to his mothership.

As for the reason for doing this, it is actually very simple, he just wants to show off.

It's that simple.

Wu Yun’s battleship is not here. He came to this galaxy on someone else’s ship.

Outside this star system, approximately in the center of the fifteen nearby star systems, there is a huge mothership. It is the Empire's large transport ship, responsible for transporting soldiers who are performing military missions in this area.

His destination is here, this mothership.

However, when he arrived at the mothership, he suddenly felt something was wrong because there was no one on the huge mothership platform.

Not only were there no people, there was no trace of any machines either.

He couldn't even sense the presence of the AI ​​on this mothership, although he had no impression of it. It was probably not an AI with self-awareness, but just a simple supercomputer.

At this time, Wu Yun had not yet used his detection ability to scan the surroundings, because just when a question mark appeared on his head, a person suddenly appeared in his sight.

It was very abrupt, because this person was clearly not here before.

Male, it should be male.

The man stood there straight, not moving at all.

He was very tall, wearing a well-tailored black suit and a fur coat, with a black and white plaid scarf around his neck. He was dressed very decently.

If you didn't look at his face, you might think he was a very sophisticated gentleman. But the presence of a gentleman on this warship was already very unusual.

Not to mention, this guy's face is even more abnormal.

It was a skeleton, still covered in red flesh and blood, as if it had just been peeled off from a person's body.

However, such a scene could not scare Wu Yun. Although Wu Yun rarely did such extremely bloody things, it was just because he rarely did it, which did not mean he had never done it.

After all, this guy usually enjoys killing people, although his methods of killing are not so fancy. At most, he would open a can for the other party, or directly take off the head and kick it like a ball.

As for stripping the opponent's flesh from his skeleton? He obviously didn't have that much free time. But he had definitely done things that were bloodier and crueler than this. In other words, physical torture was just a small matter. Mental torture was the most painful and unbearable.

In this game, the Skeleton just looked at Wu Yun quietly, until he realized that Wu Yun was looking at him.

The man and the skeleton stared at each other. There was no fear on Wu Yun's face, and the skeleton also did not show any emotion under his two deep, dark eye sockets.

After the two sides stared at each other for about ten seconds, the silence was broken by Wu Yun:
"Who the hell are you?"

When they met, they exchanged a set of elegant and easy-going greetings, which was Wu Yun's standard practice. After he said this, he also sensed a smell in the air around him, a smell of blood.

He was not familiar with this smell, because since he came to this universe, he rarely had the opportunity to kill people in the street. As a conqueror, he had to deal with the people of an entire star system at once, so naturally he had to be as efficient as possible.

Cruising at sub-light speed in the planet's atmosphere, it can turn large areas into wasteland in a very short time. This is much faster than killing them one by one.

Of course, he can also use his unique skills: releasing countless light balls or light beams from his palms, instantly rushing towards all life on the planet, killing them one by one, or killing half of them.

Of course, how many people will die depends mainly on the opponent's luck.

According to the standards of other conquerors, Wu Yun usually kills half of them directly, of course, sometimes he kills more. Even if Wu Yun himself did not intend to kill so many, this may be due to killing two birds with one stone.

Facing Wu Yun's insults, the skeleton did not say anything, but just continued to look at Wu Yun quietly.

His deep, dark eye sockets seemed to contain some kind of magic. When you stare at it for a long time, you will fall into a strange state and see things that you couldn't see before.

Of course, this obviously doesn't work for Wu Yun.

'boom--! ’

In an instant, flames covered the entire hall, which covered an area of ​​5,000 square meters and was empty.

This is an extremely huge mothership, but don’t be fooled by its large appearance. In fact, its technological content is very low and its cost is also very cheap.

Of course, the defensive performance is almost non-existent. It is not to say that it is non-existent, but it is not suitable for use in the front-line battlefield of the Galactic Empire, because in that battlefield, almost any weapon on the warship can easily penetrate the armor of this mothership.

Moreover, it cannot cope with many relatively harsh cosmic environments. If it travels through or even jumps through those environments, it will be very likely to be damaged.

Hyperspace jumping is not an easy thing. In the hyperspace channel, there are easy and difficult paths, fast paths and slow paths.


The flames covered everything and devoured everything, including the elegantly dressed gentleman skeleton. When the flames dissipated, there was nothing left in front of Wu Yun.

As for the skeleton, it had already been burned to ashes in the previous fire, and Wu Yun witnessed its destruction with his own eyes.

"Why are you pretending to be so cool, you useless thing." Looking at the place where the skeleton disappeared, Wu Yun curled his lips in disdain and said sarcastically: "With a thing of this level, you still want to go against me?"

There is nothing wrong with what he said. This area is not a place where a level 4 conqueror like him should come, because his combat power level is far higher than here.

(End of this chapter)

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