Give them a little funny shock

Chapter 44 Are you really running away?

Chapter 44 Are you really running away? (two)
  When he saw such a scene, he was suddenly stunned. Facing Wu Yun's inquiry, he nodded subconsciously, and when he came to his senses the next second and realized that something was wrong, Wu Yun's figure had disappeared in front of him.


Looking in the direction of Zhengjia Village, the young man raised his hand and opened his mouth as soon as he shouted a word before he stopped abruptly. Then, there was a long silence on his part.

This place was not far from Zhengjiazhuang, so he soon saw the smoke rising from the village, and the residents of the village shouting in terror. Just after he was stunned for about thirty seconds.

Then, the boy who realized something didn't even care about his backpack or the ax on the ground. He picked up his legs and started running in the direction of Zhuangzi.

But before he ran a step or two, he felt as if he was standing still. When he lowered his head and looked, he found that his feet had also left the ground and were in mid-air.

"It's okay. Brother Yun went to help you kill your enemy."

The person who lifted the boy up was Sun Yunguang. She looked at the boy who was still running with his feet off the ground and said softly. Then, Sun Yunguang gently put him back on the ground, looked at the young man with a look of fear on his face, and showed a kind smile, "Don't worry, he won't kill innocent people indiscriminately."


Si Xianghui actually wanted to complain when he heard this, but he held it back in the end. He just nodded in agreement.

Wu Yun really doesn't like people who "kill innocent people indiscriminately" because he himself said so: he is a professional killer with extremely excellent professionalism and will always focus on the mission goal when performing tasks.

At this time, the young man turned his attention to several of Wu Yun's teammates. He first looked at Sun Yunguang, and then at Si Xianghui who saw him looking at him, smiled at him, and raised his hand to say hello.

Finally, he glanced at Nauka, who was still tinkering with Si Xianghui's Type 35 pistol and not paying attention to what was going on here.

Until this moment, his face showed an expression that Si Xianghui thought was very suitable for the current situation and the expression that a child of his age should have when facing this situation:


"You, you guys, what do you want to do?"

The young man was really a little scared this time, and his voice stammered in fear. It was obvious that he was still talking back to the person he should be afraid of the most, and he was not even afraid of the other person's death threats. But now, after that person left, he started to be afraid and started to behave like a normal country boy.

And all of his emotions, whether they were during the previous dispute with Wu Yun or now after seeing Sun Yunguang and the others, were all real. Authentic and heartfelt.

"We are waiting for Brother Yun to bring your enemy's head back to you." Si Xianghui also spoke at this time. He thought that his affinity for children should be higher than what seemed normal but in fact was not normal at all. Sun Yunguang Gao.

He walked towards the young man with a kind look on his face and patted him gently on the shoulder.

"It's okay, we don't have any ill intentions. No, we are willing to help you kill your enemies for a few cakes. Isn't that good? I think it's pretty good." At this point, Si Xianghui paused first Next, a kind smile appeared on his face:

"Just be at ease."

  Zhengjiazhuang, Zhengjiawu Fort.

This is a building with obvious military style, with front and rear doors, a watchtower built inside the dock, and turrets built at the four corners, slightly like a city system.

Its walls are very thick, more than three meters thick, and there are ballistas on the walls, which are patrolled and guarded 24 hours a day.

But now, no one can be seen on the wall of Zhengjiawu Fort, because the front wall of Wubao has disappeared, revealing a huge gap. In the courtyard inside Wubao, a man stood in the middle of the courtyard. After looking around, he placed his hands on his hips with satisfaction and nodded.

There were corpses everywhere in the yard, including in the house. Those who survived were hiding in the corner, hugging each other and shivering. Wu Yun ignored these people because they were all slaves of the Zheng family. There was no blood relationship between these people and the dead Zheng family. Although not all of them were gone, it didn't matter.

As a professional killer, Wu Yun is very professional and will not deliberately touch people who have nothing to do with the mission.

However, after admiring his masterpiece for a while, he still looked at the Zheng family maids closest to him who were hugging each other and huddled there, and said:

"You guys, let go."

"Ah! Ah -!!" Several maids were trembling with fear, screaming in fear, but they still hugged each other tightly, but they had no intention of following Wu Yun's request. .

Seeing that these maids were so uncooperative, Wu Yun said nothing. He just raised his hand and stretched out a finger, and then the fingertips began to shine.


When the energy gathered at the fingertips and the light was strong, the maids who were hugging each other finally collapsed, screaming and letting go of each other, no longer huddled in a group, and exposed the maids who had been tightly helping each other before. one person.

A young child, about 11 or 12 years old, with a very pretty face.

"Huh." Seeing this child who had strong fear on his face, but more of it was hatred, Wu Yun snorted coldly, but the light on his fingertips slowly dimmed.

He took back his hand, looked at the two remaining bloodlines of the Zheng family, and said, "Forget it, run away, I won't kill children."

Hearing Wu Yun's words, this one of the remaining blood members of the Zheng family was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Wu Yun in disbelief.

But when he saw that Wu Yundu had turned his back and no longer looked at him, he gritted his teeth first, and then stepped up his trembling legs, with infinite desire for life in his heart, and opened a big hole towards the He ran past the gap outside the Wubao.

However, before he could run out a few steps, he suddenly heard a familiar voice again, and that voice was filled with incomparable banter:
  "Huh? Are you really running away?"


A thin beam of light shot out from the Wubao, hitting the head of a young man in Zhuangzi who was standing a few hundred meters away from the Wubao, reaching his head to see what was going on inside, knocking him upside down.

Then, he covered his forehead and rolled on the ground in pain.

"Ouch, ouch, kill me, kill me -!"


After doing all this, Wu Yun took back his hand with a smile, flicked his fingers in the air, and threw out a few sparks. Then, he surrendered his gaze in another direction of Wubao, where stood the last remaining bloodline of the Zheng family.

"You..." he started, but was interrupted the next moment by this dull-looking young man.

"Just kill me."

The young man said calmly.

He looked to be about fifteen or sixteen years old, and his face was extremely beautiful. He was actually much more beautiful than the trembling and discolored maids in the Wubao.

(End of this chapter)

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